加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民经历过背景调查的请进
回复: 经历过背景调查的请进现在说拒签太遥远,原则上不会因为职业而拒签,敏感职业会在第一时间列入到背景调查,而且时间会比较久!至于如何调查就不得而知了,总之只要是如实的填写资料,按照使馆的要求步骤进行就好了
上善若水 厚德载物回复: 经历过背景调查的请进you'd better add all the accurate information they need. To be honest, your father doesn't have much chance to get the visa, they may refuse by using any other excuses. For visitor visa, they may not have time to do back ground check, that costs to much time and money, if they have doubt, they will just refuse you. Anyway, you can just try it. Good luck.
回复: 经历过背景调查的请进现在说拒签太遥远,原则上不会因为职业而拒签,敏感职业会在第一时间列入到背景调查,而且时间会比较久!至于如何调查就不得而知了,总之只要是如实的填写资料,按照使馆的要求步骤进行就好了点击展开...非常感谢你的回答,祝你中秋快乐!
回复: 经历过背景调查的请进you'd better add all the accurate information they need. To be honest, your father doesn't have much chance to get the visa, they may refuse by using any other excuses. For visitor visa, they may not have time to do back ground check, that costs to much time and money, if they have doubt, they will just refuse you. Anyway, you can just try it. Good luck.点击展开...Thank you so much for your answer, I will try and update the result for his application BTW HAPPY MOON FESTIVAL !
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