加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民关于CIC如何管理2015年5000份完整申请和扣款问题。


My immigration consultant friend forwarded this to me. Received this morning from CPC-Mississauga:Mr. xxThank you for bringing your concerns to my attention. This following describes our current practice for managing PGP 2015 applications:1. Until the cap is reached, every envelope is date stamped with the date of receipt at our office, immediately at the time of receipt – this physical evidence is retained on file and in electronic records.2. Until the cap is reached, every application is opened and reviewed for completeness in order, based on date of receipt – this physical evidence is also retained on file and in electronic records.3. We process fee payments for only those applications submitted complete.4. When we process a credit card payment which is unsuccessful at our first attempt, we give the client the benefit of the doubt in case there were connectivity issues. For these cases, we attempt that same transaction on 2 additional consecutive days (total of 3 attempts) before we reject that application for insufficient payment. Should that transaction be successful on one of those 3 attempts, that application is then retained for further processing. All attempts to process credit card transactions are documented and this physical evidence is retained on file and in electronic records.5. Only complete applications for which the correct fee payment has been processed are counted towards the cap of 5000 PGP 2015 applications.I can confirm that we do not open applications out of date order. However. given our facilitative procedures for unsuccessful credit card payments, fee payments for applications received later may be processed before applications submitted earlier. In other words, a client whose application was received later may have his credit card transaction processed before a client whose application was received a day or two earlier, because it took 3 consecutive attempts (3 business days) before we had a successful fee payment transaction for that earlier application. This physical evidence is also retained on file and in electronic records.I have asked my team to perform a quality assurance check after receiving your query. They have performed both a physical and electronic record inspection and confirm that the process outlined above has been followed to date. All of our business process steps have been well documented.最后,祝大家都好运!

well done!

1)2008.3.5签收3.31-DM 4.11IP4.14FN14 4.22(12)5.7(13)5.13(17)2008.5.16Visa2)2009.6.30递交[email protected] 2012.3.30补料4.24@CPC 5.9pass担保FN转ottawa 7.16ME通知7.25体检8.13MER10.23通知寄护照2012.12.17Visa3)[email protected] done!点击展开...谢谢!我觉得解释得很清楚。看来他们的工作还是蛮有条理的,也不轻松啊!


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