加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民今天查了下email,发现要我补材料。交OPTION C。我
为什么要重新提供一遍啊?奇怪他提供了个网址,我想是不是可以用那个网址?知道的同学确认下For fastest service, you may send the requested information/document(s) via the Case Specific Enquiry form at the following link:https://secure.cic.gc.ca/enquiries-renseignements/canada-case-cas-eng.aspx重新看了下email 要求是> Option C: A copy of the Canadian Revenue Agency Notice of tax Assessment 2010, 2011, and 2012 Option C Print: For the period specified, provide an original OPTION C-Printout (this document is different from the Notice of Assessment and is available free-of-charge by calling the Canada Revenue Agency at 1-800-959-8281).这个orginal是说必须要把原件寄过去,还是原件上传也可以,我搞不清楚了
原件,扫描成PDF,在线上传;为什么要重新提供一遍啊?奇怪他提供了个网址,我想是不是可以用那个网址?知道的同学确认下For fastest service, you may send the requested information/document(s) via the Case Specific Enquiry form at the following link:https://secure.cic.gc.ca/enquiries-renseignements/canada-case-cas-eng.aspx重新看了下email 要求是> Option C: A copy of the Canadian Revenue Agency Notice of tax Assessment 2010, 2011, and 2012 Option C Print: For the period specified, provide an original OPTION C-Printout (this document is different from the Notice of Assessment and is available free-of-charge by calling the Canada Revenue Agency at 1-800-959-8281).这个orginal是说必须要把原件寄过去,还是原件上传也可以,我搞不清楚了点击展开...
samcat 说:为什么要重新提供一遍啊?奇怪他提供了个网址,我想是不是可以用那个网址?知道的同学确认下For fastest service, you may send the requested information/document(s) via the Case Specific Enquiry form at the following link:https://secure.cic.gc.ca/enquiries-renseignements/canada-case-cas-eng.aspx重新看了下email 要求是> Option C: A copy of the Canadian Revenue Agency Notice of tax Assessment 2010, 2011, and 2012 Option C Print: For the period specified, provide an original OPTION C-Printout (this document is different from the Notice of Assessment and is available free-of-charge by calling the Canada Revenue Agency at 1-800-959-8281).这个orginal是说必须要把原件寄过去,还是原件上传也可以,我搞不清楚了点击展开...打电话问。移民局是会犯错误的。跟他们说已经交过了。
岁月静好网管没经过我同意就改了我的签名! 我的签名只是我和另外一位网友关于智商的讨论, 有什么问题吗? 网管你回答我!为什么要重新提供一遍啊?奇怪他提供了个网址,我想是不是可以用那个网址?知道的同学确认下For fastest service, you may send the requested information/document(s) via the Case Specific Enquiry form at the following link:https://secure.cic.gc.ca/enquiries-renseignements/canada-case-cas-eng.aspx重新看了下email 要求是> Option C: A copy of the Canadian Revenue Agency Notice of tax Assessment 2010, 2011, and 2012 Option C Print: For the period specified, provide an original OPTION C-Printout (this document is different from the Notice of Assessment and is available free-of-charge by calling the Canada Revenue Agency at 1-800-959-8281).这个orginal是说必须要把原件寄过去,还是原件上传也可以,我搞不清楚了点击展开...mark
2010 2011 2012 的option C你打电话 拿到了吗?为什么要重新提供一遍啊?奇怪他提供了个网址,我想是不是可以用那个网址?知道的同学确认下For fastest service, you may send the requested information/document(s) via the Case Specific Enquiry form at the following link:https://secure.cic.gc.ca/enquiries-renseignements/canada-case-cas-eng.aspx重新看了下email 要求是> Option C: A copy of the Canadian Revenue Agency Notice of tax Assessment 2010, 2011, and 2012 Option C Print: For the period specified, provide an original OPTION C-Printout (this document is different from the Notice of Assessment and is available free-of-charge by calling the Canada Revenue Agency at 1-800-959-8281).这个orginal是说必须要把原件寄过去,还是原件上传也可以,我搞不清楚了点击展开...
Lucy7777 说:2010 2011 2012 的option C你打电话 拿到了吗?点击展开...还没有拿到。
谷歌 说:打电话问。移民局是会犯错误的。跟他们说已经交过了。点击展开...其实是我搞错了,我交了NOA。但是还是不知道为什么要再交一遍option C不是一样的吗
samcat 说:其实是我搞错了,我交了NOA。但是还是不知道为什么要再交一遍option C不是一样的吗点击展开...那就不清楚为什么了, 可以上你的账户,在线打印
岁月静好网管没经过我同意就改了我的签名! 我的签名只是我和另外一位网友关于智商的讨论, 有什么问题吗? 网管你回答我!其实是我搞错了,我交了NOA。但是还是不知道为什么要再交一遍option C不是一样的吗点击展开...不一样, option C 信息更详细。不过,要什么就准备什么,这样才能快。
我今天也收到这封信。里面只有我的名字要交option c。没有提到配偶。我老公也要交吗?他之前已经交了,我交的是notice of accessment
请问楼主,可否给个寄信的地址?我的email 地址更改了。至今没有收到任何CIC的邮件。
jingya 说:我今天也收到这封信。里面只有我的名字要交option c。没有提到配偶。我老公也要交吗?他之前已经交了,我交的是notice of accessment点击展开...Option c, 不能用NOA代替,听说一定要打电话去要的那种,自己网打的不可以。
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