入了加籍又注销了户口的朋友怎么做的出生公证?妈的出生公证也要姥姥,姥爷的过世的证明。姥姥,姥爷都过世10-20 年了,哪去找过世的证明。唉!
ppzhong2988 说:入了加籍又注销了户口的朋友怎么做的出生公证?妈的出生公证也要姥姥,姥爷的过世的证明。姥姥,姥爷都过世10-20 年了,哪去找过世的证明。唉!点击展开...以前你出来有做了出生公证现在公证处有你的档案'你爸妈的公证只要去出生的地方那里打个出生证明就可以做公证了
CEC Filed on Jul06/2009; PPR on Nov04/2009; Parent Sponsorship Filed on Jan30/2010, PPR on Nov11/2014; Spouse Sponsorship in-Canada Filed on Sep15/2015, OWP on Jan15/2016, ME Request on Apr29/2016, Sponsorship Approved on May4/2016, ME Submitted on May13/2016, DM on June20/2016, Landing on July5/2016. 赏 2014-12-15#4

Z.zale 说:以前你出来有做了出生公证现在公证处有你的档案'你爸妈的公证只要去出生的地方那里打个出生证明就可以做公证了点击展开...他们不管以前出来有做了出生公证,只说我入了加籍不归他们办了。妈的出生公证也必需证明她的家庭才可以证明她的出生。唉!
torune 说:我是有证明也没用,最后被要求全家做了个DNA测试点击展开...我倒希望全家做DNA,姥姥,姥爷的过世的证明真的没办法弄。连当年的殡仪馆都没了。
ppzhong2988 说:我倒希望全家做DNA,姥姥,姥爷的过世的证明真的没办法弄。连当年的殡仪馆都没了。点击展开...钱,走后门,找认识的领导不打点清楚,不好办
CEC Filed on Jul06/2009; PPR on Nov04/2009; Parent Sponsorship Filed on Jan30/2010, PPR on Nov11/2014; Spouse Sponsorship in-Canada Filed on Sep15/2015, OWP on Jan15/2016, ME Request on Apr29/2016, Sponsorship Approved on May4/2016, ME Submitted on May13/2016, DM on June20/2016, Landing on July5/2016.我是有证明也没用,最后被要求全家做了个DNA测试点击展开...请问这个DNA测试是去任何一家有资格做DNA的医院都可以,还是必须是公安局指定的测试点。
annie66 说:请问这个DNA测试是去任何一家有资格做DNA的医院都可以,还是必须是公安局指定的测试点。点击展开...必须CIC指定公司认证的地点,目前只有北京和香港两地。Dear XXX:This refers to your application for permanent residence in Canada.After reviewing the information provided in support of your application, I am not satisfied that there is sufficient evidence to prove the parent-child relationship between you, your spouse, your sponsor and your son.The following pieces of information were noted in your file, that undermined the above stated relationships in your application:• You did not provide any documentary evidence to substantiate the stated relationship(s);• You did not submit a birth certificate for your sponsor;• Your sponsor in not included in your HUKOU.Therefore, I am not satisfied that you, your spouse and your sponsor meet the requirements of the family class program, pursuant to section 117 of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations.As the documentary evidence you have provided does not satisfactorily establish the stated biological relationship between you, your spouse, your sponsor and your son, this office will accept the results of a DNA analysis as proof of that/those relationship(s), carried out by a laboratory accredited by the Standard Council of Canada for DNA testing. You should be aware that you are responsible for the costs of sample taking, shipping, laboratory analysis, and report submission.To proceed with your application and the DNA test process, you are responsible for choosing a laboratory in Canada. A list of accredited laboratories is attached.Once you decide to undergo the DNA testing, the laboratory in Canada that you have chosen will make an appointment at the lab you selected either in Hong Kong or Beijing for the sample collection. We regret that we are unable to offer testing sites in any other cities in the PRC.The laboratory will also inform you of the requirements for the sample collection, such as valid passport, identification card and two passport–size photos, fees for the sample collection and courier services to send each sample to Canada. You and your family will also be fingerprinted at the laboratory.Please note that sample collection cannot proceed without the identification and other documents listed above. Individuals who fail to present the identification on the date of their appointment will not be tested that day and will have to make another appointment. The results of the DNA tests will be sent to you and also to our office by the laboratory when completed. This can take approximately four to six weeks from the date of the tests.If the tests confirm the relationship between you, your sponsor, your sponsor, we will be in a position to proceed with the processing of your application or issue new medical instructions if your present medical results have expired by that time.DNA tests are not mandatory.If we are not advised within 90 days by a laboratory that you will be proceeding with the DNA testing, we will assume that you are no longer interested in providing a DNA test result and will render a decision based on the information available to us at that time.Sincerely,Immigration SectionConsulate General of CanadaWebsites: www.HongKong.gc.ca www.cic.gc.ca Canada Visa Application Centre, Wan Chai, Hong Kong: http://www.vfsglobal.ca/canada/hongkong/english/news.htmlDNA LABORATORIESLABORATORIES ACCREDITED BY THE STANDARDS COUNCIL OF CANADA FOR DNA TESTING:Genetrack Biolabs Inc.1-888-828-1899immigration@genetrackcanada.comwww.genetrackcanada.comMaxxam Analytics [email protected] PRO-DNA1-800-563-4363info@orchidprodna.cawww.orchidprodna.caVIAGUARD ACCU-METRICSToll free telephone: 1-877-842-4827Email: [email protected]: www.accu-metrics.com
CEC Filed on Jul06/2009; PPR on Nov04/2009; Parent Sponsorship Filed on Jan30/2010, PPR on Nov11/2014; Spouse Sponsorship in-Canada Filed on Sep15/2015, OWP on Jan15/2016, ME Request on Apr29/2016, Sponsorship Approved on May4/2016, ME Submitted on May13/2016, DM on June20/2016, Landing on July5/2016.请问这个DNA测试是去任何一家有资格做DNA的医院都可以,还是必须是公安局指定的测试点。点击展开...没必要的话别去做DNA测试哈,我家一共4个人,我在加拿大做的,他们在香港做的,DNA部分是 $1230 加币,还要去申请3人的港澳通行证还有旅行费用
CEC Filed on Jul06/2009; PPR on Nov04/2009; Parent Sponsorship Filed on Jan30/2010, PPR on Nov11/2014; Spouse Sponsorship in-Canada Filed on Sep15/2015, OWP on Jan15/2016, ME Request on Apr29/2016, Sponsorship Approved on May4/2016, ME Submitted on May13/2016, DM on June20/2016, Landing on July5/2016.没必要的话别去做DNA测试哈,我家一共4个人,我在加拿大做的,他们在香港做的,DNA部分是 $1230 加币,还要去申请3人的港澳通行证还有旅行费用点击展开...天哪,这么麻烦,走后门的话不知什么时侯才办的好。还好我有2010 年做的父女关系公证,加上父亲的出生公证,不知行不行。
torune 说:我是有证明也没用,最后被要求全家做了个DNA测试点击展开...对不起,还想问一下,您提交了什么出生证明,CIC 说没用,要你做DNA测试?
