加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民2014申请父母移民被退回来了??


刚在Rolia看到这个帖子,什么情况?? 好奇怪啊,申请父母移民被退回来了,说我不满足两个条件,是the ninth set of ministerial instructions, and regulation 10 of IRPA, 请明白的帮忙解释一下,我该如何修改呢?谢谢 -sszymmh(我有两个小袋鼠); 1.13 18:14 (#8552861@0) reply more 请问你是申请14年的吗?如果是的话,这么快就开始处理了? -jennyjiang(小蜜蜂); 1.13 20:51 (#8553032@0) reply more你交早了?? -dandanpapa(爬爬); 09:06 (#8553466@0) reply more我是1月2日交的阿 -sszymmh(我有两个小袋鼠); 09:22 (#8553483@0) reply more帮你看了下(虽然我父母已经来了,但很理解你的心情)。the ninth set of ministerial instructions 在这里http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/department/mi/#mi9, 根据这个解释,你应该是超过了5000内的名额。然后根据IPRA 10的条款,在这里 -aikerl(aaa); 09:34 (214 bytes. #8553499@0) more不会吧,真的是今年交的?这么快就处理了,楼主能再详细说一下,你是收到他们的Email回复还是整个材料都退回来了,照楼上的解释,那3号以后交的不更没戏了,可是昨天qq群里看cic还在收啊, -jennyjiang(小蜜蜂); 09:42 (#8553504@0) reply more应该不是超过5000了, 可能是你的申请不合乎application kit的要求或者不complete. 他们真的说你不满足那两个条件? 那两个东西不像是条件,而是他们处理的依据. 原文怎么说的? 要求你改了以后重交吗? -aiwowo(艾窝窝); 09:52 (#8553514@0) reply more

回复: 2014申请父母移民被退回来了??以下是加拿大联邦政府移民和难民保护法案R10的摘要R10 of IRPA, including the following required forms, fees, information and documents:• required forms, including a signed and completed IMM 0008E GEN containing the name, birth date, address, nationality, marital status and current immigration status of the applicant and all family members (whether accompanying or not), and identifying the principal applicant, properly completed Schedule 1's for the principal applicant, his or her spouse or common-law partner and all dependent children aged 18 and older listed on the IMM 0008, as well as a properly completed Schedule 3 for the principal applicant;• the results of the principal applicant's English or French language test from a designated testing agency (see section 12.6)• evidence of payment of the applicable fees (please see Section 5.4 for more information on fees);• the visa, permit or authorization being applied for;• the class in which the application is made;• the Use of a Representative form, if appropriate;• a signed statement to the effect that the information provided is complete and accurate• any information and documents that may be required by the Act and Regulations."

回复: 2014申请父母移民被退回来了??Ministerial Instructions 9 (MI9): Parents and Grandparents On June 15, 2013, new Ministerial Instructions (MI9) were issued that manage the processing of new applications for sponsorship of Parents and Grandparents as a member of the family class. These MIs contain two measures. One, the temporary pause on the acceptance of new applications for sponsorship of Parents and Grandparents – which has been in place since November 5, 2011 and was due to expire in November 2013 – will remain in place until January 1, 2014 in order to align with the expected coming into force of program changes. Two, the MIs establish that beginning January 2, 2014, a maximum of 5,000 new complete applications for sponsorship of Parents and Grandparents will be accepted for processing each year. This limit, which is necessary to support the continued reduction of the current backlog of applications, will remain in place unless a new MI is issued in the future. Read the full text of MI9.

回复: 2014申请父母移民被退回来了??不满足the ninth set of ministerial instructions不一定是5000个名额满了,很可能是不满足complete applications。但是看来CIC没有告诉他哪里有问题,这样再次提交申请材料也有可能出问题。

回复: 2014申请父母移民被退回来了??Agreed, must be an incomplete application.

回复: 2014申请父母移民被退回来了??至少说明CIC已经开始检查2014的新申请了

回复: 2014申请父母移民被退回来了??同意4,5,6楼,楼主不如把自己怀疑有问题的地方和我们share下?或者把清单list列一下?

