加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民请问IMM 008 Dependant(s)的问题
我申请我母亲团聚移民,我父亲已去世。我妹已结婚,我需要不需要把我爸和我妹加入dependent(s)因为注释第一句写You must provide the following details about each of your family member, whether they will be accompanying you to Canada or not. 这样我妹是family member就要填。注释第二句黑题强调写You must include your spouse or common-law partner, if applicable, and all of your dependent children, and those of your spouse or common-law partner, who are not already permanent residents or citizens of canada. 这样我爸就要填。第一句是说所有家庭成员,第二句是说至少包括这些家庭成员。不知道如果这么理解对不对。请问家园的同学们。谢谢
wnmin 说:我申请我母亲团聚移民,我父亲已去世。我妹已结婚,我需要不需要把我爸和我妹加入dependent(s)因为注释第一句写You must provide the following details about each of your family member, whether they will be accompanying you to Canada or not. 这样我妹是family member就要填。注释第二句黑题强调写You must include your spouse or common-law partner, if applicable, and all of your dependent children, and those of your spouse or common-law partner, who are not already permanent residents or citizens of canada. 这样我爸就要填。第一句是说所有家庭成员,第二句是说至少包括这些家庭成员。不知道如果这么理解对不对。请问家园的同学们。谢谢点击展开...Guide里面说了“Dependent childrenRefers to the children of the applicant or those of the spouse or common-law partner.They must be:under the age of 19 and not have a spouse or common-law partner, or19 years of age or older and unable to be financially self-sufficient since before the age of 19 due to a physical or mental condition.”所以你妹妹如果超过19岁了就不算dependant了。爸爸去世了,应该就在008里不用填爸爸信息了,就在妈妈那部分填上爸爸相关信息就行了
xz_beijing 说:Guide里面说了“Dependent childrenRefers to the children of the applicant or those of the spouse or common-law partner.They must be:under the age of 19 and not have a spouse or common-law partner, or19 years of age or older and unable to be financially self-sufficient since before the age of 19 due to a physical or mental condition.”所以你妹妹如果超过19岁了就不算dependant了。爸爸去世了,应该就在008里不用填爸爸信息了,就在妈妈那部分填上爸爸相关信息就行了点击展开...多谢楼上的解答。但是你说的是dependent children, 我问的是dependant. 注意dependent 和 dependant 是两个词,只差一个字母。dependant 包括的dependent children。今天查了CIC网站的glossary, 对于family member 的定义是:spouse and dependent children. 这样我上面的这个问题解决了。
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