加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民9月18号dm2,现在还没收到寄护照信


update: 今天收到寄护照信了。哦也!!!有几个疑问确认一下,就怕自己看信漏了什么1. 爸妈在加,可以寄Ottawa是吧?因为信里提了好几种情况,citizen of a country that is required to obtain a visa to visit Canada, 寄北京VAC。最后又说如果申请人在加,且未来3个月都在加,可以寄Ottawa。 那就是可以寄Ottawa了吧??2. 不管寄哪都要2张照片, 是吧?3. 因为爸妈的体检用的是超级签证的,日期是7月17号 2014,所以信里竟然说他们visa expire是July 17 2015!!!!今天收到信都是Sept 25!!! 天啊!!我会在下面贴一下整封信。大家父母现在在加拿大的都寄到ottawa还是北京啊???谢谢!!17号电话cic查看进度,第一次一女接,死活不给查,挂了重打,一位男士很有耐心态度超好的给查看,说前一天刚刚dm,very positive decision,但不确认我什么时候能收到寄护照通知。18号查网上状态变为dm,当时想周末了,估计这周差不多,可现在还没收到邮件,难道寄信?ps:我们是留密市,8月3号体检复检结果寄到菲律宾签收(因为爸妈去年超级签证体检快过期了,要求做个X-ray),2011年1月申请,3月31号dm1


忘了密码1 说:留密市好像是从dm到护照信有段时间,只有转渥太华是马上给信。点击展开...我怎么感觉正好跟你相反?密市的速度一直很快,dm和护照信一起来。渥太华是要等。Anyway,才等一周也算正常,再耐心的等等,应该快到了。

忘了密码1 说:留密市好像是从dm到护照信有段时间,只有转渥太华是马上给信。点击展开...每个阶段都不一样,我公婆是密市的,当时dm2和信同时到,而我爸妈是渥太华的,当中个了5天左右收到信

update: 今天收到寄护照信了。哦也!!!有几个疑问确认一下,就怕自己看信漏了什么1. 爸妈在加,可以寄Ottawa是吧?因为信里提了好几种情况,citizen of a country that is required to obtain a visa to visit Canada, 寄北京VAC。最后又说如果申请人在加,且未来3个月都在加,可以寄Ottawa。 那就是可以寄Ottawa了吧??2. 不管寄哪都要2张照片, 是吧?3. 因为爸妈的体检用的是超级签证的,日期是7月17号 2014,所以信里竟然说他们visa expire是July 17 2015!!!!今天收到信都是Sept 25!!! 天啊!!我会在下面贴一下整封信。大家父母现在在加拿大的都寄到ottawa还是北京啊???谢谢!

