加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民香港5月份体检信那一批收到大信封了,护照寄渥
我妈妈的case是3月25日通知从渥太华转香港的,5月21日收到体检email,我们6月3日完成体检。7月1日收到香港发出的寄护照email。7月4日寄走护照到渥太华的处理中心,7月15日收到贴好签证的护照和移民纸。1.如果主申请和随行人员都在加拿大并且准备继续呆3个月的,可以把护照寄到渥太华。2.需要寄2张枫叶卡尺寸的照片。不是护照尺寸的。(渥太华是这样的,北京和香港的不清楚)3.我寄护照用的是Canadapost的Xpresspost.而且里面放了一个prepaid的Xpresspost信封,上面写好回邮地址,记下tracking number,这样他们邮寄回来的信也可以在网上tracking。不过这次他们办事效率太高,没等我查,护照就寄回来了。希望大家都能早日毕业!
奔向未来,我的最爱恭喜你。早就说了香港是很快的。点击展开... 多谢你!我妈妈今天早晨已经完成境内登陆了。在和平门登陆的。
KittyCat 说:恭喜你。早就说了香港是很快的。点击展开...我们6月2日完成体检. Ottawa office. Still waiting. Visitor visa expire in September. Hope the PR come in time.
freetime2010 说:我们6月2日完成体检. Ottawa office. Still waiting. Visitor visa expire in September. Hope the PR come in time.点击展开...We are the same.
081124BJ投妥;081201签发FN;081205撤案;090227烤鸭;090313投妥CIU;090326RN;090601补料HK;090615新FN;090625补材料;090729ME;090903PL;091007贴签;091017VISA到;091201短登温哥华;100626长登多伦多; 110412父母担保签收; 110505父母担保回执;110705宝宝担保签收;120105宝宝签证;120214宝宝登陆;140306入籍签收;140729父母担保补料;140819父母担保补料签收;141114入籍考试脱考;141120父母担保补料确认信;150317父母担保二次补料信;20150526二次补料签收;20150529DM1,ME... 赏 2015-07-24#6 C 111 $0.00 我也是从香港发过来的信,从渥太华转过去的,怎么又要求我准备那么多东西啊!疯掉了!This is in reference to your application for permanent residence in Canada. Your application has been received at the Consulate General of Canada in Hong Kong. This letter is comprised of two parts – the first is a document request which requires your immediate action. The second part contains general information which you should carefully review.If you have an updated email correspondence address, please provide it. PART 1 – DOCUMENT REQUESTYou are requested to review your application and submit the following within 30 days from the date of this letter in order to facilitate the processing of your application. For you, the principal applicant, and for any dependants, whether accompanying you to Canada or not, please submit:Complete medical examinations If you have not already, you will receive medical instructions from our office.If you already have valid medical examination results, please ensure that results have not expired, or, will not expire within 120 days of this letter. (Note that medical examinations are only valid for one year from the date of your exam).·Payment of the Right of Permanent Residence Fee (RPRF) for you and your spouse (if applicable), if not already paid. We strongly encourage you to pay your fees online and to submit a copy of your receipt to our office. For information regarding fees, click here, or visit: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/fees/index.asp.As applicable, if you have not already submitted the following for yourself or any dependents ages 18 and over, whether accompanying you to Canada or not, please provide:Updated IMM008 form, including details of all members named on your application, whether accompanying or not.Updated Schedule A (form IMM 5669) for each family member named on your application: You must declare all personal histories from the age of 18.Updated Additional Family Information (form IMM 5406) for each family member named on your application, whether accompanying you to Canada or not.Police certificates from each country in which you or your dependants (whether accompanying you to Canada or not) have spent 6 months or more since the age of 18, if you have not already submitted them. Instructions on how to obtain police certificates for specific countries may be found by clicking here, or visit:http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/security/police-cert/index.aspProof of relationships:Copies of Marriage and/or divorce certificates for all marriages for any married/divorced persons on your application, whether accompanying you to Canada or not. If you were married/divorced in the People’s Republic of China, these documents must be accompanied by a notarized translation into either English or French. Translations must be part of the notarized booklet (if not already submitted) for residents of the People’s Republic of China or Taiwan.If your sponsor/in-Canada family member is NOT your spouse, a notarized copy of the original hospital birth certificate(s) or other documents that prove the relationship to your sponsor/in-Canada family member. For persons born in the People’s Republic of China: You must submit a notarized copy of the certificate issued by the PRC Ministry of Health (If this is not available, you must submit an explanation as to why this document cannot be submitted)If you reside in the People’s Republic of China or Taiwan: Hukou (household register). This document must be accompanied by a notarized translation into either English or French. Translation must be part of the notarized booklet (if not already submitted)For all persons named on this application, whether accompanying you to Canada or not: Notarized copy of the original hospital birth certificate. For children born in the People’s Republic of China: You must submit a notarized copy of the certificate issued by the PRC Ministry of Health (If this is not available, you must submit an explanation as to why this document cannot be submitted)If you have a dependent child who was 22 or over on the date your application for permanent residence was received by Citizenship and Immigration Canada, and you have not provided the following already, you must submit:Evidence that (s)he has been continuously enrolled in and attending a post-secondary institution that is accredited by the relevant government authority, and that (s)he is actively pursuing a course of academic, professional or vocational training on a full-time basis. This must include transcripts.OREvidence that (s)he is unable to be financially self-supporting due to a physical or mental condition.·If your application mailing address is in the People’s Republic of China or Taiwan, your address information in Chinese characters on a self-adhesive label.·Photos; 1 passport photo per person on your application. For photo specifications, click here or visit:http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/passport/apply/photos.asp
