时间表如下Jan 30, 2010 寄往CPC-MFeb 15, 2010 CPC-M发出回执信Feb 18, 2010 收到CPC-M发出的回执信Aug 06, 2013 收到CPC-M补材料的信Aug 28, 2013 发出材料Aug 29, 2013 Canadapost显示材料收达Sep 27, 2013 CPC-M发出申请材料齐全的回执信Sep 29, 2013 收到CPC-M发出的回执信Oct 09, 2013 CPC-M发出担保资格审核通过信,材料转往香港Oct 11, 2013 收到CPC-M发出的担保通过信Aug 20, 2014 收到CIC香港发出的质疑EMAIL信件,索取DNA测试结果Aug 24, 2014 联络CIC认可的DNA测试公司Aug 25, 2014 加拿大DNA取样Aug 25, 2014 DNA测试公司确定CIC香港方面已经得到我们将进行DNA测试的信息Sep 15, 2014 香港DNA取样Sep 24, 2014 DNA电子结果送递CIC香港Sep 25, 2014 收到CIC香港发出的体检要求EMAILNov 04, 2014 体检结果全部递交完成Nov 11, 2014 收到CIC香港发出的EMAIL要求更新Mailing label和邮寄护照Dec 11, 2014 CIC香港回寄护照Dec 22, 2014 签收护照全程历时4年10个月22天,感谢CIC的圣诞礼物 背景:单身担保父母亲+当时未成年的弟弟。总人数4人2010年人口普查时候因为没解释清楚,家人也没跟我说,户口被强制注销,户籍转回乡下原住址。入籍以后就更别提了。此外80年出生的基本没有医院的出生证,所以只有出生证明,弟弟是90年的,所以出生证有差异,外加中国的计划生育政策,所以很容易对我这样的家庭结构产生怀疑。我个人分析,这个是被要求DNA测试的主要原因,此外按照香港DNA测试医院的医生反应,近期被要求做DNA测试的家庭增加了CIC网站查询的地址是https://services3.cic.gc.ca/ecas/?app=ecas&lang=en用你的Client ID登陆,也就是PR卡上的8位号码(xxxx-xxxx)CIC Call Centre电话号码1-888-242‑2100 和香港方面联系的方法或者改地址的话,要通过这个渠道,否则不会更新 (我期间替父母改过一次家庭住址,因为卖房子搬家)https://dmp-portal.cic.gc.ca/enquiries-renseignements/case-cas-eng.aspx?mission=hong kong如果网络系统挂了,你可以用这2个email地址联络香港[email protected], [email protected]我忘了哪个是,所以你就一起用吧。记得要包含UCI(父母团聚申请以后会给主申请人一个号码,不要用你的),Application号码,父母主申请人生日,父母主申请人名字,父母主申请人国家如果你在申请时候入籍了的话,不用更改任何资料,也不用告诉他们我补的材料列表1. checklist2. 随着checklist来的信3. option c 2009-2012,我多交了2年4. imm 00085. imm 56696. imm 54067. 护照复印件8. 我的出生公证9. 我的亲属公证10. 父母结婚公证11. 父母出生公证12. 父母身份证公证13. 户口本公证14. 我弟的出生证公证15. 我弟的出生公证16. 我弟的身份证公证17. 照片背后写好出生日期拍照时间和名字18. 国内地址的中英文self addressed mailing label19. 父母的无犯罪公证,我弟弟未满18,所以没做20. Right of Permanent Residency Fee收据======================================补材料完整信样本: http://forum.iask.ca/attachment.php?attachmentid=315225&stc=1&d=1380836950担保通过信样本: http://forum.iask.ca/attachment.php?attachmentid=315973&stc=1&d=1381525864CIC索取DNA的信件我很多材料其实是有的,但是人家不采用,或者在transfer时候丢失了,这个我没法考虑,我知道的就是我如果不交这个结果,对我是不利的。Dear XXX:This refers to your application for permanent residence in Canada.After reviewing the information provided in support of your application, I am not satisfied that there is sufficient evidence to prove the parent-child relationship between you, your spouse, your sponsor and your son.The following pieces of information were noted in your file, that undermined the above stated relationships in your application:• You did not provide any documentary evidence to substantiate the stated relationship(s);• You did not submit a birth certificate for your sponsor;• Your sponsor in not included in your HUKOU.Therefore, I am not satisfied that you, your spouse and your sponsor meet the requirements of the family class program, pursuant to section 117 of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations.As the documentary evidence you have provided does not satisfactorily establish the stated biological relationship between you, your spouse, your sponsor and your son, this office will accept the results of a DNA analysis as proof of that/those relationship(s), carried out by a laboratory accredited by the Standard Council of Canada for DNA testing. You should be aware that you are responsible for the costs of sample taking, shipping, laboratory analysis, and report submission.To proceed with your application and the DNA test process, you are responsible for choosing a laboratory in Canada. A list of accredited laboratories is attached.Once you decide to undergo the DNA testing, the laboratory in Canada that you have chosen will make an appointment at the lab you selected either in Hong Kong or Beijing for the sample collection. We regret that we are unable to offer testing sites in any other cities in the PRC.The laboratory will also inform you of the requirements for the sample collection, such as