加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民谁在魁省申请父母移民?
同题。有个问题在联邦申请阶段,是否魁省居民担保需要提供所有的表格?在魁省网站上看到需要上交的表格少。另外文件是否也要提供noa的option c?以前好像魁省不需要在联邦担保资格时提交,现在是否还要。联邦的guide上没看到。多谢。
蒙特利尔,我的新生活http://blog.sina.com.cn/repluie同题。有个问题在联邦申请阶段,是否魁省居民担保需要提供所有的表格?在魁省网站上看到需要上交的表格少。另外文件是否也要提供noa的option c?以前好像魁省不需要在联邦担保资格时提交,现在是否还要。联邦的guide上没看到。多谢。点击展开...Sponsors living in Quebec The province of Quebec is responsible for determining whether sponsors living in the province have the financial ability to sponsor family members and the length of the undertaking. Sponsors living in Quebec must only submit the Application to Sponsor, Sponsorship Agreement and Undertaking (IMM 1344), the Generic Application Form for Canada (IMM 0008) and provide the required documents. Refer to section “Income Tables and Charts’’ to determine if you have the financial ability to meet the sponsorship requirements. If the federal eligibility requirements are met, the Case Processing Centre in Mississauga (CPC-M) will send the sponsor a letter with instructions to download the MICC undertaking kit, then to complete and submit it to the MICC with a copy of the letter from CPC-M. For more information on Quebec’s requirements, you may call MICC’s general information line at 514-864-9191 or 1-877-864-9191 or consult their website.
回复: 谁在魁省申请父母移民?这个是最新的。楼上你那个在哪找到的?好像是以前的。现在的我没看到only。Sponsors living in QuebecThe province of Quebec is responsible for determining whether sponsors living in the province have the financial ability to sponsor family members and the length of the undertaking.Sponsors living in Quebec must submit:Application to Sponsor, Sponsorship Agreement and Undertaking (IMM 1344), theGeneric Application Form for Canada (IMM 0008),Schedule A- Background Declaration (IMM 5669),Additional Family Information (IMM 5406) andOther required documents.If the federal eligibility requirements are met, the Case Processing Centre in Mississauga (CPC-M) will send the sponsor a letter with instructions to download the MICC undertaking kit, then to complete and submit it to the MICC with a copy of the letter from CPC-M.For more information on Quebec’s requirements, you may call MICC’s general information line at 514-864-9191 or 1-877-864-9191 or consult their website.
蒙特利尔,我的新生活http://blog.sina.com.cn/repluie这个是最新的。楼上你那个在哪找到的?好像是以前的。现在的我没看到only。Sponsors living in QuebecThe province of Quebec is responsible for determining whether sponsors living in the province have the financial ability to sponsor family members and the length of the undertaking.Sponsors living in Quebec must submit:Application to Sponsor, Sponsorship Agreement and Undertaking (IMM 1344), theGeneric Application Form for Canada (IMM 0008),Schedule A- Background Declaration (IMM 5669),Additional Family Information (IMM 5406) andOther required documents.If the federal eligibility requirements are met, the Case Processing Centre in Mississauga (CPC-M) will send the sponsor a letter with instructions to download the MICC undertaking kit, then to complete and submit it to the MICC with a copy of the letter from CPC-M.For more information on Quebec’s requirements, you may call MICC’s general information line at 514-864-9191 or 1-877-864-9191 or consult their website.点击展开...你的是对的,我那个是旧的,没有刷新!
回复: 谁在魁省申请父母移民?表格5768应该不用填。
蒙特利尔,我的新生活http://blog.sina.com.cn/repluie回复: 谁在魁省申请父母移民?新checking list 可以提供noa或者option c
蒙特利尔,我的新生活http://blog.sina.com.cn/repluie回复: 谁在魁省申请父母移民?这个是最新的。楼上你那个在哪找到的?好像是以前的。现在的我没看到only。Sponsors living in QuebecThe province of Quebec is responsible for determining whether sponsors living in the province have the financial ability to sponsor family members and the length of the undertaking.Sponsors living in Quebec must submit:Application to Sponsor, Sponsorship Agreement and Undertaking (IMM 1344), theGeneric Application Form for Canada (IMM 0008),Schedule A- Background Declaration (IMM 5669),Additional Family Information (IMM 5406) andOther required documents.If the federal eligibility requirements are met, the Case Processing Centre in Mississauga (CPC-M) will send the sponsor a letter with instructions to download the MICC undertaking kit, then to complete and submit it to the MICC with a copy of the letter from CPC-M.For more information on Quebec’s requirements, you may call MICC’s general information line at 514-864-9191 or 1-877-864-9191 or consult their website.点击展开...请问第一步交到联邦的时候要不要提供 noa? 工作证明,银行流水 要提供吗?
repluie 说:回复: 谁在魁省申请父母移民?新checking list 可以提供noa或者option c点击展开...请问下什么是 option c?
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