加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民美国签证 - 我有美国的多次往返的签证,到美国
回复: 我有美国的多次往返的签证,到美国想顺路去加拿大能否过境签呢?是否还需要在办一个加拿大的签证呢?点击展开...嗯
http://www.canadameet.com回复: 我有美国的多次往返的签证,到美国想顺路去加拿大能否过境签呢?过境温哥华机场不用。
回复: 我有美国的多次往返的签证,到美国想顺路去加拿大能否过境签呢?过境温哥华机场不用。点击展开...过境签证是免费的,可以在加拿大停留7天。 没有签证如果在机场被移民官查到,可能会被禁止到加拿大若干年。
回复: 我有美国的多次往返的签证,到美国想顺路去加拿大能否过境签呢?过境签证是免费的,可以在加拿大停留7天。 没有签证如果在机场被移民官查到,可能会被禁止到加拿大若干年。点击展开...是在美国事先办好签证还是到加拿大落地签?
回复: 我有美国的多次往返的签证,到美国想顺路去加拿大能否过境签呢?是在美国事先办好签证还是到加拿大落地签?点击展开...落地就晚了。
http://www.canadameet.com回复: 我有美国的多次往返的签证,到美国想顺路去加拿大能否过境签呢?现在不是过境免签48小时么?!
回复: 我有美国的多次往返的签证,到美国想顺路去加拿大能否过境签呢?加拿大政府推出为期一年的试验计划,给予持美国签证中国公民免签证过境温哥华的待遇。不过,反对党则指新措施并不能为加拿大带来具有极高消费潜力的中国旅客。 周四(7月30日),联邦公民、移民暨多元文化部长康尼(Jason Kenney)联同国际贸易兼亚太门户部长戴国卫(Stockwell Day),在温哥华国际机场宣布,加拿大政府将推出一项中国旅客的为期一年的试验计划,允许持有美国签证的中国公民在温哥华国际机场过境转机时,无需再申请加拿大过境签证。这一措施适用于从北京、上海、广州、马尼拉和台北5个城市直飞温哥华的指定航空公司,这些获得授权的境内航空公司包括中国的三大航空公司国际航空、东方航空和南方航空,以及国泰航空、中华航空、菲律宾航空和泰国航空。 目前,持有美国签证的中国公民,如需要从温哥华国际机场转机,必须向加拿大驻外使领馆申请“过境签证”(Transit Visa)。根据加拿大政府网站的资料,在加拿大北京大使馆申请48小时内过境签证,无需缴付费用。
做随性而不放任的计划,过简单而不枯燥的生活。 加拿大政府推出为期一年的试验计划,给予持美国签证中国公民免签证过境温哥华的待遇。不过,反对党则指新措施并不能为加拿大带来具有极高消费潜力的中国旅客。 周四(7月30日),联邦公民、移民暨多元文化部长康尼(Jason Kenney)联同国际贸易兼亚太门户部长戴国卫(Stockwell Day),在温哥华国际机场宣布,加拿大政府将推出一项中国旅客的为期一年的试验计划,允许持有美国签证的中国公民在温哥华国际机场过境转机时,无需再申请加拿大过境签证。这一措施适用于从北京、上海、广州、马尼拉和台北5个城市直飞温哥华的指定航空公司,这些获得授权的境内航空公司包括中国的三大航空公司国际航空、东方航空和南方航空,以及国泰航空、中华航空、菲律宾航空和泰国航空。 目前,持有美国签证的中国公民,如需要从温哥华国际机场转机,必须向加拿大驻外使领馆申请“过境签证”(Transit Visa)。根据加拿大政府网站的资料,在加拿大北京大使馆申请48小时内过境签证,无需缴付费用。点击展开...
