加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民关于父母移民担保问题
想问下,我16年交申请给12-14的NOA,是否之后每年的收入都要达标?由于是自雇,收入不想每年都报那么高。担心以后CIC会不会在最后关头又要问我要最近几年的NOA? 请大神指教!
理论上要求是到父母来之前你都要保持这个收入水平。实际操作中不知道是否会要求补料。请有经验的同学帮忙回答。Do I have to maintain a minimum income during the processing of the application?Your Minimum Necessary Income must meet or exceed the Federal Income Table for Parents and Grandparents Sponsorship above on the date on which the sponsorship application is signed until the day your family members are permanent residents.Income may be reassessed at any time during processing if new information indicates that you may no longer meet the minimum income requirements or if more than 12 months have passed between the dates on which we receive your application and when processing of the application begins.
09-11-05 雅思熟 7.5 / 09-12-02 妥投 / 12-3-14 5句话IP / 13-2-21 ME / 13-6-4 DM / 14-1-10 长登Markham 赏 2015-08-20#3 4,881 $0.00 肯定必须一定要保持每年都达标
小糯米 说:肯定必须一定要保持每年都达标点击展开...多谢!
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