Your application for permanent residence in Canada has reached the final stage of processing. If you are a resident of mainland China you must submit your passport(s) tothe Visa Application Center (VAC) in Beijing within 30 days of the date of this letter in order to finalize your application. This applies to residents of mainland China only.Please include a copy of this letter with your submission.Please read carefully all information and instructions set out below and complete the steps accordingly. Your application will be finalized at the CPC-Ottawa. If you have any questions after reading the information and instructions, please contact this office by following the instructions on their website: www.canadainternational.gc.ca/china-chine.Change in Family Composition or Mailing AddressYou must notify CPC-Ottawa in writing if there are or will be changes in your life circumstances before using your visas, such as:Have you married, separated or divorced after you submitted your application?Have you adopted a child after you submitted your application?Do you intend to get married, separate or divorce prior to you becoming a permanent resident?Do you intend to adopt a child prior to you becoming a permanent resident?Has there been a death in the family?Has there been a change in health?Have there been any criminal charges or conviction for a criminal offence?Have you changed your contact information: e-mail address/mailing address/telephone number?Failure to inform CIC of any of these changes may delay processing, may result in the cancellation of your immigrant visas and may render you and your family members inadmissible to Canada. Failure to inform CIC of dependent family members during your application processing will permanently exclude them from later sponsorship in the Family Class. Visa ValidityThe issuance of your Confirmation of Permanent Resident document(s) is time sensitive so it is important for you to submit your passport(s) as requested. You must submit these items to the Visa Application Center (VAC) in Beijing. Do not send your passport(s) directly to our office or to any other VAC in China – passports will not be accepted from any source other than the Beijing VAC. Details on how to contact the Beijing VAC are provided later in this letter.Once you receive your Confirmation of Permanent Resident document(s), please check the information on it to make sure it is correct. If there are any errors, such as incorrect spelling of name or incorrect date of birth, please inform the CPC-Ottawaimmediately. Your name will appear in the same format as it appears in your passport.Please note: Your permanent resident visa will expire on 07/17/2015. If your passport or the passport of any of your dependents expires on an earlier date, the visa will expire on that earlier date.You must travel to Canada and present your immigration documents at a Canadian Port of Entry before they expire. The validity of the Confirmation of Permanent Resident documents cannot be extended. If you fail to enter Canada before this date and still wish to immigrate to Canada, you must reapply by submitting a new application and paying new processing fees. All such applications will be assessed according to the immigration laws in force at the time of receipt of the application. There is no guarantee a future application would be successful.No reminder letter will be sent. You are requested to immediately act upon the instructions set out in this letter.Passport and Other RequirementsPlease provide the following information for yourself and your accompanying family members (if applicable) to the CPC-Ottawa:Two (2) recent photographs of you, your spouse or common-law partner and dependent children (if applicable).Follow the instructions provided in the section How to Complete the Formsof the application guide and in Appendix A: Photo Specifications. The application guides may be found on the CIC website athttp://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/3998-temp.asp. On a separate piece of paper, please provide the following information:-Height (for you and your accompanying family members)-Eye Colour (for you and your accompanying family members)If you are a citizen of a country that is required to obtain a visa to visit Canada, please follow the instructions below regarding your passport requirements:·Submit your original passport and the original passport of your accompanying spouse and dependent children to the Beijing VAC. Passports for you and your accompanying spouse and dependent children (if applicable) must be submitted together.·There must be at least two blank visa pages in each passport and your passport(s) must be valid for at least six months.·Please note that permanent resident visas cannot be placed in Diplomatic, Official or Military passports.If you are a citizen of a country that is exempt from obtaining a visa to visit Canada under Regulation 190 of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act, please follow the instructions belowregarding your passport requirements (NOTE: To find out if you are visa-exempt under Regulation 190, consult the following CIC webpage:http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/visit/visas.asp#exemptions):·Send a photocopy of your passport (all pages) and of the passport of your accompanying spouse and dependent children (all pages), if applicable to the Beijing VAC. Pay your Right of Permanent Residence Fee (RPRF), if applicableIf you have not already done so, you must pay your RPRF. Please check the Application guide on the CIC website or visit the following webpage for more information about fees and fee payment options: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/fees/index.asp.Sending your Passport(s) to the Beijing VACPassport(s) may be submitted to the Beijing VAC in person or by mail. Details on how to contact the Beijing VAC to ascertain any applicable fees, procedures to submit your documents, and any other related details can be obtained from the following link: http://www.vfsglobal.ca/Canada/China/english/index.html. Please note that the Beijing VAC is located at following address:Canada Visa Application Centre12F, Tower A, Central Point Plaza, No. 11, Dongzhimen South Ave,Dongcheng District, Beijing, China, 100007加拿大签证申请中心中国北京市东城区东直门南大街11号中汇广场A座12层邮编:100007Return of your Passport(s)Your immigration documentation and your passport will be returned to you by the Beijing VAC. You may collect them in person from the Beijing VAC or pay for courier service to have them returned to you.Submitting your passport(s) in Canada (CPC-O)If you and all the accompanying dependents on your application are currently in Canada and plan to be in Canada for at least three months, you may submit your passport(s) to the Case Processing Centre – Ottawa (“CPC-O”). You are required to send your passport(s) together along with a copy of this letter by mail or courier to the following address.If sent by regular mail or Canada Post Xpresspost(recommended option)CPC – OttawaPO Box 9780Ottawa, ON, K1G 4B9Purchase two prepaid letter-sized (32 x 24 cm) Canada Post Xpresspost envelopes (Regional if you live in Ontario or Quebec; National for other provinces and territories), at any Canada Post retail outlet. Complete the mailing label showing your full mailing address in the “Deliver To” field.Make a note of tracking numbers for each envelope.Enclose both envelopes along with your passport and a copy of this letter.You can purchase a Canada Post shipping label on line:http://www.canadapost.ca/personal/tools/cst/intro-e.aspIf sent by private courier (only)CPC – Ottawa365 Laurier Avenue WestOttawa, ON, K1A 1L1If you choose to not provide us with a return Xpresspost envelope, we will return your passport(s) via regular mail (Canada Post Lettermail). Passport(s) will not be returned by private courier. Do not provide any pre-paid courier envelopes: These will not be used.


