加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民2016父母移民5669表内Question 9的疑问
最近在给父母移民填表,有个疑问向请教大家一下,爸爸是党员,最普通的那种,这5669表内第9个问题是不是要填写?填写的话,Activities and/or Position held within the Orgnization内是不是就写普通党员,这个英文要怎么表示?另外,之前给爸爸半10年往返签证的时候,好像没填Schedule 1,因为当时选yes 和 no的时候,那个问题是"if you have ever been a member or associated with any political party, or other group or organization which has engaged in or advocated violence as means to achieving a political or religious objective, or which has been associated with criminal activity at any time."我觉得这个是问有没有加入那些鼓吹犯罪,和犯罪活动有关的组织,所以就选了No。现在看网上说,党员的话,探亲签证的时候应该要填写这个表格的。如果在移民申请内写了是党员,移民局会不会认为我之前的资料信息提供有误呢?希望大家帮忙看看,谢谢!
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