加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民工作签证 - 关于加拿大工作签证
回复: 关于加拿大工作签证大家好,在加拿大的朋友能够给我工作offer,如何有工作许可证,那么先工作签证去加拿大,是不是很难呢?要注意什么呢,有没有有经验的人指点一下,本人是化学本科毕业。 谢谢了点击展开...加拿大为了加拿大国内的人力市场的繁荣,对工签发放非常严格.有规定的,除非雇主在加拿大内部雇不到人,而且非常紧急,这种情况移民局确认了清楚后才给发放工签的说.
回复: 关于加拿大工作签证如果能够拿到工作许可证,那我们这里要这样办才好呢?工作签证的机会大吗?谢谢djy000,
回复: 关于加拿大工作签证如果能够拿到工作许可证,那我们这里要这样办才好呢?工作签证的机会大吗?谢谢djy000,点击展开...工作许可最主要地是雇主的OFFER和雇主公司的情况即你的雇主提前申请雇用外籍劳务许可确认信,然后给你此确认信和OFFER.具体见你需要提交的文件:Working temporarily in Canada: Eligibility to applyYou almost always have to apply for a work permit from outside Canada. Sometimes, you can apply from inside or as you enter Canada. Many of the requirements are the same.Learn about:Eligibility to apply from outside CanadaEligibility to apply from inside CanadaEligibility to apply as you enter CanadaEligibility to apply from outside CanadaTo apply for a work permit from outside Canada, you must submit the following documents:a job offer from a Canadian employera completed application, that shows that you meet the requirements of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act and the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations, and written confirmation from Human Resources and Social Development Canada (HRSDC) that the employer can hire a foreign worker to fill the job. This confirmation is called a positive labour market opinion. In most cases, it is up to your employer to get that written confirmation. Information on the labour market opinion is found under Information for Canadian employers on the right-hand side of this page. In some cases, you do not need a labour market opinion. (See Jobs that require a work permit but no labour market opinion.) You must also do the following:Satisfy a visa officer that you will leave Canada at the end of your work permit.Show that you have enough money to support yourself and your family while you are in Canada.Respect the law and have no criminal record. (You may have to provide a police clearance certificate. See Have a medical exam or criminal check done in the I Need To… section on the right-hand side of this page.)Show that you are not a risk to the security of Canada.Be in good health. (You may have to have a medical examination.)Some temporary foreign workers can have Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) start processing their work permit applications before a Canadian visa office has an approved labour market opinion. To find out more, see Concurrent processing: NOC, levels O, A and B in the Related Links section at the bottom of this page. 粉色的部分比较难得到.也就是你的雇主得到了加拿大人力资源和社会发展部的考察确认信.这个确认信是批准了该公司允许雇佣外国人来加拿大工作的许可.你的雇主给你OFFER的同时要给你这个确认信.你才有资格申请工作许可.
回复: 关于加拿大工作签证非常感谢,djy000.
回复: 关于加拿大工作签证MARK~
08年4月17,HK签收08年5月23,雅思出成绩(5,7,5,4.5)08年6月2,汇票解付08年11月17日,FN.按现有雅思成绩,自评69分.回复: 关于加拿大工作签证路过
回复: 关于加拿大工作签证朋友光给你工作还不够,要申请HRSDC的LMO,然后再申请签证
回复: 关于加拿大工作签证good luck
永不放弃回复: 关于加拿大工作签证加油!!大家梦想都实现!!
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