加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民超级签证父母银行存款需要冻结吗?
2009.10.5妥投悉尼;2009.12.10 RN;2009.12.24 鸭子烤熟 ~~Yeah2010.1.7 补料妥投北京;2010.1.19 FN;;2010.1.29 变5;2010.2.1 IP;2010.2.8 ME;2010.2.23 护照妥投;2010.2.26 变8;2010.3.8变12;2010.3.17 变13;2010.3.22 DM;2010.4.1 变17;2010.4.3收到大信封!!!毕业啦~~~~~~回复: 超级签证父母银行存款需要冻结吗?开证明都要冻结的据我的经验.主要看你的收入.银行証明作用不大
回复: 超级签证父母银行存款需要冻结吗?今天妈妈去银行开银行证明,结果银行的人让问清楚需要冻结多久?请问需要冻结吗?另外需要银行开证明吗?还是自己把银行存折复印一下就行?点击展开...I applied for super-vsia for my parents and already rec'd it. Actually you even dont have to have that proof from bank, according the check list, they dont need it. For super-visa, they just focus on your income if meet their requirement and your financial status. BTW, I didn't submit their banking fanacial proof at all. Good luck!
2014.1.1 4 AR; 2016.7.6 Medical exam and police clearance record request email rec'd ;2016.7.7 IP;2016,7.15 medical exam ;2016.8.8 MR and passed;2016.09.25 background IP;2016.09.28 PPR ;2016.10.14 毕业收大信封回复: 超级签证父母银行存款需要冻结吗?请教wendyyang_78: 申请super visa时,要不要提交“教育和就业细节表”?谢谢先了!
回复: 超级签证父母银行存款需要冻结吗?请教wendyyang_78: 申请super visa时,要不要提交“教育和就业细节表”?谢谢先了!点击展开...For your parents? Honestly my forms were done by agent,however he really asked this kind of information about my parents, so i assume you need to fill in those forms.
2014.1.1 4 AR; 2016.7.6 Medical exam and police clearance record request email rec'd ;2016.7.7 IP;2016,7.15 medical exam ;2016.8.8 MR and passed;2016.09.25 background IP;2016.09.28 PPR ;2016.10.14 毕业收大信封回复: 超级签证父母银行存款需要冻结吗?谢谢wendyyang_78的回复!
回复: 超级签证父母银行存款需要冻结吗?I applied for super-vsia for my parents and already rec'd it. Actually you even dont have to have that proof from bank, according the check list, they dont need it. For super-visa, they just focus on your income if meet their requirement and your financial status. BTW, I didn't submit their banking fanacial proof at all. Good luck!点击展开...这边多少收入就够? >10w够不够
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