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核心提示:在大多数人看来,可怕暴风来临的景象无疑是人间地狱的场面,然而对于一些人来说,经历一场全速龙卷风却是他们的梦想。他们便是“追风族”,一个人数不多的冒险者组织。追踪龙卷风并将它们拍摄下来让他们兴奋不已。 追风人冒死拍下壮观龙卷风照片网易探索4月1日报道 据英国《每日邮报》消息,在大多数人看来,可怕暴风来临的景象无疑是人间地狱的场面,然而对于一些人来说,经历一场全速龙卷风却是他们的梦想。他们便是“追风族”,一个人数不多的冒险者组织。他们会因追踪龙卷风而兴奋不已。 以上的照片是由风暴追逐者迈克-霍林西德和埃里克-尼古耶拍摄的。对他俩来说,为了找到“最爱”,每天驾车500英里实在算不上什么。这些照片既展示了龙卷风的致命危险,也展示出它惊人的美。“追风族”很快就能学会判读天气征候,塔状积云,或者说是絮云通常就预示着要发生什么。而最有希望的征候是“阵风锋”。龙卷风能连根拔起树木,能象撒糖果一样把汽车扔向空中,把整座城镇夷为平地。但是,令“追风族”陶醉其中的是追逐的兴奋和它最狂野最绚烂的自然美景。 据报道,美国每年多达800股龙卷风袭击,大部分龙卷风肆虐于中西部大草原,这里也是“追风族”称之为“龙卷风领地”的地方。风暴形成起源于美国中西部独特的天气,这里常有的低压系统使得墨西哥南部湿润温暖的气流流向落基山脉冷而干的气流以及西部沙漠温暖而干燥气流。这些相冲突的大气体系产生了快速旋转的大块气团,也叫超级雷雨胞母体。大团上升气流尤其会在闷热的午后形成,并开始旋转。很快形成独特的黑色猪嘴云,当黑色猪嘴云接触到地面的时候,龙卷风就诞生了。龙卷风的风速可达每小时300英里。
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回复: 美国“追风族”冒死拍下壮观龙卷风现场偶曾经梦见过水边三个巨型黑柱状龙卷风正在逼近,有解梦高手么?给解解
感谢生命中的一切人和事,无论好与坏,无论对与错,无论爱与恨,施予的都是收获 回复: 美国“追风族”冒死拍下壮观龙卷风现场上Youtube找,很多这样的家庭录像看腻了。。。。。。。
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超级签证保险/探亲保险/新移民保险/外出旅游保险/人寿保险 416-834-9204 (Toronto)/ 403-228-1798 (Calgary)/ 604-637-2195 (Vancouver) 1-877-834-9204(Toll Free) 网站: [email protected]; [email protected]回复: 美国“追风族”冒死拍下壮观龙卷风现场真是很美!也很恐怖。
Sometimes I wonder if men and women really suit each other. Perhaps they should live next door and just visit now and then.回复: 美国“追风族”冒死拍下壮观龙卷风现场很壮观!我也想去拍如果能把三脚架支起来拍效果应该更好只怕跑不掉了就
回复: 美国“追风族”冒死拍下壮观龙卷风现场很壮观!我也想去拍如果能把三脚架支起来拍效果应该更好只怕跑不掉了就点击展开...跑不掉索性就改为"航拍",还省了租飞机的钱了。
万帐穹庐人醉,星影摇摇欲坠。回复: 美国“追风族”冒死拍下壮观龙卷风现场LS的(指9楼,大江你也太快了---开心!)可以住在这里拍火山,好象很安全Stubborn homeowners live by oozing volcano(ZT) KALAPANA, Hawaii (AP) -- As fiery lava pours down Kilauea volcano toward Jean Olson's lonely wooden house, incinerating everything in its path, there's no place she'd rather be. Jean Olson's house sits atop of an active lava field, with volcanic gas billowing on March 19 in Kalapana.1 of 3 Why would I live here if I didn't like it? I have the best view of anyone in town," said Olson, who lives just over a mile from fountains of glowing lava spewing into the ocean. "Either she comes or she doesn't. If she comes, we'll pick up and leave."Thousands of visitors a day come to nearby Hawaii Volcanoes National Park to watch Kilauea erupt, something it has been doing for a quarter-century. But some residents live with the boiling lava every day and revel in the notion that their homes and lives are subject to the whims of earth's awesome underground forces.The danger has become clearer in recent weeks.Earlier this month, a two-block-wide swath of lava burned through abandoned homes and reached the ocean. And the first gas explosion at Kilauea's peak since 1924 scattered gravel onto a tourist lookout, road and trail before daybreak last week, injuring no one but spreading fear.Olson and her scattered neighbors have built houses atop blasted land of hardened black crust where previous neighborhoods were destroyed by lava flows in 1990. Most get their power from solar panels, their water from the rain and some of their food from gardens planted between lava rocks. Until a new lava viewing area began drawing big crowds a few weeks ago, they lived in relative isolation.Don't Miss<LI _extended="true">Hawaiian Volcano Observatory Hawaii Volcanoes National Park"This is heaven on earth," said Edmund Orian, who is building a house by hand out of lava rocks in Kalapana. "Living near a volcano keeps you aware that God is in control. If the lava comes, we can always move."Kilauea has not been the kind of volcano that shoots lava from its summit into the sky, causing