加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民请问:把保姆办过来会不会影响担保父母探亲呢
-闪亮旅程-回复: 请问:把保姆办过来会不会影响担保父母探亲呢?保姆不是那么好办的,英语能过关?
回复: 请问:把保姆办过来会不会影响担保父母探亲呢?保姆不是那么好办的,英语能过关?点击展开...说的是。保姆35岁,也许还能教教。如果宝宝过来,我们两个都上班,送幼儿园去又担心生病,那更麻烦了。而且小宝宝从7个月大就一直跟她玩,到现在,已经快一年了,生活习惯都很协调。另外,当地雇佣保姆,都很贵,真不是我现在打工这点银子能负担得起的。
http://www.canadameet.com回复: 请问:把保姆办过来会不会影响担保父母探亲呢?你以为广东搬北京吗?保母能带走? 费用比当地还高. 或许另有原因吧.
回复: 请问:把保姆办过来会不会影响担保父母探亲呢?你以为广东搬北京吗?保母能带走? 费用比当地还高. 或许另有原因吧.点击展开...应该是为了孩子
http://www.canadameet.com回复: 请问:把保姆办过来会不会影响担保父母探亲呢?1, 前期办理要花费.20,000CAD, 2, 如果你老婆打LABOR 工,拿回的钱不够付保母工资, (要付加班, 要帮交税).3,为何不是老婆自己带孩子.,花钱少.为孩子吗??
回复: 请问:把保姆办过来会不会影响担保父母探亲呢?1, 前期办理要花费.20,000CAD, 2, 如果你老婆打LABOR 工,拿回的钱不够付保母工资, (要付加班, 要帮交税).3,为何不是老婆自己带孩子.,花钱少. 为孩子吗??点击展开...Hihi, as a matter of fact, i'm the "老婆". I have job right now, even though is not a high pay job, but i think it would assist me to sponsor my parents' visiting. My husband may have to transport between china and canada, so i need a person to look after my young baby. alanlong, i don't know it would be so expensive to gp through the whole process. could you pls. tell me much more details about that?Can i just pay an agreed salary which is lower than the state level? Or maybe i can't do it in that way, as all pay will be reflected in the annual tax return?One more question, whether she need to take IELTS test? if not, how to test her english level? and will an interview will be arranged? Sorry for so many questions, thanks for alanlong and all other friends. regards,
-闪亮旅程-办保姆需要签劳动合同,工资不能低于最低工资要求,要为保姆交退休金和失业保险,另外要提供国家规定的带薪假日和提供免费住宿,办工作签证也要花费不少,必在当地请保姆开销要大。点击展开... Hi new_mic, thanks a lot for your understanding!could you pls. kindly find a time to tell me more details about that? or is there any other resources woul let me know the total expense and regulation? i just wanna to pay her at the Chinese level, and pay her an annual leave with round way air ticket. To recruit a canada local Nany (maybe wrong spelling), i thought it would be expensive as i have to pay overtime, right?
-闪亮旅程-回复: 请问:把保姆办过来会不会影响担保父母探亲呢?把保姆办过来?你需要先在加登找保姆的招聘广告,然后证明在加找不到保姆了,才能把自己的保姆办过来的。加国政府考虑的肯定是先满足自己国人的工作需求。
09年9.25长登密西沙加。有没有坐船去加拿大的?坐飞机太累,而且咱不赶时间http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?p=8750770主管到我桌前问are you willing to work with us?我说surehttp://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=633658Hi new_mic, thanks a lot for your understanding!could you pls. kindly find a time to tell me more details about that? or is there any other resources woul let me know the total expense and regulation? i just wanna to pay her at the Chinese level, and pay her an annual leave with round way air ticket. To recruit a canada local Nany (maybe wrong spelling), i thought it would be expensive as i have to pay overtime, right?点击展开...It is illegal to pay the care giver at Chinese level. You must at least pay minimum wage and all benefits an employee is entitled to. And you need to show proof that you can afford to hire her before she can apply her visa.
http://www.canadameet.comIt is illegal to pay the care giver at Chinese level. You must at least pay minimum wage and all benefits an employee is entitled to. And you need to show proof that you can afford to hire her before she can apply her visa.点击展开...Oh New Mic, thanks a lot for you information.I'd like to think twice. If it's not practicle, i may have to look for some private daycare.
-闪亮旅程-Oh New Mic, thanks a lot for you information.I'd like to think twice. If it's not practicle, i may have to look for some private daycare.点击展开...U were misleaded by some members. As I know for this live-in caregiver program, you don't need to pay a lot for the process of hiring Chinese nanny. Some agency offer free charge for the employers. But u do have to meet a certain income standard (probably about CAD40000/year for the whole family) and u need to have a seperate room for her to stay. The salary you should pay her is about CAD1500, but u can reduce the charge for room and meals, which is about CAD380 or so, so the actual salary u pay her would be much lower than hire someone from local, not to mention it's hard to find a nanny who is willing to live in locally. For the nannys to get a visa as well as a work permit, she must have a certificate that proves she had taken a special training course (LCTC-live in caregiver training course) or has at least one year full time paid job that is related to livein caregiver job. Also she must pass the interview in the embassy as well as the medical exam.Her Oral English should be fine enough for basic communication, though Ielt is not needed. For further information, feel free to contact me! Good night and Good luck!
