加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民Option C 问题


我有一年是因为生孩子拿EI,据说这种EI是算收入里的,可是在Option C里面只说了EI Benefit,没有说明是Maternity EI,那移民局怎么判定是因为失业拿EI还是生孩子拿EI?如果认为是失业,那我的EI收入就不算数了,那就不合资格了。请大侠帮忙答疑一下,谢谢啦。。。

calgarvan 说:Maternity EI = 算收入失业拿EI = 算收入点击展开...原来失业EI也算收入啊,我忘了在哪个帖子中好像说失业EI不算呢


Employment insurance: maternity, parental and sickness benefits paid under the Employment Insurance Act are considered income. Other payments such as employment insurance and federal training allowances are not considered as income.Reference: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/guides/5482Eguide.aspHow to calculate income: Question 12. – Calculation of income based on the “Notice of Assessment”12.A: Print the amount that appears at line 150 of the last Notice of Assessment issued to you by the CRA for the most recent taxation year.12.B: Enter all of the following payments that were included in the amount at line 150 of your Notice of Assessment, add them up and print the total:Provincial instruction or training allowance;Social assistance paid by a province;Guaranteed income supplement paid under the Old Age Security Act; andEmployment insurance: maternity, parental and sickness benefits paid under the Employment Insurance Act are considered income. Other payments such as employment insurance and federal training allowances are not considered as income.12.C: Deduct the total entered at 12.B (line 6) from the amount at 12.A (line 1). The result 12.C is your total income as per this method of calculation.

欢迎来访我的油管频道:https://www.no video.com/channel/UCWny7X0zvMyE5Tn4WA9pO6Q我想做个对大家有帮助的干货分享频道。时不时会和大家分享一些如何找工作,理财,学习类的干货视频,希望对大家能有所帮助。欢迎来参观指导~Employment insurance: maternity, parental and sickness benefits paid under the Employment Insurance Act are considered income. Other payments such as employment insurance and federal training allowances are not considered as income.Reference: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/guides/5482Eguide.aspHow to calculate income:Question 12. – Calculation of income based on the “Notice of Assessment”12.A: Print the amount that appears at line 150 of the last Notice of Assessment issued to you by the CRA for the most recent taxation year.12.B: Enter all of the following payments that were included in the amount at line 150 of your Notice of Assessment, add them up and print the total:Provincial instruction or training allowance;Social assistance paid by a province;Guaranteed income supplement paid under the Old Age Security Act; andEmployment insurance: maternity, parental and sickness benefits paid under the Employment Insurance Act are considered income. Other payments such as employment insurance and federal training allowances are not considered as income.12.C: Deduct the total entered at 12.B (line 6) from the amount at 12.A (line 1). The result 12.C is your total income as per this method of calculation.点击展开...谢谢详细解答。。。

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