http://www.canadameet.com回复: 我有美国的多次往返的签证,到美国想顺路去加拿大能否过境签呢?找到了,可官方的没有写作中国的航空公司的飞机可以免签。不如免费签个过境签证来的放心。http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/resources/manuals/bulletins/2009/ob142.aspOperational Bulletin 142 July 30, 2009Transit Without Visa ProgramProgram overview Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC), in cooperation with the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA), has announced the formalization of the Transit Without Visa (TWOV) pilot at Vancouver International Airport into a national program. The TWOV Program, like the pilot, will allow certain foreign nationals with valid United States visas, travelling to and from the United States, to transit Canada without a Canadian visa. The objective of the TWOV Program is to facilitate the movement of bona fide travellers transiting Canada while maintaining the security of Canadians and the integrity of Canada’s immigration and refugee protection programs. The program will also improve the international competitiveness of Canadian airports by making them more attractive to airlines and travellers originating from or destined to the United States. Eligible foreign nationalsThe TWOV Program applies only to nationals of the following four countries:Indonesia The Philippines Taiwan Thailand China* (on a trial basis as described below)In order to be eligible to travel under the TWOV Program, nationals of these countries must:be in possession of a valid United States visa;be in possession of a valid passport issued by the authorities of a participating country;hold a confirmed onward ticket for a connecting flight that departs Canada immediately (foreign nationals transiting Canada under the TWOV Program may not seek entry to Canada as a temporary resident);be arriving in Canada on an airline that has an up-to-date TWOV Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with CIC and the CBSA; andbe transiting through an approved Canadian airport. Eligible airlinesThe following airlines have an up-to-date TWOV MOU with CIC and the CBSA, and are therefore eligible to carry TWOV passengers:Cathay Pacific AirwaysChina AirlinesPhilippine AirlinesEligible airportsCurrently, only the Vancouver International Airport has United States intransit preclearance facilities and an up-to-date TWOV MOU with CIC and the CBSA. As such, it is presently the only Canadian airport that is eligible to receive TWOV flights.TWOV Program expansionAdditional foreign nationals, airlines and airports may be approved by CIC and the CBSA to participate in the Program in the future. Missions will be notified when changes are made to the list of approved program participants.China transit trial CIC, in cooperation with the CBSA, is also introducing a limited one-year China Transit Trial at the Vancouver International Airport as of July 30, 2009. Similar to the TWOV Program, the China Transit Trial will allow Chinese nationals with valid United States visas travelling to and from the United States, to transit the Vancouver International Airport without a Canadian visa. This one year trial is limited to the airlines currently participating in the TWOV Program and the Vancouver International Airport. In addition, Chinese nationals participating in the TWOV Program must have as their last embarkation point one of the following six cities: Beijing;Hong Kong;Shanghai;Guangzhou;Manila; or Taipei.
http://www.canadameet.com回复: 我有美国的多次往返的签证,到美国想顺路去加拿大能否过境签呢?1095 W. Pender St., Vancouver, B.C. V6E 2M6 CanadaTel: 604.685.4311 Fax: 604.685.5285
回复: 我有美国的多次往返的签证,到美国想顺路去加拿大能否过境签呢?首先,你必须正确理解过境.你的顺路可能不是过境.比方说,你从中国->加拿大->美国,从美国->加拿大->香港,算过境加拿大.即经过加拿大去第三国(地区).如果你是美国->加拿大->美国,那就是以加拿大为访问目的地,而非过境.
期权是毒药,以毒攻毒,毒药可治病救人,期权能发家致富.股市有风险,期权更危险,凡跟风者,后果自负.首先,你必须正确理解过境.你的顺路可能不是过境.比方说,你从中国->加拿大->美国,从美国->加拿大->香港,算过境加拿大.即经过加拿大去第三国(地区). 如果你是美国->加拿大->美国,那就是以加拿大为访问目的地,而非过境.点击展开...也有这么过境的,有的时候这么飞便宜。
http://www.canadameet.com回复: 我有美国的多次往返的签证,到美国想顺路去加拿大能否过境签呢?这么飞就不能顺路到加拿大了,楼主的顺路到加拿大应该是要到加拿大玩玩的意思.
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