加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民cic 已经陆续退回不完整的申请
cic 很高效. 在另一个论坛上,看到已经陆续有人收到退回的申请了。 http://www.rolia.net/f/topic.php?f=0&t=869743
回复: cic 已经陆续退回不完整的申请cic 很高效. 在另一个论坛上,看到已经陆续有人收到退回的申请了。 http://www.rolia.net/f/topic.php?f=0&t=869743点击展开...有可能是他签字时间太早? 必须1月2号以后签?所以被拒?
回复: cic 已经陆续退回不完整的申请CIC 这次高效啊, 处理真快!扣钱的受理了,不合资格的已经受到退件了。
回复: cic 已经陆续退回不完整的申请是啊,这次是快得出乎意料,大部分的人提到9个月的期限。不过想想这样快得处理,也合情合理。早决定5000的完整申请,在配额以外的就不用投递,工作人员也能集中经历加快审理。
回复: cic 已经陆续退回不完整的申请真是紧张呢,每天都来看看大家的更新。到底什么时候才能确切的知道自己的申请被接受了没?会给寄信通知呢还是email呢?
回复: cic 已经陆续退回不完整的申请真是紧张呢,每天都来看看大家的更新。到底什么时候才能确切的知道自己的申请被接受了没?会给寄信通知呢还是email呢?点击展开...如果你的申请费被charge了,应该就是在5000名额里了
回复: cic 已经陆续退回不完整的申请我觉得大家不用太担心,从那个帖子来看,目前只有一个被退了,感觉跟帖的都是被接受的,被退申请的应该是少数。
回复: cic 已经陆续退回不完整的申请如果你的申请费被charge了,应该就是在5000名额里了点击展开...我老公是online付款了,后来又附上了IMM5770E表格,不知道这样付款是不是不符合规定被退回来呢?紧张死了!
回复: cic 已经陆续退回不完整的申请online ?
回复: cic 已经陆续退回不完整的申请我老公是online付款了,后来又附上了IMM5770E表格,不知道这样付款是不是不符合规定被退回来呢?紧张死了!点击展开...if you did online payment, you must print and attach that receipt to your application.
回复: cic 已经陆续退回不完整的申请这次不是说不接受online payment吗?
回复: cic 已经陆续退回不完整的申请if you did online payment, you must print and attach that receipt to your application.点击展开...Thanks! I had attached that receipt!
回复: cic 已经陆续退回不完整的申请这次不是说不接受online payment吗?点击展开...哎,也不知道我老公咋整的,因为是第二次申请了,给我公公婆婆2008年申请的时候就用的这个方式,也没仔细看就online先付款了。后来又看着要用payment表格付款,信息都填了,就怕CIC double charge,就空下了卡号信息部分,附上了online receipt。哎,不知到呢,听天由命吧,不过就是没法像伙伴们那样查款收到了没?自己是不是那5000例里的!
回复: cic 已经陆续退回不完整的申请How do I pay for my application to sponsor a parent or grandparent? As there will be an annual cap on the acceptance of new sponsorship applications for parents and grandparents, payment to the Receiver General for Canada will be accepted by credit card or certified cheque only. Fees that are paid in any other manner (example: on-line payments, HPMB receipt, money orders) will not be accepted and the application will be returned to the sponsor or representative, where applicable. If an application is returned and the applicant re-submits, the application will be placed in the processing queue according to the new date of submission.Note that if a credit card is used for fee payment, it must be valid for at least nine months from the date on which the application is submitted. source: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/helpcentre/answer.asp?q=822&t=14
回复: cic 已经陆续退回不完整的申请有可能是他签字时间太早? 必须1月2号以后签?所以被拒?点击展开...OMG! Both my parents and I signed the forms on Jan 1, 2014. I don't think that will be an issue. All the forms were released on Dec 31, 2013. My understanding is the earliest date for signatures is Dec 31, 2013.
回复: cic 已经陆续退回不完整的申请Incorrect fee paymentCIC will return your application in all of the following circumstances: The Fee Payment Form – for Sponsors of Parents and Grandparents (IMM 5770) is not included in your application;Fees are not paid by certified cheque or credit card;Payment is declined when CIC attempts to process the fees requiredThe credit card used for the payment of fees expires in less than nine months after the date on which you submitted your application;The fee amount authorized on the Fee Payment Form is insufficient.
回复: cic 已经陆续退回不完整的申请How do I pay for my application to sponsor a parent or grandparent? As there will be an annual cap on the acceptance of new sponsorship applications for parents and grandparents, payment to the Receiver General for Canada will be accepted by credit card or certified cheque only. Fees that are paid in any other manner (example: on-line payments, HPMB receipt, money orders) will not be accepted and the application will be returned to the sponsor or representative, where applicable. If an application is returned and the applicant re-submits, the application will be placed in the processing queue according to the new date of submission.Note that if a credit card is used for fee payment, it must be valid for at least nine months from the date on which the application is submitted. source: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/helpcentre/answer.asp?q=822&t=14点击展开...那完了,等着材料被退回来了!
回复: cic 已经陆续退回不完整的申请那完了,等着材料被退回来了! 你先不要下定论,说不定cic看到你附了那张表格,而且你又是很早就递交的。祝好运点击展开...
回复: cic 已经陆续退回不完整的申请善意提醒,不能万事靠老公!也不能因为老公不仔细就骂老公!哎,也不知道我老公咋整的,因为是第二次申请了,给我公公婆婆2008年申请的时候就用的这个方式,也没仔细看就online先付款了。后来又看着要用payment表格付款,信息都填了,就怕CIC double charge,就空下了卡号信息部分,附上了online receipt。哎,不知到呢,听天由命吧,不过就是没法像伙伴们那样查款收到了没?自己是不是那5000例里的!点击展开...
回复: cic 已经陆续退回不完整的申请善意提醒,不能万事靠老公!也不能因为老公不仔细就骂老公!点击展开...谢谢提醒,被退回也不会骂老公的,因为出错了我也有责任的,就是不知道什么时候会被退回,退回了再寄重新排队还来得及不?不行就明年再寄吧!
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