加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民父母大信封收到后, 给于多长时间登陆有效 ???
谢谢 !
回复: 父母大信封收到后, 给于多长时间登陆有效 ???一般是他们收到体检结果一年内签证上面有写的,于哪年哪月哪日前入境谢谢 !点击展开...
回复: 父母大信封收到后, 给于多长时间登陆有效 ???是你体检的那天往后推一年例如:2013年5月16号体捡.登陆有效期为2014年5月16号
回复: 父母大信封收到后, 给于多长时间登陆有效 ???Thank you both! My in-laws had the M-exam done when they applied super visa last year. Now I received the letter from beijing and require the M-exam and passport, I am not sure if I should ask Beijing office to use the M-exam on file which will expire in 2 months or just have my in-laws re-do again. Sorry for not typing Chinese at work. Any thought? Thanks a lot!
回复: 父母大信封收到后, 给于多长时间登陆有效 ???ding
回复: 父母大信封收到后, 给于多长时间登陆有效 ???why not to ask. explain what you have explained to us in the email to them, let them decide you should go another medical exam or not. beijing replies email very quick.
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