cmybaby 说:我也是从香港发过来的信,从渥太华转过去的,怎么又要求我准备那么多东西啊!疯掉了!This is in reference to your application for permanent residence in Canada. Your application has been received at the Consulate General of Canada in Hong Kong.This letter is comprised of two parts – the first is a document request which requires your immediate action. The second part contains general information which you should carefully review.If you have an updated email correspondence address, please provide it. PART 1 – DOCUMENT REQUESTYou are requested to review your application and submit the following within 30 days from the date of this letter in order to facilitate the processing of your application.For you, the principal applicant, and for any dependants, whether accompanying you to Canada or not, please submit:Complete medical examinationsIf you have not already, you will receive medical instructions from our office.If you already have valid medical examination results, please ensure that results have not expired, or, will not expire within 120 days of this letter. (Note that medical examinations are only valid for one year from the date of your exam).·Payment of the Right of Permanent Residence Fee (RPRF) for you and your spouse (if applicable), if not already paid. We strongly encourage you to pay your fees online and to submit a copy of your receipt to our office. For information regarding fees, click here, or visit: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/fees/index.asp.As applicable, if you have not already submitted the following for yourself or any dependents ages 18 and over, whether accompanying you to Canada or not, please provide:Updated IMM008 form, including details of all members named on your application, whether accompanying or not.Updated Schedule A (form IMM 5669) for each family member named on your application: You must declare all personal histories from the age of 18.Updated Additional Family Information (form IMM 5406) for each family member named on your application, whether accompanying you to Canada or not.Police certificates from each country in which you or your dependants (whether accompanying you to Canada or not) have spent 6 months or more since the age of 18, if you have not already submitted them. Instructions on how to obtain police certificates for specific countries may be found by clicking here, or visit:http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/security/police-cert/index.aspProof of relationships:Copies of Marriage and/or divorce certificates for all marriages for any married/divorced persons on your application, whether accompanying you to Canada or not. If you were married/divorced in the People’s Republic of China, these documents must be accompanied by a notarized translation into either English or French. Translations must be part of the notarized booklet (if not already submitted) for residents of the People’s Republic of China or Taiwan.If your sponsor/in-Canada family member is NOT your spouse, a notarized copy of the original hospital birth certificate(s) or other documents that prove the relationship to your sponsor/in-Canada family member. For persons born in the People’s Republic of China: You must submit a notarized copy of the certificate issued by the PRC Ministry of Health (If this is not available, you must submit an explanation as to why this document cannot be submitted)If you reside in the People’s Republic of China or Taiwan: Hukou (household register). This document must be accompanied by a notarized translation into either English or French. Translation must be part of the notarized booklet (if not already submitted)For all persons named on this application, whether accompanying you to Canada or not: Notarized copy of the original hospital birth certificate. For children born in the People’s Republic of China: You must submit a notarized copy of the certificate issued by the PRC Ministry of Health (If this is not available, you must submit an explanation as to why this document cannot be submitted)If you have a dependent child who was 22 or over on the date your application for permanent residence was received by Citizenship and Immigration Canada, and you have not provided the following already, you must submit:Evidence that (s)he has been continuously enrolled in and attending a post-secondary institution that is accredited by the relevant government authority, and that (s)he is actively pursuing a course of academic, professional or vocational training on a full-time basis. This must include transcripts.OREvidence that (s)he is unable to be financially self-supporting due to a physical or mental condition.·If your application mailing address is in the People’s Republic of China or Taiwan, your address information in Chinese characters on a self-adhesive label.·Photos; 1 passport photo per person on your application. For photo specifications, click here or visit:http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/passport/apply/photos.asp点击展开...你不认识英语吗?人家要的只是体检和登录费,至于其他材料,是“如果你没有递交才要递交”。
081124BJ投妥;081201签发FN;081205撤案;090227烤鸭;090313投妥CIU;090326RN;090601补料HK;090615新FN;090625补材料;090729ME;090903PL;091007贴签;091017VISA到;091201短登温哥华;100626长登多伦多; 110412父母担保签收; 110505父母担保回执;110705宝宝担保签收;120105宝宝签证;120214宝宝登陆;140306入籍签收;140729父母担保补料;140819父母担保补料签收;141114入籍考试脱考;141120父母担保补料确认信;150317父母担保二次补料信;20150526二次补料签收;20150529DM1,ME...你不认识英语吗?人家要的只是体检和登录费,至于其他材料,是“如果你没有递交才要递交”。点击展开...she/he is OK.It is the CPC being crazy.
