加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民魁省父母团聚,是否需要提供过去3年的NOA?
父母团聚 2日 10:47 ups妥投 赏 2014-12-29#5 F 418 $0.00 Financial Evaluation for Parents and Grandparents sponsorship (IMM 5768)Who completes this form?The Financial Evaluation for Parents and Grandparents sponsorship (IMM 5768) will help you, the sponsor, assess if you (and your spouse or commonlawpartner, if he or she is co-signing) will have the ability to support the person you are planning to sponsor and their family members.Note: Quebec residents do not need to complete this form.
父母团聚 2日 10:47 ups妥投 赏 2014-12-29#6 C 28 $0.00 5768表不要,但3年的NOA对所有人是必须的。
Cupcakey 说:5768表不要,但3年的NOA对所有人是必须的。点击展开...那只是需要提交这3年的NOA,不一定要达到联邦的标准?如果11年还没有NOA,是不是也不能申请团聚?
NOA, 给复印件就行吧?
父母团聚 2日 10:47 ups妥投 赏 2014-12-29#9 F 418 $0.00 我还是不理解,checklist是有noa, 但联邦也不审为什么还要呢?
父母团聚 2日 10:47 ups妥投 赏 2014-12-29#10 F 418 $0.00 我又读了一下guide,noa就是(IMM 5768)支持文件,魁省不用填的,为什么还要交noa呢?
父母团聚 2日 10:47 ups妥投 赏 2014-12-29#11 C 28 $0.00 三年的NOA是一定要的。否则联邦担保通不过。根本没机会等到魁省审批。
魁北克省委书记 说:那只是需要提交这3年的NOA,不一定要达到联邦的标准?如果11年还没有NOA,是不是也不能申请团聚?点击展开...要11年的NOA。
Cupcakey 说:三年的NOA是一定要的。否则联邦担保通不过。根本没机会等到魁省审批。点击展开...这个NOA必须要达到联邦标准吗?
魁北克省委书记 说:这个NOA必须要达到联邦标准吗?点击展开...应该是。
Cupcakey 说:应该是。点击展开...既然魁省的标准要低,那魁省还要公布他们的标准干嘛呢。。。
收入标准和联邦没关系,魁省决定,Sponsors living in QuebecThe government of Quebec is responsible for determining whether or not sponsors living in the province have the financial ability to sponsor family members and also the length of their undertaking.
父母团聚 2日 10:47 ups妥投收入标准和联邦没关系,魁省决定,Sponsors living in QuebecThe government of Quebec is responsible for determining whether or not sponsors living in the province have the financial ability to sponsor family members and also the length of their undertaking.点击展开...请问魁省的2014年的收入和工作证明需要提供吗?谢谢!
不需要向联邦提供关于undertaking的任何资料,其他部分审核通过后,CIC会把案子转到魁省移民部,然后需要sponsor向魁省移民部提供undertaking的相关资料。Sponsors living in QuebecThe government of Quebec is responsible for determining whether or not sponsors living in the province have the financial ability to sponsor family members and also the length of their undertaking.If the federal eligibility requirements are met, the Case Processing Centre in Mississauga (CPC-M) will send the sponsor a letter with instructions to download the MIDI undertaking kit, then to complete and submit it to the MIDI with a copy of the letter from CPC-M.For more information on Quebec’s requirements, you may call MIDI’s general information line at 514-864-9191 or 1-877-864-9191 or consult their website.http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/guides/5772ETOC.asp去年的这部分写的更为详细,新版说明简化了。Minimum Necessary Income requirement for sponsors of parents or grandparentsIf you are sponsoring a parent or a grandparent, you must submit a Notice of Assessment or Option C print out issued to you by the Canada Revenue Agency for each of the three years immediately preceding the date of your application. The minimum necessary income requirement, which you must meet for each of the three years is equal to the Low Income Cut-off s (LICOs) plus 30% ,taking into account the number of family members for whom you are or will be financially responsible.If you reside anywhere in Canada, other than Quebec, you may use the Federal Income Table below to estimate if your income is sufficient to meet income requirements to sponsor. If you have eligible co-signer (spouse or common-law partner) on the sponsorship undertaking, their income will be added to yours as a sponsor.If you reside in the province of Quebec, you will be not be required to submit an undertaking of assistance for the family members you are sponsoring at this time. You will be contacted by CIC when your sponsorship application is assessed. At that time, if you meet federal sponsorship requirements, you will be notified that you must submit an undertaking of assistance to the Ministère de l'immigration et des communautés culturelles (MICC) of Quebec so that your income can be assessed.
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