加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民### 2014·4月·寄出护照和两张照片到香港
Dear Applicant:This is in reference to your application for permanent residence in Canada.In order for us to continue the processing of your application, we require the following(s): 1. 4 current passport-sized photos for you (in order to issue visa)All documents must be accompanied by English or French translations. When original documents are requested, notarized documents are not acceptable.The above requested item(s) must be completed or received in our office within 30 days from the date of this e-mail.Note that no follow-up letter will be sent. If you do not reply to this letter, a decision will be made based on the information on file. This may result in the refusal of your application.又来信,叫我补交4张护照大小的照片,,我爸照完直接在照片信封后面写上个人资料,寄到香港··是不是就可以了···有同学和我一样的吗。。。。
henryll 说:Dear Applicant:This is in reference to your application for permanent residence in Canada.In order for us to continue the processing of your application, we require the following(s): 1. 4 current passport-sized photos for you (in order to issue visa)All documents must be accompanied by English or French translations. When original documents are requested, notarized documents are not acceptable.The above requested item(s) must be completed or received in our office within 30 days from the date of this e-mail.Note that no follow-up letter will be sent. If you do not reply to this letter, a decision will be made based on the information on file. This may result in the refusal of your application.又来信,叫我补交4张护照大小的照片,,我爸照完直接在照片信封后面写上个人资料,寄到香港··是不是就可以了···有同学和我一样的吗。。。。点击展开...我和你一样。。之前是2张,,后来又叫我寄4张,,,,
子豆 说:我父母只被要求寄两张+护照。已经收到回寄的护照。点击展开...哎···加拿大给我的信件就是叫我寄香港2张···然后香港又发信叫我补4张护照大小的照片,,你父母多久回寄的护照。。。。而且多久回寄回来。
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