加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民imm5768 问题12 和13
12.your spouse or common-law partner, if he or she is not co-signing the undertaking我先生是co-signer, 那这里就不用填了?13. every other family member not listed above and dependent on you financially, weather they are living with you or not因为ques 10 and 11都是问previous undertaking, 我和先生之前都没有担保过,所以上面都没有填名字。那13 是不是填我孩子的名字?
沉底小卒 说:12.your spouse or common-law partner, if he or she is not co-signing the undertaking我先生是co-signer, 那这里就不用填了?13. every other family member not listed above and dependent on you financially, weather they are living with you or not因为ques 10 and 11都是问previous undertaking, 我和先生之前都没有担保过,所以上面都没有填名字。那13 是不是填我孩子的名字?点击展开...12空着不用填13填你两个孩子的名字和出生年月日
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