加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民申请时只担保了妈妈,补材料加上了爸爸,开贴


2010年9月提交申请,当时只担保了妈妈。今年7月28日收到补料信。30号打电话给call center,问加爸爸行不行。说没问题。计划先递交加爸爸的材料,再补料。以免搞混。 后来又打电话问,说两个材料得一起交。我终于等到国内寄过来的公证,8月21日把所有的材料寄出去了

liza603 说:2010年9月提交申请,当时只担保了妈妈。今年7月28日收到补料信。30号打电话给call center,问加爸爸行不行。说没问题。计划先递交加爸爸的材料,再补料。以免搞混。点击展开...建议多打几次电话记下对方姓名编号,把你的问题反复确认清楚。最好要求对方发个书面确认电邮。有些call center的员工业务完全不懂还非常敢满嘴胡说八道。按照当年的规定,加减被担保人都是不行的。需要彻底重头来过。尤其涉及到当时的家庭总人数的最低收入标准等一系列问题。其实先办好老妈,再按照配偶团聚也多花不了多少时间,但保险得多。


liza603 说:发书面邮件了,加减担保人都可以,有这个政策,只要是与主申请人是夫妻。点击展开...好消息。预祝顺利!


ectorant 说:这次担保我的父母,如果现在加上公婆可以吗?点击展开... 这个好像不可以,加的人必须原来填表里的NON-ACOMPANY list 里的人。

liza603 说:发书面邮件了,加减担保人都可以,有这个政策,只要是与主申请人是夫妻。点击展开... My case is exactly the same. I only had my Mum in the sponsorship application, now I got the letter and plan to add my father. I'm wondering how to proceed. Do I need to re-submit a sponsorship application adding my father, or I just go ahead, add my father and his documents to the immigration application? Thanks a lot!

ectorant 说:这次担保我的父母,如果现在加上公婆可以吗?点击展开...你是你父母的担保人,你老公是他父母的担保人。sponsor不一样,不能放在一份申请上的。得让你老公在明年1月1号重开之后单独递申请,按照新政来办。

Rabit888 说:My case is exactly the same. I only had my Mum in the sponsorship application, now I got the letter and plan to add my father. I'm wondering how to proceed. Do I need to re-submit a sponsorship application adding my father, or I just go ahead, add my father and his documents to the immigration application? Thanks a lot!点击展开...我把CIC给我的邮件给你看,你就清楚了,有个清单: After applying for sponsorship - Adding a family member (Add-on)A family member* of the principal applicant could be added at a later date, even if he was listed as non-accompanying dependant in the initial application. However, it is impossible to add a family member to an application if the final decision has been made by the Canadian visa office.To add a person to the application, you have to download, fill out, validate and print the following forms** from our website (for more details on these forms, please follow the instructions provided in the Guide) and send it to the Case Processing Centre (CPC) in Mississauga, Ontario:A new Application to Sponsor, Sponsorship Agreement and Undertaking form (IMM 1344) completed by the sponsor and, if applicable, the co-signer,A new Generic Application Form for Canada (IMM 0008) without supporting documents, if the application is still at the CPC in Mississauga, Ontario,A new Financial Evaluation form (IMM 1283) completed by the sponsor and the co-signer, if adding a co-signer, andThe add-on request including:your client ID number/UCI,a letter of explanation,a copy of the birth certificate, marriage certificate or proof of common-law relationship, andthe proof of payment. You must write ADD-ON on the forms and on the envelope. If you want proof that your application was received, we suggest that you use registered mail with Canada Post or a courier service such as Purolator, UPS, FedEx, etc.*A family member is a spouse, common-law partner, dependent child or dependent child of a dependent child.**If the newly created family member is a child born in Canada, only the add-on request is required.

