各位前辈大神我同女友住在一起超过三年,有共同的银行账户和房产,但是没有一起报税也没有领结婚证。请问这样可以作为common law partner(co-signer)办父母移民吗?另外请问需要额外文件证明common law partner的关系吗?万分感谢!
师傅终于拿到女儿国的签证了。 赏
evayuling 说:这是移民局的解释。我认为是可以的;May I have a co-signer?Your spouse or common-law partner may help you meet the income requirement by co-signing the sponsorship application. A common-law partner is a person who is living with you in a conjugal relationship and has done so for at least one year prior to the signing of the undertaking.The co-signer must:meet the same eligibility requirements as the sponsor;agree to co-sign the undertaking;agree to be responsible for the basic requirements of the person you want to sponsor and his or her family members for the validity period of the undertaking.The co-signer will be equally liable if obligations are not performed.If your co-signer is a common-law partner, you must submit the Statutory Declaration of Common-Law Union (IMM 5409).记得填IMM5409点击展开...谢谢提醒!
还是 evayuling 好心助人
有时间去Cic 网站找一下 operational manual and bulletin. 这是指导签证官工作的指导文件,很细致得写了各个审核方面的注意事项。你得研究一下,看看不要缺了漏了什么,材料好好准备,再递交。 祝好运!
·生活百科 出口有限按需
·生活百科 PV系统运行正确?