加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民2016申请,现联邦转魁省需要填财务评估表有问题
情况如下:去年4月休产假并拿QPIP,今年4月休完(也拿完QPIP了),之后在家没有回原公司。请教下面几项该怎么填,谢谢1. Have you temporarily stopped working?2. Enter the expected date of your return to work.3. In the last 12 months, have you held another job that ended?4. Do you receive income from the government: income replacement indemnityfor a work accident (CSST) or car accident (SAAQ), parental insurance benefits (QPIP),Old Age Security allowances or other?如果1填YES的话,还需要原雇主提交信件证明吗?第4项如果是问现在,那应该填NO了?
1. 必须交原雇主信2. 填 ''YES''上个星期天刚刚邮魁省
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