加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民大家已开始2015申请父母移民了吗?
请問 什么表 格 須要填两份?Application to Sponsor, Sponsorship Agreement and Undertaking [IMM 1344] (PDF, 432 KB) August 2014Financial Evaluation for Parents and Grandparents Sponsorship [IMM5768] (PDF, 1.1 MB) December 2013Schedule A – Background/Declaration [IMM 5669] (PDF, 246 KB) December 2012Statutory Declaration of Common-Law Union [IMM 5409] (PDF, 47 KB) April 2009Generic Application Form for Canada [IMM 0008] (PDF, 487 KB) June 2014Additional Dependants/Declaration [IMM 0008DEP] (PDF, 471 KB) August 2014Additional Family Information [IMM 5406] (PDF, 570 KB) September 2013
CIC太黑了。故意把2013年的收入提高了。金额早就定好了,怎么随便改呢。 这还有法吗?http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/guides/5772ETOC.asp#completeApplicationFederal Income Table for Parents and Grandparents SponsorshipSize of Family Unit Minimum Income-----------------2013--------2012------20112 persons $38,272 $36,637 $35,9763 persons $47,051 $45,040 $44,2294 persons $57,125 $54,685 $53,6995 persons $64,791 $62,023 $60,9056 persons $73,072 $69,950 $68,6897 persons $81,355 $77,879 $76,475不明白为什么2013年 6人家庭 收入要求是 73072。本来应是 55378 (1+30%) = 71,992MNI = LICO * (1+30%)Size of Family LICO LICO LICO LICO LICO---------2014-------2013-----2012 ---2011-----20102 p $29,440 $29,004 $28,182 $27,674 $27,6013 p $36,193 $35,657 $34,646 $34,022 $33,9334 p $43,942 $43,292 $42,065 $41,307 $41,1985 p $49,839 $49,102 $47,710 $46,850 $46,7276 p $56,209$55,378 $53,808 $52,838 $52,6997 p $62,581 $61,656 $59,907 $58,827 $58,673Family Size LICO +30% +30% +30% +30%---------2014-------2013-----2012 ---2011-----20102 p $38,272 $37,705 $36,637 $35,976 $35,8813 p $47,051 $46,354 $45,040 $44,229 $44,1134 p $57,125 $56,280 $54,685 $53,699 $53,5575 p $64,791 $63,833 $62,023 $60,905 $60,7456 p $73,072$71,992 $69,950 $68,689 $68,5097 p $81,355 $80,153 $77,879 $76,475 $76,2752013 year, 备案已经明确提了2013 6口人应该是: $71,992.refer to the government document: “SOR/2013-246 December 13, 2013, IMMIGRATION AND REFUGEE PROTECTION ACT, Regulations Amending the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations” at :http://www.gazette.gc.ca/rp-pr/p2/2014/2014-01-01/html/sor-dors246-eng.php Footnote 11Current LICO thresholds for a family of six are $55,378: $55,378 plus 30% equals $71,992.每年的 super visa 的guide 里都写了当年的 LICO,effective from Jan 1 to Dec 31, 201*cic以为没人关注 往年的LICO, 就故意黑大家。直接把 2014的 安到2013年,这样incomne要求就神不知鬼不觉的涨了真黑啊。请問 什么表 格 須要填两份?Application to Sponsor, Sponsorship Agreement and Undertaking [IMM 1344] (PDF, 432 KB) August 2014Financial Evaluation for Parents and Grandparents Sponsorship [IMM5768] (PDF, 1.1 MB) December 2013Schedule A – Background/Declaration [IMM 5669] (PDF, 246 KB) December 2012Statutory Declaration of Common-Law Union [IMM 5409] (PDF, 47 KB) April 2009Generic Application Form for Canada [IMM 0008] (PDF, 487 KB) June 2014Additional Dependants/Declaration [IMM 0008DEP] (PDF, 471 KB) August 2014Additional Family Information [IMM 5406] (PDF, 570 KB) September 2013点击展开...
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