widespread destruction for miles around.Instead, it has been a shield volcano, or one that oozes lava from fissures in its sides, giving residents at least a few hours' warning before it reaches their property. An estimated 8,500 people live in the Pahoa-Kalapana area at the volcano's base on the southeastern section of the Big Island.In the 25 years of Kilauea's latest eruption, lava has not directly caused any deaths, according to National Park Service rangers, though there have been five fatalities when sightseers fell, got burned or suffered heart attacks.Brenda Quihano witnessed the volcano obliterate her family's home in 1984, but her family wants to move back if Kilauea ever calms down a bit. She now lives in the Hawaiian Beaches neighborhood about 15 miles away, and the approaching lava doesn't scare her."If you worry about something and it doesn't happen, you look like a fool," said Quihano as she sold water, flashlights and cameras to volcano viewers. "I'm more scared of people than I am a volcano."Lava recently destroyed four old structures in the mostly abandoned Royal Gardens subdivision, though two residents there refuse to move out. The molten rock has cut off Royal Gardens from the rest of the island, and the neighborhood is now accessible only by motorcycle, all-terrain vehicle or helicopter.The current flow comes within 600 feet of the new viewing area, where people can watch the lava roll toward the ocean as it creates thick steam and new land.It is difficult to forecast where the lava will go next or when the next major explosion will come, said Dave Wilson, a seismologist at Hawaiian Volcano Observatory. Significant activity would probably be preceded by hundreds of small earthquakes."At that point, you can say, 'Hey, we need to get everyone out of here because this looks like something bad is going to happen,"' Wilson said.When that time comes, resident Gary Smith will be ready to forsake his two-story house."It's no big deal. You make peace with that when you build here," said Smith, who moved in three years ago. "It's amazing. People can live here and be responsible for themselves and have the government stay out of their lives."Besides lava reflections that paint the sky orange and easy access to the ocean, there's another reason people choose to live near the volcano: the price of land.Property atop lava rock that could be overrun again at any time doesn't sell for much, and no developer is going to spend much on infrastructure for a neighborhood that has disappeared before and will probably do so again.Olson said she paid $3,000 for about six acres in 2000, and Smith put down $95,000 for 21 acres in 2005. Both neighbors work in construction and built their houses themselves."It could come again and wipe this whole community out. Nobody knows," said Michael Silva, co-owner of Kalapana Village Cafe, whose business has increased by a third since the new viewing platform opened. "There's nobody out there that doesn't know what they're buying. Some people, that's the reason they come here, for the thrill of the chance."Resident Brad Wetmore has hosted a few "lava parties" where guests bring smoked salmon, caviar and drinks to enjoy as they watch the glowing sky and smell the salty ocean."They have no fear whatsoever of the lava. They invite the spectacle of seeing it on a daily basis," he said. "We live with it, not against it."E-mail to a friend Copyright 2008 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed
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