加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民爸妈四签成功,刚拿到签证,高兴中!
经过37天的煎熬,昨晚收到大好消息,爸妈终于收到香港领事馆寄来的签证,心头大石总算落下! 这是爸妈第四次申请,前面三次均被拒(一年前了),所以坛子里的XDJM们别灰心,功夫不负有心人,一定能成的!!
回复: 爸妈四签成功,刚拿到签证,高兴中!能介绍这次签成的经验吗?请告诉哪些教训要吸取,谢谢!
回复: 爸妈四签成功,刚拿到签证,高兴中!肯定是申请者或是邀请者的一些条件在这一年多有明显的改变,GX LZ啦!一般拒签这么多次还坚持的老人不多。
回复: 爸妈四签成功,刚拿到签证,高兴中!恭喜!
You are my pot of gold at the end of rainbow.回复: 爸妈四签成功,刚拿到签证,高兴中!恭喜恭喜
回复: 爸妈四签成功,刚拿到签证,高兴中!Thanks for the response. (Sorry, I don't have Chinese input software at work.)My parents applied in HK all four times. Among these four times, my parents' situation didn't change much - both retired with regular pension income; owner of a few real estate properties; investment in the stock market.My experience is that amount of saving in the bank doesn't really matter but the regular and steady income does. Also, the invitation letter is very important. When my parents applied the first two times in 2006, I was still in China but my sister and her families were here. They didn't have a job but they had a large amount of savings in the bank. Both applications were rejected.I moved to Canada in 2006 and got a job in January 2007 with annual income $36k. I was pregnant then so invited my parents to visit in April 2007 but got rejected again.So when I applied this time, our situation was still not very good. I am the only income earner in the family and my husband is a full time student. Our total family income for 2007 was only 30k. But I got a promotion this year so my annual salary is now $40k (shown on the employment letter) and we have $26k as saving in the bank. I was particularly careful with the invitation letter - I didn't put any emotional stuff there. The letter was factual, neat and straight to the point. It provided a summary of my financial situation, my parents' personal details, and length of their visit, and it confirmed that my parenta would cover all the costs. I also wrote a letter on my father's behalf to the VO to summarize my parents' purpose of visit and their financial status, short and clear, using dot points. Everything that I stated in these two letters was backed with documentation. I mailed in the application this time and waited for 37 days to get the result. I was not optimistic but luckily they got the visa. Hope this summary helps a bit.Good luck to all!
回复: 爸妈四签成功,刚拿到签证,高兴中!谢谢LZ分享,恭喜!!!!
家住素里QQ群,群号82591745,欢迎加入~大家可以通过加入QQ群,找到我微信,然后加入家住素里微信群。谢谢!回复: 爸妈四签成功,刚拿到签证,高兴中!恭喜!恭喜!
宠辱不惊 闲看庭前花开花落去留无意 漫随天外云卷云舒回复: 爸妈四签成功,刚拿到签证,高兴中!恭喜并感谢楼主分享!
经验:如何在同时回复多人时使用“引用”功能 http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=217477常用好软件收集(只讨论免费和正版的)回复: 爸妈四签成功,刚拿到签证,高兴中!感谢楼主分享,提供那么详细的信息。
2006年9月4日DHL 递料2006年9月5日HK签收2006年10月4日划款2007年2月9日FN回复: 爸妈四签成功,刚拿到签证,高兴中!恭喜啊
回复: 爸妈四签成功,刚拿到签证,高兴中!我想是因为邀请人的条件变好了(收入及纳税时间),第三次的申请可能是到加时间不够长。
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