加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民mistake in LICO 2013? 直接跳到2014年的了? 父母团聚
怎么直接跳到2014年的了。直接把2013的 LICO plus 30% 给跳过去了.http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/guides/5772ETOC.aspLICOFederal Income Table for Parents and Grandparents SponsorshipSize of Family UnitMinimum Income2013Minimum Income2012Minimum Income20112 persons$38,272$36,637$35,9763 persons$47,051$45,040$44,2294 persons$57,125$54,685$53,6995 persons$64,791$62,023$60,9056 persons$73,072$69,950$68,6897 persons$81,355$77,879$76,475If more than 7 persons, for each additional person, add$8,871$7,929$ 7,786还是应该这么算?Size of Family Unit--------------2014----2013----2012----2011---2010MNI 2 persons$38,272$37,705$36,637$35,976$35,8813 persons$47,051$46,354$45,040$44,229$44,1134 persons$57,125$56,280$54,685$53,699$53,5575 persons$64,791$63,833$62,023$60,905$60,7456 persons$73,072$71,991$69,950$68,689$68,5097 persons$81,355$80,153$77,879$76,475$76,275Each additional person$8,271$8,148$7,929$7,786$7,76
到加拿大留学,工作,移民,原文咋写的?点击展开...好像它们算错了。 以前都是按当年的 lico plus 30% 算 MNI, 结果2015的表格, 直接把2014的拿来当2013的要求了, 一下子提高了很大多喔。是故意的吗?6 persons 2013 = $73,072 ?55378 * (1+30%) = 71992for 2014: 56209* (1+30%) = 73072.看2013 6个人的要求,查到了2013政府文档, 文档(Footnote 11)说“SOR/2013-246 December 13, 2013, IMMIGRATION AND REFUGEE PROTECTION ACT, Regulations Amending the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations” at :http://www.gazette.gc.ca/rp-pr/p2/2014/2014-01-01/html/sor-dors246-eng.php·Footnote 11Current LICO thresholds for a family of six are $55,378: $55,378 plus 30% equals $71,992.所以 MNI2013 ,6人家庭应该时 71,992
lihailin118 说:原文咋写的?点击展开...MNI = LICO * (1+30%)Size of Family LICO LICO LICO LICO LICO---------2014-------2013-----2012 ---2011-----20102 p $29,440 $29,004 $28,182 $27,674 $27,6013 p $36,193 $35,657 $34,646 $34,022 $33,9334 p $43,942 $43,292 $42,065 $41,307 $41,1985 p $49,839 $49,102 $47,710 $46,850 $46,7276 p $56,209 $55,378 $53,808 $52,838 $52,6997 p $62,581 $61,656 $59,907 $58,827 $58,673Family Size LICO +30% +30% +30% +30%---------2014-------2013-----2012 ---2011-----20102 p $38,272 $37,705 $36,637 $35,976 $35,8813 p $47,051 $46,354 $45,040 $44,229 $44,1134 p $57,125 $56,280 $54,685 $53,699 $53,5575 p $64,791 $63,833 $62,023 $60,905 $60,7456 p $73,072 $71,992 $69,950 $68,689 $68,5097 p $81,355 $80,153 $77,879 $76,475 $76,275
我理解你的不滿, 但在這裡POST這麼多COMMENT, 倒不如跟你的國會議員或直接跟CIC反映問題.
入籍 - 2014 1月申请 / 3月收书 / 7月考试 / 8月宣誓超签延期 - 《第一次》2015 3月8日网申 3月17日收体检通知 3月18日确认延期1年 // 《第二次》2016 3月1日网申 4月1日要求提供保险证明 4月13日确认延期2年父母团聚 - 2015 1月2日CIC签收 / 1月10日扣款 / 3月21日 电邮AOR & FN / 2016年5月20日 担保通过 + 申请转Ottawa / 8月18日 IN PROCESS / 8月31日 要求体检和无犯罪记录 / 10月7日 CIC收到体检和无犯罪 / 12月7日 收到寄护照电邮 / 12月8日寄出护照 / 12月20日收到登陆签证 / 12月24日Queenston-Lewiston Bridge登陆 赏 2014-11-22#6 S 148 $0.00 我对了一下,除了收入有变化,其余表格没有变化吧。
已经搞定了, 跟Justin Trudeau 联系了,他们把信息转到了 负责policy的人。然后今天 cic 的表格已经更新了, 现在的收入要求才是对的, 减少了 一千多块钱呢。“to justin.trudeauThank you for your prompt help.This problem has just been solved.CIC has just updated the income form today, and corrected that mistake,so the new table looks all right now.Please see enclosure for detaills.http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/guides/5772ETOC.aspMNI = LICO * (1+30%)--------2013----2012---2011---2010--2 p $37,705 $36,637 $35,976 $35,8813 p $46,354 $45,040 $44,229 $44,1134 p $56,280 $54,685 $53,699 $53,5575 p $63,833 $62,023 $60,905 $60,7456 p $71,992 $69,950 $68,689 $68,5097 p $80,153 $77,879 $76,475 $76,275”我理解你的不滿, 但在這裡POST這麼多COMMENT, 倒不如跟你的國會議員或直接跟CIC反映問題.点击展开...
Lucy7777 说:已经搞定了, 跟Justin Trudeau 联系了,他们把信息转到了 负责policy的人。然后今天 cic 的表格已经更新了, 现在的收入要求才是对的, 减少了 一千多块钱呢。“to justin.trudeauThank you for your prompt help.This problem has just been solved.CIC has just updated the income form today, and corrected that mistake,so the new table looks all right now.Please see enclosure for detaills.http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/guides/5772ETOC.aspMNI = LICO * (1+30%)--------2013----2012---2011---2010--2 p $37,705 $36,637 $35,976 $35,8813 p $46,354 $45,040 $44,229 $44,1134 p $56,280 $54,685 $53,699 $53,5575 p $63,833 $62,023 $60,905 $60,7456 p $71,992 $69,950 $68,689 $68,5097 p $80,153 $77,879 $76,475 $76,275”点击展开...這不是很好嗎? 比你在這裡到處POST COMMENT有效果. 我的眼睛謝謝你.
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