加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民1344表的第一个问题
请问 1344表的第一个问题什么意思? 大家如何选的?谢谢。
这个表格不仅仅是用来担保父母团聚移民的。比如说去年受台风海燕影响的菲律宾难民也适用,对于他们的担保人而言,经济条件的要求是不同的。所以对于他们来说一定要选择2 (proceed with the application for permanent residence. ) 当然我们担保父母团聚,肯定是满足收入要求才提交申请的。所以不会出现不能成为担保人的情况,随便你选什么好了。我是选了2.
Part 1: Application to Sponsor and UndertakingQuestion 1Check one box to indicate how you wish to proceed if you do not meet the sponsorship requirements.If you check the box to withdraw your sponsorship application thenthe sponsorship application will not be processed. All fees will be refunded, except for the $75 sponsorship fee.If you check the box to proceed with the application for permanent residence thenthe sponsorship application will be refused. None of the fees will be refunded.Note: Check “proceed with the application for permanent residence” if you submit an undertaking of assistance to support the permanent residence application of a family member or close relative on Humanitarian and compassionate considerations.从上面的解释看,我觉得选1
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