加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民打算2016申请父母团聚,有关IMM344的两个问题
可能问的有点早,希望CIC不会换表格了。关于表格第二页 Sponsor Residency Declaration 和表格第四页 co-signer Residency Declaration,CICGuide 上面说的是This section is to be completed only if you are a Canadian citizen living exclusively outside of Canada and sponsoring a spouse, a common-law or conjugal partner, and/or dependent children who have no children of their own. 那如果我一直住加拿大,也不是申请配偶孩子什么的,就不用填了,留空?还是表格第二页, sponsor eligibility assessment 第5个问题 In the five years preceding your application, did you become a permanent resident after being sponsored as a spouse, common-law or conjugal partner? 如果我明年交申请,我是2007年老公申请的夫妻团聚移民,所以这个问题,我选No, 对吧?谢谢!
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