加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民有没有人没交户口本的呢。 求问
回复: 有没有人没交户口本的呢。 求问The same case as my parents. I submitted their both hu kou (one for my mother and another for my father) and a letter to explain the situation that they have two properties. My parents landed already last year (March 30, 2012 received the lette to provide such info).
回复: 有没有人没交户口本的呢。 求问thank you very much, very helpful
回复: 有没有人没交户口本的呢。 求问Do I have to notarize it or certified translated. Can I use a professional engineer to prove it as true copy and true translation?
回复: 有没有人没交户口本的呢。 求问I have got the certified translation. BUt another question is if we send the original notary document (on household registry, or police) or just a copy of the notary. Because in the checklist it said only copies and they will not return the original copy if you send it. The only issue is the steel seal on the copies are not clear!! Any infor?
回复: 有没有人没交户口本的呢。 求问I have got the certified translation. BUt another question is if we send the original notary document (on household registry, or police) or just a copy of the notary. Because in the checklist it said only copies and they will not return the original copy if you send it. The only issue is the steel seal on the copies are not clear!! Any infor?点击展开...If you are ok that they do not return you the certified copy, then submit the certified copy.
回复: 有没有人没交户口本的呢。 求问清单上父母的户口本和身份证都写得是if applicable,我觉得是不是不用交?
回复: 有没有人没交户口本的呢。 求问我也想知道7楼的答案.谢谢.
回复: 有没有人没交户口本的呢。 求问我也想知道。 有没有没交。过了的
回复: 有没有人没交户口本的呢。 求问父母移民后,父母的户口本和身份证都不用交,以后回国后还需要用的。
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