加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民请问1344和IMM0008表的问题
请问1344表需填几份,父母一方的主申请填还是双方都需填?如双方都需填签字谁签,似乎只有Signature of sponsored person (principal applicant)。请清楚的TZ解释一下。谢谢! IMM0008表是否也是父母一方的主申请填就行了?谢谢!
回复: 请问1344和IMM0008表的问题有人了解吗?
回复: 请问1344和IMM0008表的问题父母应该每人都要填写一份的。
回复: 请问1344和IMM0008表的问题Application to Sponsor, Sponsorship Agreement and Undertaking (IMM 1344)Who must fill out this application form?This form must be completed by:the sponsor,the co-signer, if applicablethe principal applicant.Quoted from http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/guides/5196ETOC.aspSo it should be one copy required with the signatures from the sponsor, the co-signer, if applicable and the principal applicant.Pls correct me if wrong.
回复: 请问1344和IMM0008表的问题收费是:Sponsorship application (per application) $75 (担保人)Principal applicant $475 (主申请人:父亲)A family member of the principal applicant who is 22 years of age or older, or is less than 22 years of age and is a spouse or common-law partner $550 (家庭成员:母亲)所以应该是一份申请就够了。
回复: 请问1344和IMM0008表的问题Quoted from http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/guides/5196ETOC.asp#5196E2Do I need more than one application?You must complete separate applications for each person you want to sponsor. Each application may include that person’s family members.看到这个要求,我也糊涂了,看起来似乎要求父亲作为主申请人一份材料,母亲作为做主申请入一份?
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