ppzhong2988 说:对不起,还想问一下,您提交了什么出生证明,CIC 说没用,要你做DNA测试?点击展开...我的出生公证,我弟的出生公证,我父母的出生公证,我一家4人的亲属公证
CEC Filed on Jul06/2009; PPR on Nov04/2009; Parent Sponsorship Filed on Jan30/2010, PPR on Nov11/2014; Spouse Sponsorship in-Canada Filed on Sep15/2015, OWP on Jan15/2016, ME Request on Apr29/2016, Sponsorship Approved on May4/2016, ME Submitted on May13/2016, DM on June20/2016, Landing on July5/2016.我的出生公证,我弟的出生公证,我父母的出生公证,我一家4人的亲属公证点击展开...这么多的出生公证都不够, 还要你去做 DNA,真不知道CIC 以什么为标准。谢谢你的信息。
嘿嘿嘿必须CIC指定公司认证的地点,目前只有北京和香港两地。Dear XXX:This refers to your application for permanent residence in Canada.After reviewing the information provided in support of your application, I am not satisfied that there is sufficient evidence to prove the parent-child relationship between you, your spouse, your sponsor and your son.The following pieces of information were noted in your file, that undermined the above stated relationships in your application:• You did not provide any documentary evidence to substantiate the stated relationship(s);• You did not submit a birth certificate for your sponsor;• Your sponsor in not included in your HUKOU.Therefore, I am not satisfied that you, your spouse and your sponsor meet the requirements of the family class program, pursuant to section 117 of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations.As the documentary evidence you have provided does not satisfactorily establish the stated biological relationship between you, your spouse, your sponsor and your son, this office will accept the results of a DNA analysis as proof of that/those relationship(s), carried out by a laboratory accredited by the Standard Council of Canada for DNA testing. You should be aware that you are responsible for the costs of sample taking, shipping, laboratory analysis, and report submission.To proceed with your application and the DNA test process, you are responsible for choosing a laboratory in Canada. A list of accredited laboratories is attached.Once you decide to undergo the DNA testing, the laboratory in Canada that you have chosen will make an appointment at the lab you selected either in Hong Kong or Beijing for the sample collection. We regret that we are unable to offer testing sites in any other cities in the PRC.The laboratory will also inform you of the requirements for the sample collection, such as valid passport, identification card and two passport–size photos, fees for the sample collection and courier services to send each sample to Canada. You and your family will also be fingerprinted at the laboratory.Please note that sample collection cannot proceed without the identification and other documents listed above. Individuals who fail to present the identification on the date of their appointment will not be tested that day and will have to make another appointment. The results of the DNA tests will be sent to you and also to our office by the laboratory when completed. This can take approximately four to six weeks from the date of the tests.If the tests confirm the relationship between you, your sponsor, your sponsor, we will be in a position to proceed with the processing of your application or issue new medical instructions if your present medical results have expired by that time.DNA tests are not mandatory.If we are not advised within 90 days by a laboratory that you will be proceeding with the DNA testing, we will assume that you are no longer interested in providing a DNA test result and will render a decision based on the information available to us at that time.Sincerely,Immigration SectionConsulate General of CanadaWebsites: www.HongKong.gc.ca www.cic.gc.ca Canada Visa Application Centre, Wan Chai, Hong Kong: http://www.vfsglobal.ca/canada/hongkong/english/news.htmlDNA LABORATORIESLABORATORIES ACCREDITED BY THE STANDARDS COUNCIL OF CANADA FOR DNA TESTING:Genetrack Biolabs Inc.1-888-828-1899immigration@genetrackcanada.comwww.genetrackcanada.comMaxxam Analytics [email protected] PRO-DNA1-800-563-4363info@orchidprodna.cawww.orchidprodna.caVIAGUARD ACCU-METRICSToll free telephone: 1-877-842-4827Email: [email protected]: www.accu-metrics.com点击展开...
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