加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民求助: 来加拿大不满五年,能申请父母团聚吗?


1344表里头第二页Sponsor Eligibility AssessmentIf you answer "Yes" to question 5 and you are sponsoring a spouse, common-law or conjugal partner and you should NOT submit your application.5. In the five years preceding your application, did you become a permanent resident after being sponsored as a spouse, common-law or conjugal partner?My Answer is Yes,我是我老公担保过来的。申请我爸妈过来,老公是我的co-signer. 我老公是公民,所以,我有资格申请我爸妈团聚吗?多谢高手给解答一下,多谢了!



非常感谢及时回复。 一定是主担保人提供3年的税单吗?co-signer能提供,行不行啊?申请我父母,也不能让我老公当主担保人吧?


Shelly123 说:非常感谢及时回复。 一定是主担保人提供3年的税单吗?co-signer能提供,行不行啊?申请我父母,也不能让我老公当主担保人吧?点击展开...你自己也要提供三年税单的

stranger111 说:你自己也要提供三年税单的点击展开...请问是三年税单还是三年满足担保条件的税单,这两个意义完全不同啊



pacl 说:三年个人税单,三年满足条件的个人和cosigner的税单点击展开...you're the best!

小糯米 说:三年个人税单,三年满足条件的个人和cosigner的税单点击展开...我觉得这个不太合理吧,我知道有不少人来加拿大以后一直都不工作,如果没有连续三年工作就不可能提供三年以上的税单,就不可以申请父母过来吗? 我的理解是以家庭为单位的,只要夫妻有一方能提供就可以。

Shelly123 说:我觉得这个不太合理吧,我知道有不少人来加拿大以后一直都不工作,如果没有连续三年工作就不可能提供三年以上的税单,就不可以申请父母过来吗? 我的理解是以家庭为单位的,只要夫妻有一方能提供就可以。点击展开...1、不工作不表示没有收入2、不工作不表示没有税单3、是谁的父母就是谁来做主担保人,没商量的。。。。。。

Sponsoring a parent or grandparentYou can sponsor your parent or grandparent if you are a citizen or permanent resident of Canada and if you are 18 years of age or older.You may not be eligible to sponsor your parent or grandparent if you:failed to provide the financial support you agreed to when you signed a sponsorship agreement to sponsor another relative in the pastdefaulted on a court-ordered support order, such as alimony or child supportreceived government financial assistance for reasons other than a disabilitywere convicted of a violent criminal offence, any offence against a relative or any sexual offence—depending on circumstances, such as the nature of the offence, how long ago it occurred and whether a record suspension (formerly called “pardons” in Canada), was issueddefaulted on an immigration loan—late or missed paymentsare in prison orhave declared bankruptcy and have not been released from it yet.Other factors not mentioned in this list might also make you ineligible to sponsor a relative.When you sponsor a parent or grandparent to become a permanent resident of Canada, you must promise to support that person and their dependants financially. Therefore, you have to meet certain income requirements. If you have previously sponsored relatives who later turned to the Canadian government for financial assistance, you may not be allowed to sponsor another person. Sponsorship is a big commitment, so you must take this obligation seriously.To be a sponsor:You and the sponsored relative must sign a sponsorship agreement that commits you to provide financial support for your relative if necessary. This agreement also states that the person becoming a permanent resident will make every effort to support themselves. Dependent children under age 22 do not have to sign this agreement. Quebec residents must sign an “undertaking” with the province of Quebec—a contract binding the sponsorship.You must promise to provide financial support for the relative and any other eligible relatives accompanying them for a period of three to ten years, depending on their age and relationship to you. This time period begins on the date they become a permanent resident.If you live in Quebec, you must also meet Quebec’s immigration sponsorship requirements after Citizenship and Immigration Canada approves you as a sponsor.To sponsor your parent or grandparent, you must be living in Canada.并没有硬性三年交税的规定。


Shelly123 说:Sponsoring a parent or grandparentYou can sponsor your parent or grandparent if you are a citizen or permanent resident of Canada and if you are 18 years of age or older.You may not be eligible to sponsor your parent or grandparent if you:failed to provide the financial support you agreed to when you signed a sponsorship agreement to sponsor another relative in the pastdefaulted on a court-ordered support order, such as alimony or child supportreceived government financial assistance for reasons other than a disabilitywere convicted of a violent criminal offence, any offence against a relative or any sexual offence—depending on circumstances, such as the nature of the offence, how long ago it occurred and whether a record suspension (formerly called “pardons” in Canada), was issueddefaulted on an immigration loan—late or missed paymentsare in prison orhave declared bankruptcy and have not been released from it yet.Other factors not mentioned in this list might also make you ineligible to sponsor a relative.When you sponsor a parent or grandparent to become a permanent resident of Canada, you must promise to support that person and their dependants financially. Therefore, you have to meet certain income requirements. If you have previously sponsored relatives who later turned to the Canadian government for financial assistance, you may not be allowed to sponsor another person. Sponsorship is a big commitment, so you must take this obligation seriously.To be a sponsor:You and the sponsored relative must sign a sponsorship agreement that commits you to provide financial support for your relative if necessary. This agreement also states that the person becoming a permanent resident will make every effort to support themselves. Dependent children under age 22 do not have to sign this agreement. Quebec residents must sign an “undertaking” with the province of Quebec—a contract binding the sponsorship.You must promise to provide financial support for the relative and any other eligible relatives accompanying them for a period of three to ten years, depending on their age and relationship to you. This time period begins on the date they become a permanent resident.If you live in Quebec, you must also meet Quebec’s immigration sponsorship requirements after Citizenship and Immigration Canada approves you as a sponsor.To sponsor your parent or grandparent, you must be living in Canada.并没有硬性三年交税的规定。点击展开...等你看到具体表格时你就会改主意的



ouinei 说:现在新的政策我不知道,但以前的政策是如果你是被担保来的,前三年是不能担保其他人的。点击展开...guide里面没说啊。。。

qingqing8866 说:guide里面没说啊。。。[/QUOTE表里有,一旦你答yes, 就失去担保资格点击展开...


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