liza603 说:我把CIC给我的邮件给你看,你就清楚了,有个清单:After applying for sponsorship - Adding a family member (Add-on)A family member* of the principal applicant could be added at a later date, even if he was listed as non-accompanying dependant in the initial application. However, it is impossible to add a family member to an application if the final decision has been made by the Canadian visa office.To add a person to the application, you have to download, fill out, validate and print the following forms** from our website (for more details on these forms, please follow the instructions provided in the Guide) and send it to the Case Processing Centre (CPC) in Mississauga, Ontario:A new Application to Sponsor, Sponsorship Agreement and Undertaking form (IMM 1344) completed by the sponsor and, if applicable, the co-signer,A new Generic Application Form for Canada (IMM 0008) without supporting documents, if the application is still at the CPC in Mississauga, Ontario,A new Financial Evaluation form (IMM 1283) completed by the sponsor and the co-signer, if adding a co-signer,andThe add-on request including:your client ID number/UCI,a letter of explanation,a copy of the birth certificate, marriage certificate or proof of common-law relationship, andthe proof of payment.You must write ADD-ON on the forms and on the envelope. If you want proof that your application was received, we suggest that you use registered mail with Canada Post or a courier service such as Purolator, UPS, FedEx, etc.*A family member is a spouse, common-law partner, dependent child or dependent child of a dependent child.**If the newly created family member is a child born in Canada, only the add-on request is required.点击展开...liza603请问你发加拿大移民局电子邮箱是那个啊。谢谢你发过来我好吗?我有人口变更下要发电邮觧释下不知移民局email,



liza603 说:2010年9月提交申请,当时只担保了妈妈。今年7月28日收到补料信。30号打电话给call center,问加爸爸行不行。说没问题。计划先递交加爸爸的材料,再补料。以免搞混。后来又打电话问,说两个材料得一起交。我终于等到国内寄过来的公证,8月21日把所有的材料寄出去了点击展开...

跳出五行外我把CIC给我的邮件给你看,你就清楚了,有个清单:After applying for sponsorship - Adding a family member (Add-on)A family member* of the principal applicant could be added at a later date, even if he was listed as non-accompanying dependant in the initial application. However, it is impossible to add a family member to an application if the final decision has been made by the Canadian visa office.To add a person to the application, you have to download, fill out, validate and print the following forms** from our website (for more details on these forms, please follow the instructions provided in the Guide) and send it to the Case Processing Centre (CPC) in Mississauga, Ontario:A new Application to Sponsor, Sponsorship Agreement and Undertaking form (IMM 1344) completed by the sponsor and, if applicable, the co-signer,A new Generic Application Form for Canada (IMM 0008) without supporting documents, if the application is still at the CPC in Mississauga, Ontario,A new Financial Evaluation form (IMM 1283) completed by the sponsor and the co-signer, if adding a co-signer,andThe add-on request including:your client ID number/UCI,a letter of explanation,a copy of the birth certificate, marriage certificate or proof of common-law relationship, andthe proof of payment.You must write ADD-ON on the forms and on the envelope. If you want proof that your application was received, we suggest that you use registered mail with Canada Post or a courier service such as Purolator, UPS, FedEx, etc.*A family member is a spouse, common-law partner, dependent child or dependent child of a dependent child.**If the newly created family member is a child born in Canada, only the add-on request is required.点击展开...涉及到当时的家庭总人数的最低收入标准等一系列问题, How about the income level after add in one more family member in? Do you know how they calculate the Income?Fore example, when someone sponsor her mom in year 2010, and in year 2012, add in her dad.For year 2010, the income should meet the family for 3 or 2?Since add in her dad in year 2012, not 2010, should the income level meet the standards for 3ppl since year 2010? or should meet the standards for 2ppl for year 2010, and meet for 3ppl in year 2012Anybody has similar case?I just name a sample.


忘了密码1 说:非常不幸,我当时就是13年加我爸,但他们从10年就开始考虑他的人头。这个不合乎情理。所以我收到一封拒签信,我又给CIC发了封解释信说当年只担保妈妈。现在还在等消息,cic说要3个月后才能知道结果。点击展开...Thank you for your replyHow do you know they count your Dad in? Do they specify the family size in the letter?

OO 说:Thank you for your replyHow do you know they count your Dad in? Do they specify the family size in the letter?点击展开...对,说我家庭人数4个人,收入不够。而且我没加我先生,所以他算个人头。

忘了密码1 说:对,说我家庭人数4个人,收入不够。而且我没加我先生,所以他算个人头。点击展开...Yes, I remember your situation, I thought it just one issue-the common- law didn't' sign as the co-signerMy situation is slight different from yours, I add a family in, but at the same time, I get married, and add in the co-signer too.So, I don't know how they count the family size.If CIC count everybody in , and use my income for Year 2010, definitely not good enough.please kindly update how your case going?If you tell them, you only sponsor your Mom, will your income will be good enough to cover u, your husband and your mom?

忘了密码1 说:对,说我家庭人数4个人,收入不够。而且我没加我先生,所以他算个人头。点击展开...sorry about my English, I don't have the Chinese typing app in the office computer.

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