freetime2010 说:she/he is OK.It is the CPC being crazy.点击展开...他的信不是CPC发的,是HK领馆的。HK领馆经常发这种统一格式内容的补料信。
081124BJ投妥;081201签发FN;081205撤案;090227烤鸭;090313投妥CIU;090326RN;090601补料HK;090615新FN;090625补材料;090729ME;090903PL;091007贴签;091017VISA到;091201短登温哥华;100626长登多伦多; 110412父母担保签收; 110505父母担保回执;110705宝宝担保签收;120105宝宝签证;120214宝宝登陆;140306入籍签收;140729父母担保补料;140819父母担保补料签收;141114入籍考试脱考;141120父母担保补料确认信;150317父母担保二次补料信;20150526二次补料签收;20150529DM1,ME...他的信不是CPC发的,是HK领馆的。HK领馆经常发这种统一格式内容的补料信。点击展开...Oh.Do you have any advice on my post about RCMP certificates?
freetime2010 说:Oh.Do you have any advice on my post about RCMP certificates?点击展开...你这个问题,我认为如果你父母在加拿大居住超过6个月,那就是确实需要补RMCP的证明了。
081124BJ投妥;081201签发FN;081205撤案;090227烤鸭;090313投妥CIU;090326RN;090601补料HK;090615新FN;090625补材料;090729ME;090903PL;091007贴签;091017VISA到;091201短登温哥华;100626长登多伦多; 110412父母担保签收; 110505父母担保回执;110705宝宝担保签收;120105宝宝签证;120214宝宝登陆;140306入籍签收;140729父母担保补料;140819父母担保补料签收;141114入籍考试脱考;141120父母担保补料确认信;150317父母担保二次补料信;20150526二次补料签收;20150529DM1,ME...我的转到香港了,内容一样,登陆费补资料时就交了,是不是只要体检。还是还要补交哪些表吗,我快疯了点击展开...你交了的就不要再交了。体检去吧。
081124BJ投妥;081201签发FN;081205撤案;090227烤鸭;090313投妥CIU;090326RN;090601补料HK;090615新FN;090625补材料;090729ME;090903PL;091007贴签;091017VISA到;091201短登温哥华;100626长登多伦多; 110412父母担保签收; 110505父母担保回执;110705宝宝担保签收;120105宝宝签证;120214宝宝登陆;140306入籍签收;140729父母担保补料;140819父母担保补料签收;141114入籍考试脱考;141120父母担保补料确认信;150317父母担保二次补料信;20150526二次补料签收;20150529DM1,ME... 赏 2015-07-25#14 6 3 $0.00 体检后要把回执寄到香港使馆吗?
nancymlp 说:我妈妈的case是3月25日通知从渥太华转香港的,5月21日收到体检email,我们6月3日完成体检。7月1日收到香港发出的寄护照email。7月4日寄走护照到渥太华的处理中心,7月15日收到贴好签证的护照和移民纸。1.如果主申请和随行人员都在加拿大并且准备继续呆3个月的,可以把护照寄到渥太华。2.需要寄2张枫叶卡尺寸的照片。不是护照尺寸的。(渥太华是这样的,北京和香港的不清楚)3.我寄护照用的是Canadapost的Xpresspost.而且里面放了一个prepaid的Xpresspost信封,上面写好回邮地址,记下tracking number,这样他们邮寄回来的信也可以在网上tracking。不过这次他们办事效率太高,没等我查,护照就寄回来了。希望大家都能早日毕业!点击展开...先恭喜您妈妈顺利!另外请教一个问题,我刚刚收到DM的mail,孩子现在加,也计划寄护照到渥太华,但是请问您是如何交的费,是叫加币还是人民币呢?选择在加缴费似乎是加币 谢谢您。
603 说:上来更新一下我情况,问过移民顾问了,需要交要求的资料,哎,太痛苦了点击展开...Oh my God, getting worse
freetime2010 说:Oh my God, getting worse点击展开... 什么情况?
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