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祝天下的家庭和美,幸福,快乐,平安! 赏 2015-03-10#2 2,985 $0.00 Federal Income Table for sponsors of parents and grandparentsThe following table applies to residents of all provinces except Quebec. For each of the three consecutive taxation years preceding the date on which the application is submitted to CIC, the sponsor (and co-signer, if applicable) must meet the Minimum Necessary Income, which is based on the Low Income Cut-offs plus 30%.Federal Income Table for Parents and Grandparents SponsorshipSize of Family Unit Minimum Income2013 Minimum Income2012 Minimum Income20112 persons$37,708$36,637 $35,9763 persons$46,354$45,040 $44,2294 persons$56,280$54,685 $53,6995 persons$63,833$62,023 $60,9056 persons$71,991$69,950 $68,6897 persons$80,153$77,879 $76,475If more than 7 persons, for each additional person, add$8,148$7,929 $ 7,786The Minimum Necessary Income requirement, which you must meet for each of the three years preceding the date of your application, is equal to the Low Income Cut-Offs (LICO) plus 30%.
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