加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民美国签证 - 问问美国签证
约好周一早八点去签证, 看望生病的父亲。 问下有什么注意事项嘛? 需要排队嘛? 还是八点一到马上会面官员。 来了一年, 有工作证明(维修电脑)。 。。。 偶是翻译~ 谢谢先~
一天省一块钱, 你可以改变一个孩子的一生… 请点击-- > Compassion Canada 回复: 问问美国签证help please~
一天省一块钱, 你可以改变一个孩子的一生… 请点击-- > Compassion Canada 回复: 问问美国签证不知道,帮顶吧!
回复: 问问美国签证不知道,帮顶吧!点击展开...感动得偶 加你声望了~
一天省一块钱, 你可以改变一个孩子的一生… 请点击-- > Compassion Canada 回复: 问问美国签证需要排队
回复: 问问美国签证祝你好运
回复: 问问美国签证进了大屋子还要等。有时候满满一屋子人呢。注意不要带手机等任何电子设备。
回复: 问问美国签证似乎和在中国的美领馆签证的要求一样吧。
回复: 问问美国签证祝LZ顺利得签!
回复: 问问美国签证反正就是去坦白自己没有移民倾向,然后签证官的心情很重要
回复: 问问美国签证最好别说去看望父亲,照顾父亲,就说去购物,shopping 应该更容易
Baby tell me how can I tell u that I love u more than life. Show me how can I show u that I am blinded by ur light. When u touch me I can touch u to find out the dream is true. I love to be loved by u.回复: 问问美国签证拿到签证应该几乎没什么难度吧? 几点预约的无所谓,进去了从新安排号. 反正越早越好. 我们俩人签的时候那个签证官把我们的FOLDER都已经合上了然后和我们说了2句话就签了. "早点吃的什么?""豆浆油条""甜浆还是咸浆?""咸的""欢迎来美国!"
回复: 问问美国签证进了大屋子还要等。有时候满满一屋子人呢。 注意不要带手机等任何电子设备。点击展开...偶惨辽~ 难怪朋友律师说可以帮找翻译陪同但要收$200. 想起来以前去签证的银说, 领事馆附近的灌木丛里藏有大量手机,随身听等电器。 大概要排多久泥?
一天省一块钱, 你可以改变一个孩子的一生… 请点击-- > Compassion Canada 最好别说去看望父亲,照顾父亲,就说去购物,shopping 应该更容易点击展开...朋友还有姐姐在美国, 说去看父亲肯定要被拷问一盘到底有木有移民倾向~ 可能还要问医生证明,姐姐的详细情况等等。 还是shopping简单, 也不用带翻译, 翻译有时候越翻译解释越麻烦~
一天省一块钱, 你可以改变一个孩子的一生… 请点击-- > Compassion Canada 回复: 问问美国签证一般说shopping简单些,大家都是这个理由,美国人也欢迎你去花钱一般就问俩三个问题,不用紧张
回复: 问问美国签证拿到签证应该几乎没什么难度吧? 几点预约的无所谓,进去了从新安排号. 反正越早越好. 我们俩人签的时候那个签证官把我们的FOLDER都已经合上了然后和我们说了2句话就签了. "早点吃的什么?""豆浆油条""甜浆还是咸浆?""咸的""欢迎来美国!"点击展开...签证官心情好啊,你们排队等了多久?
一天省一块钱, 你可以改变一个孩子的一生… 请点击-- > Compassion Canada 一般说shopping简单些,大家都是这个理由,美国人也欢迎你去花钱一般就问俩三个问题,不用紧张点击展开...对呀, shopping再怎么审问也问不出个啥~
一天省一块钱, 你可以改变一个孩子的一生… 请点击-- > Compassion Canada 回复: 问问美国签证恩 倒是一个有用的经验!
回复: 问问美国签证约好周一早八点去签证, 看望生病的父亲。 问下有什么注意事项嘛? 需要排队嘛? 还是八点一到马上会面官员。 来了一年, 有工作证明(维修电脑)。 。。。 偶是翻译~ 谢谢先~点击展开...DOCUMENTS REQUIRED SHOWING TIES TO CANADA: You MUST ATTEND the interview in person and take the following forms: (1) Attached herein is the official DS-156 form. Please print the DS-156 form and sign page 2, section 41 (applicant's signature). Please ensure that you take this official DS-156 Form to the Consulate; (2) I have also attached a DS-157 form. Please print out the attached DS-157 form and COMPLETE it by hand. Again, please ensure that you take the DS-157 Form to the Consulate; When you attend the interview at the US Consulate, you must present BOTH the completed DS-156 form and DS-157 form to the Consular official. When you attend the interview the U.S. Consular official will also want to see proof of your ties to Canada. Please try to obtain the following documents in preparation for your interview at the U.S. Consulate: (3) Please obtain a letter from your employer. The letter should be on company letterhead. The letter should state the employer's full name and be signed by him or her. The contents of the letter should state your full name, your position or job title, the date you commenced employment, and your current salary. If the purpose of the trip to the U.S. is in connection with your place of work, the letter should mention the trip details and also that your company (in Canada) will cover all expenses for the trip. The letter should finally state the contact details of the employer in case the Visa Officer needs to contact him or her; (4) you must take your ORIGINAL Permanent Resident card (you may also take your Record of Landing if you still have this document in your possession); (5) you must take your ORIGINAL valid passport; (6) you must take a few Utility bills for the last 3 months that show your name and address; (7) your property deed or lease/rental agreement showing your place of residency in Canada; (8) Your insurance policy showing that you are the policy holder OR the beneficiary (if you have insurance); (9) Any original identity documents for you (i.e. Original Driver's Licence, Original Health Card, etc.); (10) Please take your automobile insurance (if you drive);(11) a print out of a "Statement of Account"(s) from your bank;(12) If you have a credit card or debit card (showing your name), please show these documents to the Visa Official; (13) If you are flying to the U.S., please take your flight tickets;
回复: 问问美国签证签证要准时到场,最好提前半个小时排队,一般情况是先到的先签。签证时一般签证官问你:1、什么时候到的加拿大2、到美国干什么3、在加拿大工作多长时间4、查看银行帐单5、以前是否到过美国6、美国是否有亲属,做什么等等,这要依据你的申请表填的相关内容来问,所以签证前要对你所填表的内容进行准备。至于说是到美国购物还是说旅游,都可以,但要理由充足。比如你的旅行计划(我们就是说旅游,虽然没有什么机票或旅行社之类的证明,但我们有计划,告诉签证官)。
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