valid passport, identification card and two passport–size photos, fees for the sample collection and courier services to send each sample to Canada. You and your family will also be fingerprinted at the laboratory.Please note that sample collection cannot proceed without the identification and other documents listed above. Individuals who fail to present the identification on the date of their appointment will not be tested that day and will have to make another appointment. The results of the DNA tests will be sent to you and also to our office by the laboratory when completed. This can take approximately four to six weeks from the date of the tests.If the tests confirm the relationship between you, your sponsor, your sponsor, we will be in a position to proceed with the processing of your application or issue new medical instructions if your present medical results have expired by that time.DNA tests are not mandatory.If we are not advised within 90 days by a laboratory that you will be proceeding with the DNA testing, we will assume that you are no longer interested in providing a DNA test result and will render a decision based on the information available to us at that time.Sincerely,Immigration SectionConsulate General of CanadaWebsites: www.HongKong.gc.cawww.cic.gc.caCanada Visa Application Centre, Wan Chai, Hong Kong: http://www.vfsglobal.ca/canada/hongkong/english/news.htmlDNA LABORATORIESLABORATORIES ACCREDITED BY THE STANDARDS COUNCIL OF CANADA FOR DNA TESTING:Genetrack Biolabs Inc.1-888-828-1899immigration@genetrackcanada.comwww.genetrackcanada.comMaxxam Analytics [email protected] PRO-DNA1-800-563-4363info@orchidprodna.cawww.orchidprodna.caVIAGUARD ACCU-METRICSToll free telephone: 1-877-842-4827Email: [email protected]: www.accu-metrics.com======================================小tip:未来补材料的朋友可能的话尽量不要转香港CIC网站的那个处理速度根本不对。可能两三年前香港很快,但是现在巨慢无比,能把父母办supervisa过来住够1年的朋友千万要下手,能在加拿大境内办理的话能快很多。这就跟CEC一个意思,刚开始特快,现在拖的不行。很多朋友12年9月转香港的,刚让体检和寄护照,这都等不止1年了我2013-10-11转过去的,至今没消息,发email问就让我等着,同批人都landing了。发过2个email得到的答案是--------------Dear Sir/Madam,This is in response to your recent email enquiry to the Immigration Section of the Consulate General of Canada in Hong Kong.The application is currently in inventory pending for the assessment. Further instruction or requests will be sent in due course.Thank you for the continued patience.Immigration SectionConsulate General of Canada----------------------Dear Sir/Madam,This message is in response to your recent email enquiry to the Immigration Section of the Consulate General of Canada in Hong Kong.Please be advised that the application is still in our inventory. We will contact you when we have further information or requests.For your current application status, please refer to:https://services3.cic.gc.ca/ecas/?app=ecas&lang=enFor application processing times, please refer to:http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/times/index.aspWe trust that this information will be of assistance.Sincerely,Immigration SectionConsulate General of Canada
CEC Filed on Jul06/2009; PPR on Nov04/2009; Parent Sponsorship Filed on Jan30/2010, PPR on Nov11/2014; Spouse Sponsorship in-Canada Filed on Sep15/2015, OWP on Jan15/2016, ME Request on Apr29/2016, Sponsorship Approved on May4/2016, ME Submitted on May13/2016, DM on June20/2016, Landing on July5/2016. 赏
090211登陆加拿大;101109长登温哥华;110831父母担保寄出;110902父母担保签收;120831入籍申请寄出;130304收到父母移民申请确认信;130903入籍RQ;130909递交父母探亲签证;130912获批父母10年多次探亲签证;140301入籍RQ材料寄出;140422父母第一次探亲;140521入籍考试;140818宣誓唱歌;150728父母移民收到补料信;150831父母移民补料信寄出;150903 CIC补料签收;150929 CIC补料完整确认信签发;151224 父母移民申请IP;160613 父母移民申请DM1;160623 父母移民申请ME;160813 父母移民申请MER;; 赏 2014-12-23#3 Y 625 $0.00 mark
Aug 06, 2013 收到CPC-M补材料的信. 这是补了什么材料?
