加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民收入要求!!
回复: 收入要求!!每年更新
不给做广告,不知道写啥好。回复: 收入要求!!我知道每年都更新,我的意思是话,如果我2009年申请的时候只是需要5万元,到了2012年要6万元,那么我2012年的收入要保持5万,还是要6万??
回复: 收入要求!!有些人申请团聚前收入报的低,开始申请的时候收入报的高,申请完成后又变成低收入,有偷税漏税的嫌疑。政府现在改变团聚移民的政策,其中一个原因就是以前一些申请人钻空子。以后大家申请更难了,可能还要额外交几万块钱。
回复: 收入要求!!我知道每年都更新,我的意思是话,如果我2009年申请的时候只是需要5万元,到了2012年要6万元,那么我2012年的收入要保持5万,还是要6万??点击展开...你3年工作都不涨工资的吗?每年都要保证满足那一年的要求。
CEC Filed on Jul06/2009; PPR on Nov04/2009; Parent Sponsorship Filed on Jan30/2010, PPR on Nov11/2014; Spouse Sponsorship in-Canada Filed on Sep15/2015, OWP on Jan15/2016, ME Request on Apr29/2016, Sponsorship Approved on May4/2016, ME Submitted on May13/2016, DM on June20/2016, Landing on July5/2016.你3年工作都不涨工资的吗?每年都要保证满足那一年的要求。点击展开...谢谢,请问你在哪里查到的资料
回复: 收入要求!!有些人申请团聚前收入报的低,开始申请的时候收入报的高,申请完成后又变成低收入,有偷税漏税的嫌疑。政府现在改变团聚移民的政策,其中一个原因就是以前一些申请人钻空子。以后大家申请更难了,可能还要额外交几万块钱。点击展开...申请之前低是好正常,好像我之前的情况,我成日回去中国陪老婆在中国,只是工作了半年,陪他在中国半年,所以低收入, 等老婆成功来了加拿大, 然后有了孩子,又是一个人工作,等儿子大了,然后就一起去工作, 那就开始申请老婆的父母来团聚,这个时候高收入了,两个人工作, 到了孩子又大点,然后想懒一下,所以就低收入了, 根本不是偷税漏税的嫌疑。
回复: 收入要求!!谢谢,请问你在哪里查到的资料点击展开...http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/resources/manuals/bulletins/2011/ob324.aspReinterpretation of the Regulations With respect to the co-signing of a sponsorship undertaking, subsection 132(5) of the Regulations states the following: “(5) Subject to paragraph 137(c), the sponsor’s undertaking may be co-signed by the spouse or common-law partner of the sponsor if the spouse or common-law partner meets the requirements set out in subsection 130(1), except paragraph 130(1)(c), and those set out in subsection 133(1), except paragraph 133(1)(a), and, in that case, (a) the sponsor’s income shall be calculated in accordance with paragraph 134(1)(b) or (c); and (b) the co-signing spouse or common-law partner is jointly and severally or solidarily bound with the sponsor to perform the obligations in the undertaking and is jointly and severally or solidarily liable with the sponsor for any breach of those obligations.” R133(1) requires that a sponsor be in compliance with the sponsorship requirements laid out in 133(1) (a) to (k) from the day on which the application was received by CIC until the day on which a decision is made on their application.
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