加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民请教关于收入标准的问题
请有经验的人帮忙回答下面关于收入标准衡量的问题。谢谢! 移民局审批时是按照申请年的收入标准来衡量过去每年(每连续12个月)的收入情况,还是按照审批年的收入标准(这个标准在新政下会有大幅提高)来衡量? 如果中间添了一个孩子,那么审批时是按孩子出生年的n+1人收入标准来衡量,还是按照审批年的n+1人收入标准来衡量,或是按照申请年的n+1人收入标准来衡量?
回复: 请教关于收入标准的问题是啊,同样困惑的。 新政收入标准在2013年发布,但在2014年才正式实施。那么2012年的收入线与13年和14年的都是有所不同的。是否只有14年在要求收入线涨幅30%么?而之前各年是否只是追溯当年收入要求是否合格其当年的收入线呢??? 难道新政前每一年的收入要求都要把当年最低收入线上涨30%后,作为当年团聚移民收入要求线么??? ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Table 2 Low income cut-offs (1992 base) before tax (continued) Community size Rural areas outside CMA or CA1 Census Agglomeration (CA) Census Metropolitan Area (CMA) Less than 30,000 inhabitants2 Between 30,000 and 99,999 inhabitants Between 100,000 and 499,999 inhabitants 500,000 inhabitants or more Size of family unit current dollars 2010 1 person 15,583 17,729 19,375 19,496 22,637 2 persons 19,400 22,070 24,120 24,269 28,182 3 persons 23,849 27,132 29,652 29,836 34,646 4 persons 28,957 32,943 36,003 36,226 42,065 5 persons 32,842 37,363 40,833 41,086 47,710 6 persons 37,041 42,140 46,054 46,339 53,808 7 or more persons 41,240 46,916 51,274 51,591 59,907 2011 1 person 16,038 18,246 19,941 20,065 23,298 2 persons 19,966 22,714 24,824 24,978 29,0043 persons 24,545 27,924 30,517 30,707 35,657 4 persons 29,802 33,905 37,053 37,283 43,292 5 persons 33,800 38,454 42,025 42,285 49,102 6 persons 38,122 43,370 47,398 47,692 55,378 7 or more persons 42,443 48,285 52,770 53,097 61,656 http://www5.statcan.gc.ca/access_acces/alternative_alternatif.action?l=eng&loc=/pub/75f0002m/75f0002m2012002-eng.pdf&teng=Low Income Lines, 2010-2011&tfra=Les lignes de faible revenu, 2010-2011 Low Income Cut-Off (LICO) 2012Size of Family Unit Minimum necessary income1 person (the sponsor) $22,6372 persons $28,1823 persons $34,6464 persons $42,0655 persons $47,7106 persons $53,8087 persons $59,907 More than 7 persons, for each additional person, add $6,099 If you are using this kit after December 31, 2012, contact our Call Centre for revised LICO figures.
回复: 请教关于收入标准的问题己找到答案了:http://www.gazette.gc.ca/rp-pr/p1/20.../reg2-eng.htmlDescription These objectives would be achieved through the following proposed regulatory amendments.An extended sponsorship undertaking period for PGPs from 10 years to 20 years: The current sponsorship undertaking period for PGPs is 10 years. Canadian citizens and permanent residents who seek to sponsor their PGPs and their PGPs’ accompanying family members would be required to commit to a lengthened sponsorship undertaking period of 20 years. This means sponsors and co-signers (if applicable) would be responsible for repaying any provincial social assistance benefits paid to the PGP and the PGPs’ accompanying family members throughout the extended 20-year sponsorship undertaking period. Sponsors would also need to commit to continuing to be responsible for providing financial support to their PGP and their PGPs’ accompanying family members for the extended 20-year sponsorship undertaking period.An increased MNI for sponsoring PGPs equivalent to MNI plus 30%: Canadian citizens and permanent residents (including co-signers, if applicable) who seek to sponsor their PGPs and their PGPs’ accompanying family members would be required to have a total income equivalent to MNI plus 30%. This new income threshold would continue to be calculated based on the number of persons the sponsor is supporting and would be supporting — namely, the sponsor and their family members, the PGPs and their family members, and any other persons for whom the sponsor has an active undertaking. For example, under this proposed regulatory amendment, a sponsor with a spouse and two children, who wishes to sponsor two parents, would be required to meet the new income threshold (MNI plus 30%) for six people (e.g. $71,992 (see footnote 9)).A lengthened period for demonstrating the MNI from one year to three years: Canadian citizens and permanent residents who seek to sponsor their PGPs and their PGPs’ accompanying family members would be required to demonstrate that they meet the new income threshold for three consecutive tax years. This means that the sponsor and co-signer (if applicable) would have to have earned a total income equivalent to MNI plus 30% for the three consecutive tax years immediately preceding the time at which a PGP sponsorship application is submitted.Limiting evidence of income to documents issued by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA): Canadian citizens and permanent residents (including co-signers, if applicable) who seek to sponsor their PGPs and their PGPs’ accompanying family members would be required to demonstrate that they meet the new income threshold for three consecutive years using only documentation issued by the CRA. Documents other than those issued by the CRA would no longer be accepted.Submitting updated evidence of income: Canadian citizens and permanent residents (including co-signers, if applicable) who seek to sponsor foreign nationals as members of the family class would be required to submit, upon request, updated evidence of income in the following cases: (a) where the officer receives information indicating that the sponsor is no longer able to fulfill the obligations of that undertaking; or (b) where more than one year has elapsed since the time a sponsorship application was received. In these cases, an officer may request updated evidence of income at any time between these events and before a decision is made on the permanent resident application. Providing officers with the authority to request updated evidence of income would assist in ensuring that prospective sponsors continue to meet the MNI requirement from the time of receipt of the sponsorship application by CIC until the time of the determination of the permanent resident visa application. This proposed regulatory amendment would apply to all sponsors where the MNI applies. Where officers request updated income evidence, sponsors of PGPs would be required to submit updated income evidence for the three-year period preceding the day the request is made by the officer; for all other sponsorship cases where the MNI applies (e.g. orphaned relatives), sponsors would continue to be required to submit updated income evidence for the 12-month period preceding the day the request is made by the officer.Addressing technical issues in the IRPR: Technical amendments to subsection 132(2) would be made to ensure the English and French texts are harmonized. The proposed amendments would also more clearly identify the length of sponsorship undertaking periods applicable to different members of the family class in provinces that have signed agreements with the federal government with respect to sponsorship undertakings (except where the laws of that province have established a shorter sponsorship undertaking period). These amendments would reflect the change to the length of the sponsorship undertaking for PGPs and their PGPs’ dependents family members from 10 to 20 years, as well as changes to the definition of dependent child from under 22 years of age to under 19 years of age. The proposed changes to the definition of dependent child would reduce the age limit to under 19 and remove the exception for full-time students. The limitation in terms of civil status, e.g. that the child must not be a spouse or common-law partner, and the exception for older dependents unable to be financially self-supporting due to a physical or mental condition would be retained. For more information on the proposed changes to the definition of dependent child, refer to the Regulatory Impact Analysis Statement on changes to the definition of dependent child prepublished in the Canada Gazette, Part Ⅰ, in May 2013.
回复: 请教关于收入标准的问题2009年4个人收入线是多少
回复: 请教关于收入标准的问题2010和2011的表格看不太懂,横坐标表示的是什么呢?
·生活百科 添加更多太阳能 +电池
·生活百科 床冠层以减少EMR