jenny_yan22 说:Aug 06, 2013 收到CPC-M补材料的信. 这是补了什么材料?点击展开...我是不是写的太多了? 底下有我补的材料列表
CEC Filed on Jul06/2009; PPR on Nov04/2009; Parent Sponsorship Filed on Jan30/2010, PPR on Nov11/2014; Spouse Sponsorship in-Canada Filed on Sep15/2015, OWP on Jan15/2016, ME Request on Apr29/2016, Sponsorship Approved on May4/2016, ME Submitted on May13/2016, DM on June20/2016, Landing on July5/2016. 赏 2014-12-23#6
恭喜楼主! 我跟你一样的2010年1月递的,还比你早几天,担保的情况都一模一样。今年3月才材料转香港,至今还没进一步消息呢。你弟弟是90年出生的,转到香港后没再要求提供你弟弟的在学证明之类的吗?
青山依旧在,几度夕阳红恭喜楼主! 我跟你一样的2010年1月递的,还比你早几天,担保的情况都一模一样。今年3月才材料转香港,至今还没进一步消息呢。你弟弟是90年出生的,转到香港后没再要求提供你弟弟的在学证明之类的吗?点击展开...他是95的,现在才19岁生日刚过。没有要求补在学证明
CEC Filed on Jul06/2009; PPR on Nov04/2009; Parent Sponsorship Filed on Jan30/2010, PPR on Nov11/2014; Spouse Sponsorship in-Canada Filed on Sep15/2015, OWP on Jan15/2016, ME Request on Apr29/2016, Sponsorship Approved on May4/2016, ME Submitted on May13/2016, DM on June20/2016, Landing on July5/2016.楼主,您好。请问“可能两三年前香港很快,但是现在巨慢无比,能把父母办supervisa过来住够1年的朋友千万要下手,能在加拿大境内办理的话能快很多。”这句话是什么意思啊?谢谢点击展开...父母在加拿大境内的话会转发CPC-M或者CPC-O处理手续,而不会发回国内,审批进度超快
CEC Filed on Jul06/2009; PPR on Nov04/2009; Parent Sponsorship Filed on Jan30/2010, PPR on Nov11/2014; Spouse Sponsorship in-Canada Filed on Sep15/2015, OWP on Jan15/2016, ME Request on Apr29/2016, Sponsorship Approved on May4/2016, ME Submitted on May13/2016, DM on June20/2016, Landing on July5/2016.恭喜楼主! 我跟你一样的2010年1月递的,还比你早几天,担保的情况都一模一样。今年3月才材料转香港,至今还没进一步消息呢。你弟弟是90年出生的,转到香港后没再要求提供你弟弟的在学证明之类的吗?点击展开...你是10年1月申请的?现在还没有批?我有亲戚也是,今年9月就登录了
静静的蔷薇 说:恭喜楼主! 我跟你一样的2010年1月递的,还比你早几天,担保的情况都一模一样。今年3月才材料转香港,至今还没进一步消息呢。你弟弟是90年出生的,转到香港后没再要求提供你弟弟的在学证明之类的吗?点击展开...
torune 说:父母在加拿大境内的话会转发CPC-M或者CPC-O处理手续,而不会发回国内,审批进度超快点击展开...我担保的家人现在在加拿大(持有访问签证),照你的说法是不是需要打电话到cic 报告他们?——我还没有收到要补充材料的信
torune 说:父母在加拿大境内的话会转发CPC-M或者CPC-O处理手续,而不会发回国内,审批进度超快点击展开...无论是什么时候申请的都会这样吗?要在表上自己填转CPC-M,还是按调查情况直接转的呢?谢谢
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