加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民有人收到寄护照信,但visa已过期的?
RT。今天(10月23日)收到渥太华的email要寄护照,可是信上的visa有效期是9月29日。这不make sense啊。目前父母已在多伦多,持探亲签证。请问有相同或类似的情况吗、已经给Ottawa发了电邮,不过估计他们不会回邮件。请问该怎么办呢?直接寄护照?可又担心visa过期,登陆时有问题。谢谢!
护照都没寄出去,哪来的visa ?贴在护照上的才是visa
jimwang888 说:护照都没寄出去,哪来的visa ?贴在护照上的才是visa点击展开...恩。还没收到visa,是要求寄护照信 (Ready For Visa的email)上写了visa的有效期。“Please note: Your permanent resident visa will expire on 09/29/2015. If your passport or the passport of any of your dependents expires on an earlier date, the visa will expire on that earlier date.You must travel to Canada and present your immigration documents at a Canadian Port of Entry before they expire. The validity of the Confirmation of Permanent Resident documents cannot be extended. If you fail to enter Canada before this date and still wish to immigrate to Canada, you must reapply by submitting a new application and paying new processing fees. All such applications will be assessed according to the immigration laws in force at the time of receipt of the application. There is no guarantee a future application would be successful.”
Ottawa 会回邮件说他们弄错了,会给到明年多少多少号
查查你父母的体检日期, 签证过期日是体检一年后的第一天,先寄护照吧,最多补一次体检
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