加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民分享:探亲签证体检代替移民体检


收到移民体检的通知后,我发信问香港使馆能否用探亲签证体检代替移民体检。信如下:UCI: 631295XXApplication: F0001767XXPrincipal applicant: Name Name (Birth of Date)UMI: U001169XXX Dear Sir or Madam,Thanks for your email notification for medical examination. I had a medical examination for SuperVisa on 26 March 2015. I wonder if this medical certificate can be used for immigration purpose as you required? Please see the medical report as attachment. If you do not accept the medical certificate on 26 March 2015, I have to book another medical exam. Please response to my question as soon as possible, as I have 30 days only to complete the medical exam.Waiting for your reply. Thanks. Father's Name--------------------------------------------香港于一周后的电邮回复。确实比较慢。Dear Sir / Madam, This message is in response to your recent email enquiry to the Immigration Section of the Consulate General of Canada in Hong Kong.This is to confirm that Name Name is not required to undergo new medical examination.We trust that this information will be of assistance.Sincerely,Immigration Section | Section de l’ImmigrationConsulate General of Canada in Hong Kong and Macao | Consulat général du Canada à Hong Kong et MacaoGovernment of Canada | Gouvernement du Canada

奔波于生计,品人生艰辛收到移民体检的通知后,我发信问香港使馆能否用探亲签证体检代替移民体检。信如下: UCI: 631295XX Application: F0001767XX Principal applicant: Name Name (Birth of Date) UMI: U001169XXX Dear Sir or Madam, Thanks for your email notification for medical examination. I had a medical examination for SuperVisa on 26 March 2015. I wonder if this medical certificate can be used for immigration purpose as you required? Please see the medical report as attachment. If you do not accept the medical certificate on 26 March 2015, I have to book another medical exam. Please response to my question as soon as possible, as I have 30 days only to complete the medical exam. Waiting for your reply. Thanks. Father's Name -------------------------------------------- 香港于一周后的电邮回复。确实比较慢。Dear Sir / Madam, This message is in response to your recent email enquiry to the Immigration Section of the Consulate General of Canada in Hong Kong. This is to confirm that Name Name is not required to undergo new medical examination. We trust that this information will be of assistance. Sincerely, Immigration Section | Section de l’Immigration Consulate General of Canada in Hong Kong and Macao | Consulat général du Canada à Hong Kong et MacaoGovernment of Canada | Gouvernement du Canada点击展开... 那就是说可以,是吧?


lg主0213 09.10.27初审 10.1.7 RN 10.1.23 ielts (8 7 6 7.5)10.5.4补料投妥BJ(ielts考试中心邮寄10.4.23投妥)10.5.8FN 10.6.3BJ6 10.6.3IP 10.6.21BJ12 10.7.23BJ8 10.8.2BJ6 10.8.10BJ8 10.10.22BJ6 10.12.1BJ12 11.8.31me(ROD) 11.9.22体检 11.9.28补儿子材料 11.11.1儿子me 12.3.28or29DM 9月短登温哥华可以的。体检中心的人都知道可以。有效期1年。点击展开...It totally depends on the officer for your case.

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