加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民求教: 给父母申请美国签证


父母来了想让他们去美国看一看, 多伦多的很难约上面试,所以约了沃太华的. 请问最近通过率怎么样? 我都需要准备哪些材料. 我哥在美国,要告诉签证官吗,可不可以让我哥发一个邀请函? 多谢任何回复!

超级签证保险/探亲保险/新移民保险/外出旅游保险/人寿保险 416-834-9204 (Toronto)/ 403-228-1798 (Calgary)/ 604-637-2195 (Vancouver) 1-877-834-9204(Toll Free) 网站: [email protected]; [email protected]回复: 求教: 给父母申请美国签证你可以到美国话题那个去查询,很全面。

回复: 求教: 给父母申请美国签证你可以到美国话题那个去查询,很全面。点击展开...在哪,能给个链接吗?

超级签证保险/探亲保险/新移民保险/外出旅游保险/人寿保险 416-834-9204 (Toronto)/ 403-228-1798 (Calgary)/ 604-637-2195 (Vancouver) 1-877-834-9204(Toll Free) 网站: [email protected]; [email protected] 2008-11-06#4 Albert Zhou
3,028 $0.00 加拿大探亲人员申请美国签证时,签证官最可能问到的问题加拿大探亲人员申请美国签证时,签证官最可能问到的问题随着中国来加新移民工作生活的逐渐稳定, 来加探亲的中国老人逐年增加, 而来加探亲人员在加期间只可以到加拿大以外 美国旅行而不影响再回到 加拿大, 而到其它国家安全则无法返回 加拿大 (这里指持有一次来加签证人士)。 又因美国与加拿大是邻居, 很多老人 都想在加其间 能有机会到美国转一转, 因申请签证人员 太多.不仅约期也很困难, (根据我的经验, 你可以在凌晨 2-3点试一试预约, 据说Ottawa 通过的比率比Toronto 的大。) 即使约上后, 被拒的可能性很大, 因此 在签证面试 做好 充分准备就显得尤为重要。 其中最重要一点是对签证 官可能会问到的问题做好准备。 根据本人和很多 朋友 的经验, 签证官在面试时问的最多的问题是:1.申请人在加拿大的身份;2.协办人在加拿大的身份;3.到美国的目的;4.美国是否有亲属, 若有, 亲属在美的身份;5.为何必申请人不在中国申请美国签证而在加拿大申请;6.在美国居住旅游时间;7.是否购买探亲医疗保险。在回答以上问题时,若有相关 证明文件, 则获得签证官信任 而通过签证 的可能性大增. 另外写一封有说服力的申请信对申请也很有利。如果大家 愿意, 可以试着讨论一下对这些问题怎么回答拿到签证的可能性比较大, 以对将来要申请的朋友能做到心中有数, 有所帮助。最后祝大家申请签证一切都顺利。

超级签证保险/探亲保险/新移民保险/外出旅游保险/人寿保险 416-834-9204 (Toronto)/ 403-228-1798 (Calgary)/ 604-637-2195 (Vancouver) 1-877-834-9204(Toll Free) 网站: [email protected]; [email protected] 2008-11-07#5 Albert Zhou
3,028 $0.00 成功收到父母申请美国签证I wrote a visa application letter on behalf of my parents like this :_________________________________________________________Letter of Visa ApplicationNovember 1, 2008 Dear Sir/Madam,Time flies like an arrow. We have been in Canada for over 3 months. We are so happy and proud of having this chance to visit Canada. We are currently spending valuable time with my son XXX and his family in Canada and have been enjoying the beautiful view and nice culture here very much. But, most of our old friends are in China and because of the language barrier, sometimes we still feel lonely. What’s more, we have a grandson in China who needs us to take care of. Even we can talk with them over the phone. We still miss them very much. So we’ll go back China within one month. As you know, because of the age, we even don’t know if we still have chance to come here, there is one thing we still feel regret. We have never had the opportunity to spend any time with - my first son, daughter-in-law, and two grandsons, even though they have been in the US for over 13 years. All of their family members are US citizens. My First son , a geologist , is very busy with his work and he seldom goes back to China. We miss him and his family a lot. He always tells us that the United States is so close to Canada and The U.S.A is a great country. As it is well known, the U.S.A is a vast and beautiful country and the residents in U.S.A are very nice and friendly, we would like very much to take this opportunity to have a short visit to them and the country in person, and see how they live and work in U.S. A. Then when we go back to China, we will have more things to share with our old friends in China. Please give us Visa. We promise we will respect U.S.A Laws and leave the U.S.A on time.Thank you in advance for your concern.Sincerely,

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