回复: 请问:把保姆办过来会不会影响担保父母探亲呢?U were misleaded by some members. As I know for this live-in caregiver program, you don't need to pay a lot for the process of hiring Chinese nanny. Some agency offer free charge for the employers. But u do have to meet a certain income standard (probably about CAD40000/year for the whole family) and u need to have a seperate room for her to stay. The salary you should pay her is about CAD1500, but u can reduce the charge for room and meals, which is about CAD380 or so, so the actual salary u pay her would be much lower than hire someone from local, not to mention it's hard to find a nanny who is willing to live in locally. For the nannys to get a visa as well as a work permit, she must have a certificate that proves she had taken a special training course (LCTC-live in caregiver training course) or has at least one year full time paid job that is related to livein caregiver job. Also she must pass the interview in the embassy as well as the medical exam.Her Oral English should be fine enough for basic communication, though Ielt is not needed. For further information, feel free to contact me! Good night and Good luck!点击展开...OOh, xtalj, thanks a lot for your information, i may bother you sometime later. Good night to u, too
-闪亮旅程-回复: 请问:把保姆办过来会不会影响担保父母探亲呢?以保姆身份进入加国的一定要通过加国指定认证部门的考试,当然包括英语日常用语,至少经过脱产半年的培训才能考试,北京有加国认证的培训机构,要二万.
回复: 请问:把保姆办过来会不会影响担保父母探亲呢?都在这儿,自己看吧。你的孩子为什么不能进幼儿园呢?申请保姆过来,真是不嫌麻烦啊!http://www.cic.gc.ca/EnGLIsh/work/caregiver/apply-how.asp
回复: 请问:把保姆办过来会不会影响担保父母探亲呢?都在这儿,自己看吧。你的孩子为什么不能进幼儿园呢?申请保姆过来,真是不嫌麻烦啊!http://www.cic.gc.ca/EnGLIsh/work/caregiver/apply-how.asp点击展开... 不好做吧,一般工作广告出来总能收到几百封应聘信的。 The first step in the Live-In Caregiver Program is for the person who wishes to employ a live-in caregiver to send a request to Human Resources and Social Development Canada-Service Canada (HRSDC-Service Canada). See instructions for employers in Information for Canadian employers on the right-hand side of this page.HRSDC-Service Canada will check to see that no Canadian citizen or permanent resident in Canada is qualified and available to take the job of live-in caregiver with the future employer. Once this is confirmed, HRSDC-Service Canada will approve the job offer and send the future employer a confirmation letter. The letter confirms that there is a need for this job in Canada and that the employer can proceed to hire a foreign worker to do this job. The letter also confirms that the wages and working conditions offered by the prospective employer meet provincial employment standards and are equivalent to those wages paid to Canadians in the same occupation.HRSDC-Service Canada will tell your employer to send a copy of the confirmation letter to you. You both must also sign an employer?employee contract that meets the labour standards and working conditions in the province where you will be working. The next step is for you to apply for a work permit.
http://www.canadameet.com回复: 请问:把保姆办过来会不会影响担保父母探亲呢?想不通,有什么理由需要把保姆办过来,呵呵
陋室空堂,当年笏满床;衰草枯杨,曾为歌舞场;蛛丝儿结满雕梁。绿纱今又糊在蓬窗上。说什么脂正浓、粉正香,如何两鬓又成霜?昨日黄土陇头送白骨,今宵红灯帐底卧鸳鸯。金满箱,银满箱,展眼乞丐人皆谤,正叹他人命不长,那知自己归来丧。训有方,保不定日后作强梁;择膏梁,谁承望流落在烟花巷。自嫌纱帽小,致使锁枷扛。昨怜破袄冷,今嫌紫蟒长。回复: 请问:把保姆办过来会不会影响担保父母探亲呢?not easy
回复: 请问:把保姆办过来会不会影响担保父母探亲呢?说的是。保姆35岁,也许还能教教。如果宝宝过来,我们两个都上班,送幼儿园去又担心生病,那更麻烦了。而且小宝宝从7个月大就一直跟她玩,到现在,已经快一年了,生活习惯都很协调。另外,当地雇佣保姆,都很贵,真不是我现在打工这点银子能负担得起的。点击展开...且不说你不可能把保姆办过去,就算真能过去,你能耽负得起保姆的费用吗,加国法律,被雇人员工资每小时不得低于8-10加元,(所以在那里,员工的工资有时比老板的高,因为老板不见得每天能嫌到钱,但员工的钱你一分不能少)。每天工作不能高于6-8小时,你家保姆可是24小时跟着你,你算算,她的工资是多少,就算你不差钱,加国政府会告你过度剥削。同学,您可真能想。人在加国怎么还是中国的思维方式。
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