加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民补料常见问题汇总——进行时
2009-05-29 to 2010-07-18进度分享请移步:http://forum.iask.ca/threads/2010-05-29至2011-07-18父母团聚进度汇总.722224/归纳总结几个目前的常见问题供参考。1、要无犯罪证明么?曾在加拿大居留超过6个月,也要无犯罪证明么?在加居留无论长短都不需要无犯罪证明。移民局会直接联系查找这方面的信息不用申请人操心。22岁以后在加以外任何国家地区居留超过6个月的都需要提供当地的无犯罪证明。非英语、法语的一概需要认证翻译。2、Option C到底需要提供哪年的?Co-sign的一方也要么?移民局明确要求提供的是担保人申请当年和当年之前一年的Option C原件。例如10年被接受的申请需09和10年的原件。Co-sign是为了满足当时递交申请时收入满足最低担保要求,虽移民局没明确说要但理论上必须提供。除非担保人自己的两份Option C以满足最低收入要求。那就自己酌情吧。3、户口、身份证是否需要公正?不需要。护照复印件已经明确提供了国籍、生日、居住地等信息,完全满足移民局的相关需要。4、父母一方已亡故,还需要结婚公证么?不需要。但需要亡故一方的死亡证明。非英法语版需认证翻译。5、地址标签是用国内地址还是加拿大的地址?取决于主申请人当前居留地。在加探亲的可用加拿大地址,但拿到登陆纸前之前千万不要离境。主申请人目前在国内并无计划探亲来加的用国内地址。6、Visa Office选哪里?主申请人在哪里选就近的。7、0008表第一页的UCI填什么?UCI stands for “unique client identifier.” It is also known as a client identification number (client ID). It appears on official documents you get from Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC). It has four numbers, a hyphen and four more numbers. (Example: 0000-0000).If you are applying to CIC for the first time, you will not yet have a UCI. If so, and you are filling out a form that asks for one, write “Not Applicable” or “N/A” in the space provided.If you are applying online and the form does not allow you to input “N/A,” leave the space blank.8、关于IMM0008里的National ID通常的理解应该是国内的居民身份证。如果填这个过期日期填N/A,checklist第8项里就需要提供身份证的认证翻译件(简单的做法是去公证)。身份证和户口是二选一,提供之一足够不用全做。去年补料的有人这项直接填了护照。优点是直接英文无需额外翻译公证而且只要复印件,后面第8项的身份证、户口都可以忽略。缺点是总有人觉得不保险。反复纠结身份证户口也要公证才心安。9、关于登录费Checklist里面没有关于登录费的一项,但补料通知信里提到强烈建议交但不必须。如果这次没交等体检通知的时候再交也来得及。原文如下供参考:Right of Permanent Residence FeeWe strongly recommend that you pay and submit proof of payment of the Right of Permanent Residence Fee with the complete application. By doing so, it will reduce the processing time of the application. For further information on how to make a payment, please visit the Pay the Fee section in our instruction guide:http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/guides/5196ETOC.asp#pay-fee.暂时就想到这么多,欢迎补充。
网球爱好者 说:我的是父母离婚了,只申请一个人的,离婚证明就可以了吧?照片没有尺寸要求吗?点击展开...如果没有再婚或同居,那就只需要离婚证明即可。照片要求:http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/pdf/kits/guides/3998E_tempA.pdf
笋豆 说:户口,身份证都不要呀? 那个national ID不是说要的吗?点击展开...去年补料的朋友说不用,有护照复印件足够
请问如果递交申请后家里有小孩出生,那么收入要求怎么变化呢?比如10年递交的申请,当时家里就3人(我父母加我)。我的09,10年的option C按照3人的标准达标。但是现在四年过去了,总人口数增加到了6人。这种情况我的09,10optionC如果按6人算就不能达标。还要附上什么其他材料吗?