lucysong010 说:我怎么感觉正好跟你相反?密市的速度一直很快,dm和护照信一起来。渥太华是要等。Anyway,才等一周也算正常,再耐心的等等,应该快到了。点击展开...以前我不知道,我是最近才开始关注的。只要不是dm后很久要护照就OK

chenxiaochenxiao 说:每个阶段都不一样,我公婆是密市的,当时dm2和信同时到,而我爸妈是渥太华的,当中个了5天左右收到信点击展开...恭喜你!圆满啦

忘了密码1 说:啊2015年7月17?那不过期了吗?点击展开...估计这种邮件是个模版?因为体检是2014年的,总不会10月份寄个visa是7月过期的吧。。。但我们今年做了复检啊。。。父母在加,应该可以寄ottawa吧?北京和ottawa哪里快啊?!


忘了密码1 说:Ottwa点击展开...刚刚又看了下email,原来subject提了beijing,那一定要寄北京?还是可以想信里后面提到如果现在和未来3个月在加拿大就可以寄ottawa啊?

早就通知cpc说爸妈在加,不然他们也不会用他们super visa的体检,怎么还要求寄北京?而且有复检过,竟然visa expire说是7月,他们去年体检的时间,也不看看现在都9月了,跟cic真是磨不起啊,虽然我常安慰自己好事多磨。。。现在都不敢马上寄护照,怕真给我贴个7月17,2015过期的visa,那根本没法登陆啊!周一电话他们吧


我的情况和你的类似 10.28过期 原因是我妈妈去年9月体检过 她是主申请人 体检有效期是一年 我给cic 打过电话 他们说签证官会根据情况处理 你最好也给cic打个电话应为你们的已经过期了

忘了密码1 说:如果在加拿大可以邮寄渥太华。你打电话正好问一下为什么已经过期了?还有渥太华地址。恭喜一下去。点击展开...谢谢

谢谢我的情况和你的类似 10.28过期 原因是我妈妈去年9月体检过 她是主申请人 体检有效期是一年我给cic 打过电话 他们说签证官会根据情况处理 你最好也给cic打个电话应为你们的已经过期了点击展开...

忘了密码1 说:恭喜你!圆满啦点击展开...谢谢谢谢,也祝你顺顺利利,早点毕业...

周末发了邮件给ottawa,周一就回我了,说是他们的错误,visa会给到7月21,2016年,昨天寄去ottawa了。买了2个xpresspost lettersize 信封,护照,加之前的信和ottawa周一回我的email,外加一封自己打印的notes,放在个大xpresspost信封寄走了,估计10月1号到,希望下周能回来。ps:去买prepaid 信封,canadapost那个sales就拿了xpresspost的信封给我,应该是一样的吧?反正我付了钱了,ottawa是可以用的哈?!现在有点草木皆兵了。。。

xixihaha1118 说:周末发了邮件给ottawa,周一就回我了,说是他们的错误,visa会给到7月21,2016年,昨天寄去ottawa了。买了2个xpresspost lettersize 信封,护照,加之前的信和ottawa周一回我的email,外加一封自己打印的notes,放在个大xpresspost信封寄走了,估计10月1号到,希望下周能回来。ps:去买prepaid 信封,canadapost那个sales就拿了xpresspost的信封给我,应该是一样的吧?反正我付了钱了,ottawa是可以用的哈?!现在有点草木皆兵了。。。点击展开...我是买了两个信封,但一个放在另一个里和护照,照片一起寄走的,难道是放两个prepaid的信封吗?

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