加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民IMM0008 DEP & IMM5406 additional family info
Sorry, I cannot type in Chinese as I am at work. I sponsor my Mom and Dad. I am not sure if My Dad needs to fill out IMM 0008 Dep because my Dad's information has been filled out in the Form of IMM0008. For the Form IMM5406 (Additional family information), does each of my Mom, Dad, my sister and myself(sponsor) needs to fill out this form. Thank you for the help!
回复: IMM0008 DEP & IMM5406 additional family infoI only filled im0008. for imm5406, I did one for mom , one for Dad. not for me and my siblings
回复: IMM0008 DEP & IMM5406 additional family infoSorry, I cannot type in Chinese as I am at work. I sponsor my Mom and Dad. I am not sure if My Dad needs to fill out IMM 0008 Dep because my Dad's information has been filled out in the Form of IMM0008. For the Form IMM5406 (Additional family information), does each of my Mom, Dad, my sister and myself(sponsor) needs to fill out this form. Thank you for the help!点击展开...如果你的兄弟姐妹在18岁以上,22岁以下,他们也需要每人填一个。
回复: IMM0008 DEP & IMM5406 additional family infoIMM0008 - your mum and dad (if you don't have brother or sister)IMM5406 - your mum and dad (if you don't have brother or sister)
回复: IMM0008 DEP & IMM5406 additional family infoIMM0008 - your mum and dad (if you don't have brother or sister)IMM5406 - your mum and dad (if you don't have brother or sister)点击展开... Generic Application Form for Canada (IMM 0008) Who must fill out this application form? This form must be completed by:You, the principal applicant.so, just your dad should use this form. Additional Family Information (IMM 5406) Who needs to fill out this application form? This form must be completed by:You, as the principal applicant,Your spouse or common-law partner (whether accompanying you to Canada or not), andYour dependent children aged 18 or over (whether accompanying you to Canada or not).so, your dad, dad 's spouse (your mom)should use the form.
回复: IMM0008 DEP & IMM5406 additional family infoThank you for all the responses!But I am still confused a little. I have two adult sisters (over age 22). do they need to fill out IMM 5406 (additional family info) individually. I kind understand that my Mom and Dad need to fill out IMM5406 individually, Please confirm. Is IMM0008DEP for the individuals whoever will accompany my parents to canada? If only my Mom and Dad come to Canada, I do not need to fill out IMM0008 DEP, Please confirm. Tried to phone, but failed.worry about how soon this 5000 will be filled?
回复: IMM0008 DEP & IMM5406 additional family infoGeneric Application Form for Canada (IMM 0008) Who must fill out this application form? This form must be completed by:You, the principal applicant.so, just your dad should use this form. Additional Family Information (IMM 5406) Who needs to fill out this application form? This form must be completed by:You, as the principal applicant,Your spouse or common-law partner (whether accompanying you to Canada or not), andYour dependent children aged 18 or over (whether accompanying you to Canada or not).so, your dad, dad 's spouse (your mom)should use the form.点击展开...My apologize. you are right. I though 008 is Schedule A.
回复: IMM0008 DEP & IMM5406 additional family infoThank you for all the responses!But I am still confused a little. I have two adult sisters (over age 22). do they need to fill out IMM 5406 (additional family info) individually. I kind understand that my Mom and Dad need to fill out IMM5406 individually, Please confirm. Is IMM0008DEP for the individuals whoever will accompany my parents to canada? If only my Mom and Dad come to Canada, I do not need to fill out IMM0008 DEP, Please confirm. Tried to phone, but failed.worry about how soon this 5000 will be filled?点击展开...Additional Family Information (IMM 5406)Who needs to fill out this application form?This form must be completed by:You, as the principal applicant,Your spouse or common-law partner (whether accompanying you to Canada or not), andYour dependent children aged 18 or over (whether accompanying you to Canada or not).so your sisters and brothers should fill form 5406IMM0008Dependant(s)You, the principal applicant must answer each question on behalf of each of your dependant(s).Note: Remember that all questions in this section are about your dependant.You can add up to five (5) dependants in this form.To add a new dependant to the application, click the “Add Dependant” button, located at the bottom of the page.To remove a dependant from the application, click the “Remove Dependant” button.If you have more than five (5) family members, you must complete the Additional Dependants/Declaration (IMM 0008DEP) (PDF, 472 KB) form for each additional family member in order to include everyone in your application.NoteImportantYou must list all family members in your application for permanent residence, whether they are accompanying you to Canada or not. You must also provide details on family members whose location is unknown (including those missing or presumed dead). If you don’t, you will not be able to sponsor family members at a later date if they are not listed on your application.(no need for IMM0008dep, if less than 5 dependents)
回复: IMM0008 DEP & IMM5406 additional family info看清楚啦,是DEPENDENT CHILDREN,GUIDE里面有写得很清楚谁才是DEPENDENT CHILDREN,一共有3钟,TYPE A是没超过22岁的单身子女,TYPE B是22岁之前已经在FULL TIME学校就读,并且现在还是在读,TYPE C是超过22岁的UNDER MEDICAL CONDITION的子女。你的姐姐超过22岁了吧?没有UNDER MEDICAL CONDITION,不需要你父母经济支持的吧?那就不需要填写她们的信息,因为她们根本不QUALIFY通过FAMILY SPONSOR移民过来加拿大,不管她们想不想过来
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