iceblue 说:请问如果递交申请后家里有小孩出生,那么收入要求怎么变化呢?比如10年递交的申请,当时家里就3人(我父母加我)。我的09,10年的option C按照3人的标准达标。但是现在四年过去了,总人口数增加到了6人。这种情况我的09,10optionC如果按6人算就不能达标。还要附上什么其他材料吗?点击展开...担保人家庭人口变化应该及时通知移民局,并提供变化发生当年的Option C以便移民局核查担保人是否满足那一年要求的最低收入标准。有人的做法是把从担保被接受当年至报告人口变化当时的全部Option C都上交。不推荐但心理安慰些你的情况从3到6一直没通知过移民局,那就把达6当年和之前一年的Option C交上。那个最低额度不是2010的额度,而是达6那年的最低标准
把指南里面关于无犯罪证明的那段单独贴出来方便查阅Police certificatesYou and your family members who are 18 years of age and older and are not permanent residents or Canadian citizens must provide:valid police certificate, orpolice clearance, orrecord of no information.These documents are to be provided for each country other than Canada, in which you have lived for six (6) consecutive months or longer since reaching the age of 18.Note: If you or your family members were under 18 years of age (16 years of age in certain jurisdictions) for the entire time you lived in a particular country, you do not need to provide a police certificate for that country.The certificate must have been issued no more than three (3) months prior to submitting your application. If the original certificate is not in English or French, then you will need to submit both the certificate and the original copy of the translation prepared by an accredited translator.We will also do our own background checks to determine if there are grounds under which you and your dependants may be inadmissible to Canada.Please consult our website for specific and up-to-date information on how to obtain police certificates from any country.How to obtain police certificatesStep 1. Apply for certificatesIt is your responsibility to contact the relevant authorities.Certificates are usually issued by the police of the country concerned, but in some countries you will have to apply to municipal, provincial, federal or other government authorities. The country's embassy or consulate in Canada may be able to give additional information.When applying for police certificates, you should include for each person:A completed Request for Police Certificates/Clearances and Authorization for Release of Information) (PDF, 59 KB) form (see Appendix A). Include photocopies for each applicant.A set of fingerprints, if required by the authority of the country. Your local police or RCMP may be able to tell you where you can get fingerprints done. Take theFingerprint Request Letter (PDF, 56 KB) and your photo identification (passport, travel document, etc.) with you when you go to get fingerprints taken. You may have to pay a fee.Your complete mailing address (certificates will be sent directly to you).Step 2. Submit the certificatesInclude the police certificates with your application.If the police authorities notify you that they will submit the certificates directly to us, include this notice with your application.All police certificates must be originals; photocopies are not acceptable.If your certificates are in a language other than English or French, attach an original translation prepared by an accredited translator.What if I cannot get the police certificates?If you cannot get police certificates from any of the countries where you have lived, you must provide a written explanation with your application and an original letter from the police authority confirming that they will not issue a certificate.
谢谢解答。几乎每年一个变化,我还是附上所有的option c,加cover letter解释说明一下好了。sponsor除了补option Cs,还有什么需要准备的吗?如果现在需要加上我老公做co-sign,是否需要公证我们的结婚证(回中国领的)?
iceblue 说:谢谢解答。几乎每年一个变化,我还是附上所有的option c,加cover letter解释说明一下好了。sponsor除了补option Cs,还有什么需要准备的吗?如果现在需要加上我老公做co-sign,是否需要公证我们的结婚证(回中国领的)?点击展开...另外加co-sign这个事儿最好问问移民局,以前不是随便加加剪剪的。人口数变化的详细说明肯定要,其他还真不知道。
双加 说:进来敬仰一下楼主,太好人一个了!我至今什么也没收到,凑热闹也提个问题行吗?:需要父母双方的无犯罪记录公证对吧?这公证有效期多久啊?点击展开...三个月,我以前在国内办过
hedyliu99 说:除了无犯罪记录公证有有效期,其他公证有有效期吗?出生公证、户口本公证和父母结婚证公证几年前就做好了。还要从做吗?多谢!点击展开...其它公证理论上没有实效性。但结婚公证最好问一下移民局。报税每年还问婚姻状况是否变化呢,谨慎点儿没坏处。再说一次,户口不需要公证。有护照就足够满足那个• National IDs, family/household registry/book (if applicable)了
tuliphardy 说:其它公证理论上没有实效性。但结婚公证最好问一下移民局。报税每年还问婚姻状况是否变化呢,谨慎点儿没坏处。 再说一次,户口不需要公证。有护照就足够满足那个• National IDs, family/household registry/book (if applicable)了点击展开... 那需要不需要交户口薄的复印件呢?还有身份证?谢谢!
tuliphardy 说:其它公证理论上没有实效性。但结婚公证最好问一下移民局。报税每年还问婚姻状况是否变化呢,谨慎点儿没坏处点击展开...那我和我老公的结婚公证呢?都是十多年前办移民时做的。谢谢。
结婚证公证有时效,六个月,但是,我家这些年一直在用这个移民时 办的,所以感觉要求不严格。
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