加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民体检复检通知,不知道检什么?
刚刚收到一下来信,有经验的朋友能讲讲那这个信去诊所以后干什么呢?诊所知道复检什么项目吗?------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dear applicant,Your immigration medical examination result has been received and in order to complete the assessment additional information is required. Please print out a copy of this message and present it to the panel physician who did your initial immigration medical examination. In exceptional situations, you may utilize the services of another panel physician used for Canadian immigration examinations (http://www.cic.gc.ca/pp-md/pp-list.aspx). Exceptional circumstances include: moving to a new location making it difficult to visit the original panel physician, or the original panel physician is no longer available. You have 60 days from the date of this letter to comply with this request.Kind regards, Regional Medical Office (RMO)- Manila Embassy of Canada Manila
我父亲也是这样的, 给原体检中心打电话,后来复查了神经内科和心内科的东西, 医生说其实大使馆就是让医生出具一份未来5年还是10年身体状况的预测报告
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