加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民2013, 2014 MNI, LICO 最低收入是多少?
Minimum Necessary Income, based on the Low Income Cut-offs plus 30%.现在官网只找到了2010, 2011, 2012年的MNI, 请问2013, 2014年的是多少呢?好像每年都涨几千。 哪里可以找到?e.g. 如果家庭成员增加的话,就要顾忌这个MNI了。
回复: 2013, 2014 MNI, LICO 最低收入是多少?给你找了个2013税务年度的LICO(就是在2014年报税的LICO), 如果是父母移民,自己再plus 30%;魁北克的也在这个link里面,自己找吧。link:http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/guides/5196ETOC.asp#table3Federal Income Table, 2014The following table applies to all provinces except Quebec.Table 3Low Income Cut-Off (LICO)Size of Family UnitMinimum necessary income1 person (the sponsor)$23,6472 persons$29440,3 persons$36,1934 persons$43,9425 persons$49,8396 persons$56,2097 persons$62,581More than 7 persons, for each additional person, add$6,362If you are using this kit after December 31, 2014, contact our Call Centre for revised LICO figures.Minimum Necessary Income, based on the Low Income Cut-offs plus 30%.现在官网只找到了2010, 2011, 2012年的MNI, 请问2013, 2014年的是多少呢?好像每年都涨几千。 哪里可以找到?e.g. 如果家庭成员增加的话,就要顾忌这个MNI了。点击展开...
回复: 2013, 2014 MNI, LICO 最低收入是多少?Size of Family Unit LICO 20131 person $23,2982 persons $29,0043 persons $35,6574 persons $43,2925 persons $49,1026 persons $55,3787 persons $61,656More than 7 persons, for each additional person add $6,268 注意这个是LICO,数据来自CRA,并没有加移民局针对父母的那个30%
回复: 2013, 2014 MNI, LICO 最低收入是多少?给你找了个2013税务年度的LICO(就是在2014年报税的LICO), 如果是父母移民,自己再plus 30%;魁北克的也在这个link里面,自己找吧。link:http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/guides/5196ETOC.asp#table3Federal Income Table, 2014The following table applies to all provinces except Quebec.Table 3Low Income Cut-Off (LICO)Size of Family UnitMinimum necessary income1 person (the sponsor)$23,6472 persons$29440,3 persons$36,1934 persons$43,9425 persons$49,8396 persons$56,2097 persons$62,581More than 7 persons, for each additional person, add$6,362If you are using this kit after December 31, 2014, contact our Call Centre for revised LICO figures.点击展开...Thanks!
回复: 2013, 2014 MNI, LICO 最低收入是多少?Tks!
回复: 2013, 2014 MNI, LICO 最低收入是多少?Size of Family Unit LICO 20131 person $23,2982 persons $29,0043 persons $35,6574 persons $43,2925 persons $49,1026 persons $55,3787 persons $61,656More than 7 persons, for each additional person add $6,268 注意这个是LICO,数据来自CRA,并没有加移民局针对父母的那个30%点击展开... 请问这组数据的CRA官方链接有吗?
回复: 2013, 2014 MNI, LICO 最低收入是多少?给你找了个2013税务年度的LICO(就是在2014年报税的LICO), 如果是父母移民,自己再plus 30%;魁北克的也在这个link里面,自己找吧。link:http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/guides/5196ETOC.asp#table3Federal Income Table, 2014The following table applies to all provinces except Quebec.Table 3Low Income Cut-Off (LICO)Size of Family Unit Minimum necessary income1 person (the sponsor) $23,6472 persons $29440,3 persons $36,1934 persons $43,9425 persons $49,8396 persons $56,2097 persons $62,581More than 7 persons, for each additional person, add $6,362If you are using this kit after December 31, 2014, contact our Call Centre for revised LICO figures.点击展开...给出的这个链接似乎没有谈到2013的LICO啊?内容和表格列出的内容是一样的。
回复: 2013, 2014 MNI, LICO 最低收入是多少?请问各位同学,如果是Jan 02 2014 前申请, 以后的收入是根据以前的LICO 或者后来的新规定LICO+30%。谢谢
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