加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民关于新政后父母团聚福利问题
大家好 想问个2014年之后新政父母团聚移民福利问题 除了收入担保提高了30%和要连续三年以上符合条件 其中还有一项说新政是子女担保20年, 原来说担保10年 这个是什么意思?和旧法父母团聚后取得pr 在福利上有什么区别?我们新法审批后 父母一样也是PR,一样可以申请每年的 GST credit 和 Ontario trillium benefit 吗? 还有父母 65+ 居住是10年就可以申请OAS 养老金还是要等20年才行?现在比较迷糊新法和旧法父母团聚移民的区别 尤其是这个担保 20年是什么意思?谢谢
2014.1.1 4 AR; 2016.7.6 Medical exam and police clearance record request email rec'd ;2016.7.7 IP;2016,7.15 medical exam ;2016.8.8 MR and passed;2016.09.25 background IP;2016.09.28 PPR ;2016.10.14 毕业收大信封 赏 2016-08-09#2 D 5,841 $0.00 医疗报税福利是一样的,养老金要住满20年,原来是10年。
DancingElf 说:医疗报税福利是一样的,养老金要住满20年,原来是10年。点击展开...是吗?看来担保父母来的大多拿不到了,好在还有国内养老金。
wu7up 说:担保期间(登陆日起20年内)内不能申请救济(不是普通的福利),否则政府会向担保人追讨,而且也会影响担保人以后的担保资格。点击展开...什么样的福利算救济?可以举个例子吗?谢谢
2014.1.1 4 AR; 2016.7.6 Medical exam and police clearance record request email rec'd ;2016.7.7 IP;2016,7.15 medical exam ;2016.8.8 MR and passed;2016.09.25 background IP;2016.09.28 PPR ;2016.10.14 毕业收大信封是吗?看来担保父母来的大多拿不到了,好在还有国内养老金。点击展开...担保时要审核担保人的经济情况,就是为了确认你有能力负责父母的生活的啊。没有在加拿大工作生活过,就要拿养老金,再富的国家也会被吃穷了。
wendyyang_78 说:什么样的福利算救济?可以举个例子吗?谢谢点击展开...在那个担保文件IMM1344E里面,有承诺:I promise that the sponsored person and his or her family members will not need to apply for social assistance....然后后面说了即使政府支付了social assistance, 会算你in default. ....总之,我的理解就是向政府申请的社会救助。以下不是政府信息,但是可以参考:http://mtcsalc.org/en/publications/immigration/family-class-sponsorship?p=2Sponsored immigrants and Social assistanceSponsored immigrants will not be deprived of social assistance because of their sponsored status. According to the present law in Ontario, sponsored immigrants applying for social assistance must continue to seek financial assistance from their sponsor. If they do not seek financial assistance from their sponsor, their social assistance application could be denied. However, if the sponsor is not willing to provide any support, the sponsored immigrant should be entitled to social assistance. Recovering social assistance payments from the sponsorIf a sponsored immigrant applies for social assistance during the sponsorship period, the Ministry of Community and Social Services (MCSS) will recover the amount paid to the sponsored immigrant as social assistance from the sponsor regardless of the sponsor’s financial situation. MCSS will also notify Canada Immigration of the sponsor’s breach of the sponsorship undertaking so that the sponsor is prevented from sponsorship anyone else until the debt that is owed is repaid.
wu7up 说:在那个担保文件IMM1344E里面,有承诺:I promise that the sponsored person and his or her family members will not need to apply for social assistance....然后后面说了即使政府支付了social assistance, 会算你in default. ....总之,我的理解就是向政府申请的社会救助。以下不是政府信息,但是可以参考:http://mtcsalc.org/en/publications/immigration/family-class-sponsorship?p=2Sponsored immigrants and Social assistanceSponsored immigrants will not be deprived of social assistance because of their sponsored status. According to the present law in Ontario, sponsored immigrants applying for social assistance must continue to seek financial assistance from their sponsor. If they do not seek financial assistance from their sponsor, their social assistance application could be denied. However, if the sponsor is not willing to provide any support, the sponsored immigrant should be entitled to social assistance.Recovering social assistance payments from the sponsorIf a sponsored immigrant applies for social assistance during the sponsorship period, the Ministry of Community and Social Services (MCSS) will recover the amount paid to the sponsored immigrant as social assistance from the sponsor regardless of the sponsor’s financial situation. MCSS will also notify Canada Immigration of the sponsor’s breach of the sponsorship undertaking so that the sponsor is prevented from sponsorship anyone else until the debt that is owed is repaid.点击展开...哦 明白啦 谢谢
2014.1.1 4 AR; 2016.7.6 Medical exam and police clearance record request email rec'd ;2016.7.7 IP;2016,7.15 medical exam ;2016.8.8 MR and passed;2016.09.25 background IP;2016.09.28 PPR ;2016.10.14 毕业收大信封 赏 2016-08-12#9 B 2,162 $0.00 说白了,就是要养父母20年,过完20年有老人金了,现在的行情是1千多。每年都有适当递增。
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