加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民U.S. border guards bar skilled Canadian from his job


A highly skilled Canadian telecommunications specialist who worked in Utah for more than a decade has suddenly been denied entry into the U.S. in a case he and others say highlights the increasing difficulties Canadians are facing at the American border. A spokesperson for U.S. Customs and Border protection said there is an increased demand on border guards to be very thorough with NAFTA applicants. Gibbons was recruited by a large U.S. company in 1995, to work as a scientific technician for their Salt Lake City office. He was granted a work visa issued to non-immigrant NAFTA professionals, known as a TN Visa. Gibbons said his company's law firm also secured a permanent waiver, which he needed because of a marijuana possession conviction he received as a teenager. Over the next 12 years, Gibbons said he acquired several U.S. security clearances and built a highly successful career. "I worked for the airport communications systems," Gibbons said. "I installed a 911 system by myself down there. I have worked on their infrastructure and I have probably done more than most of the American citizens have to build their infrastructure." Gibbons and his wife Heather bought a home in Utah. Their daughter married an American serviceman and they now have two U.S.-born grandchildren. In July 2007, the family came back to Canada to visit relatives. Gibbons said he was shocked when U.S. border guards denied him re-entry, despite his valid work visa. Gibbons said he was told he needed to get a new waiver for his 30-year-old marijuana conviction. He turned his family around and spent four months in Canada, applying for and getting the waiver, while his company kept his job for him. His dilemma worsened when he tried to go home again. A new U.S. border guard refused to allow him in, despite the new waiver, because, Gibbons said, the guard decided Gibbons suddenly wasn't qualified for his job or his visa. http://www.cbc.ca/canada/british-columbia/story/2008/03/31/bc-borderblocked.html

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