加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民New Parent and Grandparent program re-opens January 2, 2014
news on CIC website today for new "parent and grandparent program" :http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/department/media/releases/2013/2013-05-10.aspNew requirements:http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/department/media/backgrounders/2013/2013-05-10b.asp
回复: New Parent and Grandparent program re-opens January 2, 2014看来是新鲜出炉的。最低收入增加30%,毛姑姑接近1万了,真不少了最低收入从1年延长到3年,这个好像大部分人都已经这样准备了收入需要提供CRA的材料,这个...有全职工作和正常收入的话应该问题不大10年担保延长到20年担保,这个太狠了。基本上父母无望领取养老金了18岁以上子女需要独立申请移民,这个大部分人也不太受影响吧2014年5000个申请,这个好像很少吧,估计很快就被抢完了. 总之,重开总是好事,条件也不是以前讨论最差的情况,但名额实在太少了啊
回复: New Parent and Grandparent program re-opens January 2, 2014的政策没说子女多少的限制,以前听说国内子女多的话,这边占少数就不能办理。
回复: New Parent and Grandparent program re-opens January 2, 2014November 5, 2011以前的依照旧政策.http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/department/media/backgrounders/2013/2013-05-10.asp Implementation, enforcement and service standards The regulatory amendments would to come into force on January 1, 2014. PGP sponsorship applications received before the pause on PGP application intake – implemented on November 5, 2011 – would be assessed based on regulations that were in force at that time. PGP sponsorship applications received as of January 2, 2014, would be assessed based on the proposed regulations.
回复: New Parent and Grandparent program re-opens January 2, 2014那2011年前,2009年11月后的case有什么新的变动吗?5000个?整得跟北京买车要摇号一样。
回复: New Parent and Grandparent program re-opens January 2, 201420年担保,包括医疗吗?
新生活,新起点,新目标,老样子回复: New Parent and Grandparent program re-opens January 2, 201420年担保和养老金有有什么关系?
回复: New Parent and Grandparent program re-opens January 2, 2014担保期间不能领养老金20年担保和养老金有有什么关系?点击展开...
回复: New Parent and Grandparent program re-opens January 2, 2014估计不提子女平衡问题是不敢得罪印度社区。
回复: New Parent and Grandparent program re-opens January 2, 2014news on CIC website today for new "parent and grandparent program" :http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/department/media/releases/2013/2013-05-10.asp New requirements:http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/department/media/backgrounders/2013/2013-05-10b.asp点击展开...http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=645887
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