加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民终于在CIC的网站上找到境内登陆的有关内容,和


How do I validate a Confirmation of Permanent Residence or immigration document in Canada?These instructions only apply to people who are in Canada or are exempt from needing a temporary resident visa.To validate a Confirmation of Permanent Residence (COPR) or an immigration document in Canada, you can either:bring your COPR or immigration document to an officer at a land border, orgo to an appointment at a local CIC office with your family members, if we ask you to.In either case, you will have to show the officer:your passport, travel or identity document (including your visa counterfoil [IMM 1346], if you have one), andyour COPR, immigration document, letter of introduction or any instructions from the Canadian visa office, andyour proof of legal status in Canada, such as a valid work permit, study permit, temporary resident permit, or visitor document, or any immigration document you have (whether valid or not), andproof of implied status (if you applied to extend your stay before it ended). Proof of this status may include:payment receipt,copy of your application to extend your stay,printout of online application, orproof of mailing.To find the land border closest to you, see the Canada Border Service Agency website or a list of local CIC offices. You can also leave Canada and validate your document at the airport or land border when you return.

回复: 终于在CIC的网站上找到境内登陆的有关内容,和大家分享一下没有用。你要是不去美国海关走一圈人家根本不吊你。

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