看了说明,需要建立MyCIC账户,才能网上缴费。有两种方式建立父母的MyCIC账户:通过银行卡(因为担心合适自己的银行卡信息与父母不相符)或者用GCKey (我用这种方式)。首先建立了GCKey,然后完善了MyCIC账户,最后准备关联已有的申请。结果找不到家庭类团聚的选项。请问大家都是如何网上缴费的?

jett123 说:浏览附件432839要选not express entry点击展开...谢谢 楼上 我刚才看错了。应该是 not express entry。十分感谢
唉。你确认是选的not express entry吗? 如果选这个,就不会要求关联已经递交的申请。试下这个吧 https://eservices.cic.gc.ca/epay/welcome.do?lang=en
别客气, 找到就好。谢谢 楼上 我刚才看错了。应该是 not express entry。十分感谢点击展开...
jett123 说:别客气, 找到就好。点击展开...忙活了一个晚上,终于在你的指导下缴费完成。多谢。
请问这个是一收到要求无罪证明的邮件就要交的吗? 缴费的收据是点邮到不同的邮件地址是吗?谢谢无罪证明发到: CPC-CTD-Ottawa缴费证明: [email protected]
2014 一月递表2016 六月体检通知和无罪证明2016 七月复检2016 八月体检通过2016 九月背景调查开始请问这个是一收到要求无罪证明的邮件就要交的吗? 缴费的收据是点邮到不同的邮件地址是吗?谢谢无罪证明发到: CPC-CTD-Ottawa缴费证明: [email protected]点击展开...不是。我是香港领事馆,用快递寄去,不是电邮。
rgs 说:请问这个是一收到要求无罪证明的邮件就要交的吗? 缴费的收据是点邮到不同的邮件地址是吗?谢谢无罪证明发到: CPC-CTD-Ottawa缴费证明: [email protected]点击展开...请问Ottawa有要求缴费吗? 我只收到一封要求体检,一封要求无犯罪
你的要求无罪证明的信里没有提到这个吗? 好像都要交,但没写什么时候交You can pay the Right of Permanent Residence Fee online by visiting: https://eservices.cic.gc.ca/epay/welcome.do?lang=en. Once the payment process is complete, the web site will display your official receipt in PDF format. Please send the receipt with your application number in the title to the following email [email protected].Please note that the RPRF ($490 per adult) is separate from the processing fees ($550 per adult and $150 per child) which were paid at the time of submitting the application.
2014 一月递表2016 六月体检通知和无罪证明2016 七月复检2016 八月体检通过2016 九月背景调查开始 赏
2014 一月递表2016 六月体检通知和无罪证明2016 七月复检2016 八月体检通过2016 九月背景调查开始 赏 2016-06-28#13 L 66 $0.00 Dear *****,This is in reference to your application for permanent residence in Canada. In order for us to continue the processing of your application, we require the following documents:Ø ***************:Police Certificate: Please provide us with an original police clearance certificate from China. This must be received at this office by: 2016/07/28For more information on how to obtain a police certificate please refer to the following link:http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/security/police-cert/index.asp You must send us the requested information by email within 45 days from the date of this letter.Please reply directly to this email and put your application number in the title.Please note:· Any documents submitted which are not in English or French must be accompanied by a notarized translation in either English or French.· Do not submit originals, unless otherwise stated, as documents submitted will not be returned.· Please note that we can only accept unzipped PDF, JPG or .doc files that are attached to an email, totaling less than 5 MB.Regards, DB13822DImmigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada | Immigration, Réfugiés et Citoyenneté CanadaGovernment of Canada | Gouvernement du Canadawww.cic.gc.ca
我是转Ottawa的,电子邮件要求付$490 了。已经支付。
移民14年,From Calgary AB to Nanaimo BC。 赏 2016-06-30#15 R 24 $0.00 好吧 如果没提到你也可以暂时不用交 但是这钱是躲不掉的 就是以前的landing fee, 后来改了名又半价了 你上CIC search一下就看到了 缴费证明要在发签证前收到 如果最终没批 费用会退回
2014 一月递表2016 六月体检通知和无罪证明2016 七月复检2016 八月体检通过2016 九月背景调查开始 赏 2016-06-30#16 L 66 $0.00 他应该会另外发给我吧,我就觉得奇怪,为什么有人有有人无
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