回复: 2014申请父母移民被退回来了??检查了我的信用卡,确实也已经被hold了1100刀左右;1月2号下午2点多,门口找的快递直上3楼。

回复: 2014申请父母移民被退回来了??恭喜pacl! 有个问题请教: 表5768: 我老公做我的co-signer, 我们担保我妈移民,我们没有孩子。我父亲已去世。我们以前没有担保任何人。 这样的话,Question 2 填:1Question 3 A)填:1Question 5 填:1 得出Question 7: 3 那么第2页我要不要填Question 12, 又觉得很矛盾。敬请指教!多谢了!

回复: 2014申请父母移民被退回来了??别客气~12, 你老公是Co-signer,所以不需要填5,填1 是对的,那个问题,说,如果你老公不是这次被sponsor的(不在3里)就填1;然后又说,如果他不co-sign,就请提供细节。注意粗体字后面的那个句号--把两个意思分开了。恭喜pacl! 有个问题请教: 表5768: 我老公做我的co-signer, 我们担保我妈移民,我们没有孩子。我父亲已去世。我们以前没有担保任何人。 这样的话,Question 2 填:1Question 3 A)填:1Question 5 填:1 得出Question 7: 3 那么第2页我要不要填Question 12, 又觉得很矛盾。敬请指教!多谢了!点击展开...

回复: 2014申请父母移民被退回来了??非常感谢pacl的热心回复!也明白了表5768的含义。明天一大早就可以寄出表格啦!祝大家都好运!

回复: 2014申请父母移民被退回来了??请问门口咋找快递呀?哪家快递公司?

回复: 2014申请父母移民被退回来了??请问门口咋找快递呀?哪家快递公司?点击展开...如果现在快递公司还站在受理中心门口的话,那一定已经石化了。只有头两天抢时间的人多的时候,快递才会捞一笔啊。你现在还没寄出的话,随便联系哪家都可以。或者去Fedex,UPS。

回复: 2014申请父母移民被退回来了??刚在Rolia看到这个帖子,什么情况?? 好奇怪啊,申请父母移民被退回来了,说我不满足两个条件,是the ninth set of ministerial instructions, and regulation 10 of IRPA, 请明白的帮忙解释一下,我该如何修改呢?谢谢 -sszymmh(我有两个小袋鼠); 1.13 18:14 (#8552861@0) reply more 请问你是申请14年的吗?如果是的话,这么快就开始处理了? -jennyjiang(小蜜蜂); 1.13 20:51 (#8553032@0) reply more你交早了?? -dandanpapa(爬爬); 09:06 (#8553466@0) reply more我是1月2日交的阿 -sszymmh(我有两个小袋鼠); 09:22 (#8553483@0) reply more帮你看了下(虽然我父母已经来了,但很理解你的心情)。the ninth set of ministerial instructions 在这里http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/department/mi/#mi9, 根据这个解释,你应该是超过了5000内的名额。然后根据IPRA 10的条款,在这里 -aikerl(aaa); 09:34 (214 bytes. #8553499@0) more不会吧,真的是今年交的?这么快就处理了,楼主能再详细说一下,你是收到他们的Email回复还是整个材料都退回来了,照楼上的解释,那3号以后交的不更没戏了,可是昨天qq群里看cic还在收啊, -jennyjiang(小蜜蜂); 09:42 (#8553504@0) reply more应该不是超过5000了, 可能是你的申请不合乎application kit的要求或者不complete. 他们真的说你不满足那两个条件? 那两个东西不像是条件,而是他们处理的依据. 原文怎么说的? 要求你改了以后重交吗? -aiwowo(艾窝窝); 09:52 (#8553514@0) reply more点击展开...你的退件信里面应该有两张蓝色的纸,上面是他们审核以后那个表格或者材料你有问题的,都应该很清楚的。我的申请1月2日早晨交的,1月9日从CIC寄回的退件(平信,由于我家离CIC MISSISSAUGA 走路10分钟的路程)所以隔了周末,13号周一晚上下班看到的退件,他们给你蓝色的纸,上面每项都有标注,如果你哪个表格有问题,他们注明哪个表格哪页哪项有问题。。。

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